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Everything posted by VeteranMom

  1. I once bought a Costco card for a family who had fallen on hard times. The Mom tracked down that it was me who purchased the card. She couldn't leave it alone and just accept the gift. It made things very awkward with them. I would never do something like that again- unless I was guaranteed that a person would not find out.
  2. Just my thoughts...It's not your dh's food allergy, so he shouldn't have to stop eating what he wants. I totally "get it" that she is sad. I can't eat wheat or milk and I have missed my favorites at different points. I have my kids on a wheat free diet- one son is very sensitive to it and the other 2 are mildly sensitive. It's not unusual to have someone bring donuts in for a celebration for their basketball team. My kids can't eat the donuts and they used to love donuts. I don't feel it's right to ask the other kids not to eat donuts in front of my kids. I will say I try to find substitute foods for my kids and have done my best to help them find new favorites that they will enjoy. Life is about making adjustments- not about always being upset about what you can't have. This is a life lesson- not just about food.
  3. I send out Christmas cards that I make on Shutterfly. I'm on social media a little bit, but I won't post the Christmas pictures that way. I like to send out and receive hard copies of pictures and cards. I just think it's more personal.
  4. That's me- PCOS, the fibroid, endometriosis. I have had a polyp and a uterine septum removed, too. My uterus has served me well, but has been through an awful lot. Thanks for the positive comments about your experience.
  5. It's doubled in size in the past 2 years and is now 10 cm x 9 cm x 7 cm. It's pedunculated (outside the uterus). My symptoms are bladder issues due to it sitting on my bladder and back discomfort here and there. I'm 45 and done having kids- even though I look like I am about 4 months pregnant. Anyone have any experiences they want to share about fibroids or hysterectomy? I'd appreciate stories and tips.
  6. I take betaine hcl and it's allowed me to stop taking nexium. In addition, I take probiotics, milk thistle (for my liver), Mega B complex, vitamin d, iodine, and magnesium. I do think these things have helped improve some health issues. I have a vitamin B12 and D deficiencies.
  7. Her list is asking for an Emma Swan necklace, cast poster, calendar, pillow case, and a book about the series. I think she's becoming obsessed.
  8. My dd is totally in love with this show and looking at her Christmas list, I am seeing most of what she is asking for is related to this series.
  9. I know a woman who believes things are about to collapse. She is a shut-in. Every time she hears something is about to happen, she shares it with me. I've told her that I understand where she is coming from. I used to feel the same way and would pay close attention to the news. I've had to stop, though. I know she is prepping and spends a good portion of her budget for prepping items. I don't have the heart to tell her that I fully believe she will be attacked and all of her things will be taken if something does really happen. Also, If the air conditioner goes off for a few hot summer days, she will likely not survive. I've told her there is absolutely no way to know what's going to happen and that I can't consume my life with the "what if". I've been kind to her, though.
  10. It depends on where I am. Our grocery store checkers are pretty friendly and will make small talk. Other places I regularly go aren't very friendly, though. I always try to be very respectful to people at the drive thru and say please, thank you, and address others as ma'am and sir. I think I'm usually nicer to the checkers than they are to me.
  11. Laundry, housecleaning, etc. Even when I spend time on it, I never seem to make a big impact and tomorrow the house would be just as dirty anyway! :laugh:
  12. People are going to think what they want about any situation. I'm not a "trophy wife", but I don't work and my husband supports our family. What does that make me? A lazy spender who is 40 pounds overweight? :laugh:
  13. Vitamin deficiencies and hypothyroidism can cause paranoia. I had paranoia when my B12 level was low. It was awful and my mind didn't have a moment's peace. Some medications can cause b12 deficiencies and if a person isn't supplementing with vitamins, all sorts of symptoms can develop. You should start doing some research prior to a doctor's visit (doctors can be dismissive if you haven't done your research). Is your mom on any medications? Even over-the-counter stomach medications like nexium can mess with vitamin absorption.
  14. As a kid, I had 4 permanent and 4 baby teeth pulled before I had braces. My son had 2 permanent teeth pulled a couple of months ago and now has braces. I think having teeth pulled is pretty common. Here is something you didn't mention...was there a consent that you signed before the procedure? I would have expected they would have made you sign a consent. Our consent listed which teeth were being pulled. I would think they would have made you sign a consent, since there are risks involved with pulling teeth.
  15. As a kid, I had 4 permanent and 4 baby teeth pulled before I had braces. My son had 2 permanent teeth pulled a couple of months ago and now has braces. I think having teeth pulled is pretty common. Here is something you didn't mention...was there a consent that you signed before the procedure? I would have expected they would have made you sign a consent. Our consent listed which teeth were being pulled. I would think they would have made you sign a consent, since there are risks involved with pulling teeth.
  16. I really don't think anything of big families that I don't know. I know 2 big families well. Everyone has different priorities and what works for me won't necessarily work for someone else and vice versa. When I was pregnant and pushing around 6 month old twins in a stroller, I had so many people be downright rude with their comments. I know that just because something is unusual doesn't give people permission to judge and lose boundaries when addressing another Mom. The comments can get old, I'm sure.
  17. My ds is 12 and had wet the bed since he was 6. I had the doctors test his blood for food allergies and he came up with food sensitivities to everything- apples, bananas, wheat, soy, milk, and egg whites. He had stomach pain, too, and would complain about it frequently. Initially, I cut out wheat. That cured the stomach issues, but I quickly figured out that it was really the milk problem causing the bed-wetting. My advice is to cut out 1 thing for now, since she is resistant. Try to get her to buy in to what your reasoning is. I'd start with the wheat. If you cut out both things, you aren't going to be able to pinpoint which thing is causing the stomach pain and it's tough on a 6 year old to give up 2 major food ingredients at once. Good luck. I know it's tough to do this kind of things with kids.
  18. I started talking to my dd at 9. That might be late for some girls, though, since I know some girls get their periods at that point. I gave my daughter the American Girl book at that age and we talked about the changes that would start happening with her body. We haven't really stopped talking about things. I've taken it in stages and give her more and more information over time.
  19. You are a zero on your horrible scale. I think you deserve "time off for good behavior" for putting up with them all these years. Take the night off. I just wouldn't let my kids go somewhere like that if I weren't with them. As long as the kids are not going, stay home.
  20. The school year is busy for us- especially as the kids get older. I have made an effort to not have appointments interrupt school time (mid-August through mid-May). I had their teeth cleaning in July and am scheduling my son's oral surgery for the week before he returns to school. The only thing I book for off times is orthodontic appointments.
  21. Have you asked your ds to talk to you about what is going on? What are his feelings? If you know what he's feeling about the travel, you and your dh can establish a plan (with your ds) on how to alleviate the problem. It sounds like your ds is anxious. Does he need more face time with his Dad through skype? Would it help if your dh and ds establish some expectations prior to the trip? Do you mark the calendar with the number of days Dad is gone and when he'll return? That would be something concrete to look at. Do I think you should move? No, definitely not. My dh traveled a lot when my kids were your ds's age. My kids were in the habit of writing Dad a note the night before dh left town and leaving it on his pillow. Dh would write them back and leave the reply for them- answering all their questions and telling them to be good and help mom while he was gone. Travel for work can be hard on a family, but it doesn't sound like your dh's travel is excessive. Your ds should be able to learn to be more resilient. He could just be at a stage where he wants more time with your dh and the travel makes it hard to be without him.
  22. My parents send us each $50 for birthdays and Christmas. I think that's a good amount.
  23. We "get by". We have enough to pay our bills. We seem to spend more than we have, though, and frequently try to figure out how to pay for anything extra- piano lessons, basketball for our kids, eating out, etc. We haven't had a vacation in 4 years, since we don't have the money. It doesn't help that dh hasn't had a raise in 4 years. My kids eat way more than they used to and grocery prices have climbed. Dh's car is 15 years old and we are hoping it hangs on. I worry a lot about money.
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