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Quad Shot Academy

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Everything posted by Quad Shot Academy

  1. The "back to school sickness" that is going around here this year is a really bad cough. One friend got a collapsed lung! The cough is lasting about 6 weeks. All of my friends that have gone to the doc are vaccinated and the doc would not test them for WC, "because it can't be WC if the are vaccinated." :confused: My oldest got sick on Monday. If I end up having to take him in, I know my doc will test him. He already had WC 8 years ago, so I doubt it. Anyway, I remember WC starting off with a very mild cold for a week, then getting a worse and worse cough. At week 3 is when the whoop started. This time my son was fine and in 2 hours was coughing so bad he couldn't breathe. WC always got worse at night too and he is doing fine at night.
  2. :grouphug: FYI: The Homeschool Y program here runs about $10 a day per kid. I was going to do it, but I figured we would be sick so much, it would not be worth it.
  3. But, if she has been severely abused and taught she is crazy, she would be or appear to be *crazy*. One video has her as a newborn staring into space and the mom says something like, "What do you see? Something that mommy and daddy don't?" On another video the dad leaves and she asks where he went and the mom says something like, "He is taking a break. I am your staff for today." In the video where she is "trying to cut her arm off." The mom is practically goading her on and blaming it on the fact that her school is on break! I can't fathom why the parents put these videos are on line and why there aren't any videos of her really in a crisis. These parents seem to record everything, but there is nothing that is disturbing . . . other than the parents, IMHO . . . The make huge claims of her IQ too, but never show her saying or doing anything precocious in the early years. I have been on the suspicious side since seeing the first documentary years ago and am even more so now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tppzfVpcppw&feature=related
  4. I mix 2 T. ground flax and 1/3 c. coconut milk and let sit for 10 minutes. The kids actually prefer this in cookies and brownies, not cake as much. I have even used it in meatloaf and meatballs.
  5. Thank you for all of your responses and for linking the other thread; I missed that one the first time around. Any one else? :bigear:
  6. I am reading Knowing God by J.I. Packer and I was wondering what you think it means to know about God vs. to know God and how to move from one to the other? :bigear:
  7. I have been having a smoothie with: 2 cups spinach, 1 cup coconut milk, 1 serving protein powder and 6 frozen strawberries. I can't do egg or dairy so it has been rough.
  8. I would not hesitate to give the pastor a heads up that a family in his church are in turmoil and ask him to pay a visit. ;)
  9. :iagree: My thyroid goes hyper at 6 weeks post partum and then crashes at about 6 months. She should have a simple blood draw.
  10. I agree that they are boring, but my oldest loves them.
  11. I haven't read the whole thread, so this might have been said, but I would demand that an inquiry into the mission trip be done. How did he manage to sneak that many kids away without any other adults noticing, or worse, did they know and not say anything? Any adult on that trip that knew what happened and said nothing, should never be allowed to be in charge of children again. I am sure the church will take action and remove this man from Children's Ministry, but more than that needs to happen, to make sure this never happens again. The other parents of the children need to be contacted and children that might have been harmed by him need to know they will be believed if they talk. Silence is not best in these types of situations. I am praying that he was caught before he hurt any of the kids at your church. :grouphug:
  12. Personally, I would :auto:, but if you really like it, I would check out the nursing mother's room. I have never been in a nursing mother's room w/o toddlers climbing all over the place.
  13. I would guess she has a lot going on and has probably given up on having close friends or already has enough. She is probably happy to have her boys having friends. My kids used to only be friends with my friends' kids, but now my kids have several friends that I am not friends with their parents and have nothing in common with them. I am thankful that they found friends.
  14. I start by requiring one workbook to be done in cursive, the first semester, then up it to all workbooks. I have them do a few writing assignments in cursive, but typically the next year they start typing them. My children's cursive is way neater than their print. That is interesting because my daughter's dyslexia is so bad that she can not write in print, even while copying she gets 50% of the letters backwards. She rarely gets any cursive letters backwards.
  15. Do you have a link about the new changes? I haven't heard anything! :bigear:
  16. Even though we appear to be the picture perfect HSLDA type family, we have never joined for most of the pp's reasons. I could afford to hire a lawyer and figured I just would if anything happened. I will say that I am questioning that now. I have a friend who had cps come to her house twice during school hours and she was not home. A judge declared her children truant for not being at their school during school hours and gave legal custody of her children to the state while they investigated. I will not go into any more details to protect her privacy, but HSLDA did what I could never do. They had the conections to have multiple experts flown in overnight to evaluate her children and flown back several times to testify in her behalf. I do not have the connections to find experts willing to come to my defense overnight, and probably not that kind of money either. I have had several IRL friends have CPS walk away w/o followup by printing off the homeschool law and showing their children's work. I have had 2 IRL friends refuse to co-operate and call HSLDA and both had year long battles.
  17. :grouphug: Have you looked into Thinkfinity? It is free.
  18. My midwives had me take it while pregnant and nursing. I have done that with 3 babies.
  19. I have been taking it for 8 years and have not noticed any side effects at 50 mg right before bed. My midwives told me to take it while pregnant so it must be pretty safe.
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