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Miss Marple

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  1. Hi CynthiaOK,

    I saw your response on the high school board re: NEM vs AoPS


    You made mention of your eldest having done well with NEM and is now in college. I have a ton of questions. :) and I hope I'm not being to forward, but I'm so "freaked" out about all the options. Any advice would be soooo appreciated.


    My 10 y.o. DD has used Singapore from Earlybird and will be finishing up PM6B over the summer. I've been debating on whether or not to continue on with NEM or NM, or using something like AoPS or something more traditional for transcript sake. It does look like her interests will be STEM so I want to prepare her for that option. Plus, cost is an issue.


    So: Are either of your college dss a STEM major? Was math easy for them? Did you do through NEM 4? Anything after or supplemented? Were there any gaps going from NEM to any of the college math series? How did you handle transcripts with NEM?


    Thank you so much for your time and assistance.



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