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    Western Washington
  • Interests
    Reading, horror movies and Stargate Atlantis :D
  • Occupation
    Mom, army wife, homeschool mom/teacher, avid reader, sci fi watcher and kitty cat lover

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  1. Nah, no co-ops. They just don't work with the way I do things. But we are involved with Lego League, NCFCA (speech and debate), and a bunch of kids who like to have airsoft wars. :) They would LOVE to get going on 4-h for horses but my fear of driving the trailer is holding them back. The kids also take music and swim lessons...and my little girlie girl takes ballet. We're not a big sports family, but next year the girls want to try out for the public school swim team. In our school district, there is something called the Tahoma Learning Community, which offers fun extra-curricular classes; we have taken fencing through them, lotsa fun. You might try browsing through your new school district's web page to see if they offer anything like that. Did I gather somewhere that you have one child, a teenage girl? Or am I out to lunch????

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