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Everything posted by meggie

  1. Ok, that's it. My artist friend and I will be working on an LDS children's bible. I'm sure Deseret Book would pick it up! We'll be famous!
  2. Ha! Compared with you, you come out Superwoman!:001_smile:
  3. I would if I had any expertise in anything other than "keep three little children alive". I really want an LDS children's bible with cute artwork. I hate those readers they have. Pictures = not cute.
  4. Thank you those are good ideas. If I have to make it GF, I can remove the can of diced chilis (it says may contain traces of wheat) and that should be easy enough. Good ideas, thank you. I was thinking I could just have all the elements for trail mix in separate containers and they could just build their own.
  5. Oh thank you! To be honest, this is my biggest fear. I'd rather have to do vegetarian or vegan than gluten or dairy free. If it's just one or two people, I would plan on using some store bought gluten free substitutes for the pasta and tortillas. Maybe buy some coconut milk ice cream for their dessert. If a lot of people have allergies, I'm going to be nervous :001_unsure:
  6. They are buying the food, I am working for free. I volunteered a few weeks ago.
  7. Ohhh yes. I am planning on asking if there are any dietary issues (allergies or restrictions). What would be a good vegetarian option? I could make the lasagna without meat and that would be easy enough. If you had to recommend one amazing vegetarian dish, what would it be?
  8. To Swellmomma's son: Great story! Thank you for sharing and please keep us posted on what happens next.
  9. DH's business and writing partners have written and will be shooting a webisode this weekend. They asked me to be the catering/craft service person:party: If you had volunteered to work for free on a film shoot, would this menu keep your morale up? It needs to be amazing; help me make sure this is amazing! First day: Homemade lasagna (not the nasty frozen kind) with garlic parmesan bread and a simple salad. Pound cake with strawberries or peaches for dessert. I'm not sure if I should add another fruit choice here, blueberries? Second day: Copycat Cafe Rio Pork Barbacoa with the option of putting it on a salad or in a burrito. Maybe the cilantro lime rice and refried beans. Dessert will be mini cheesecakes with strawberries, raspberry or blueberry pie filling. Craft service options: Choice of water or a variety of juice and soda. I don't know if I should add some milk in or not. Maybe? Snacks will be Nutella Puppy Chow, granola bars, trail mix, fruit, veggie sticks, yogurt, candy (M&Ms, Red Vines, chocolate covered raisins, Swedish Fish), cheese sticks, crackers, Aloha Loaf (like banana bread but with coconut and pineapple in it), regular banana bread, rice krispy treats and brownies. Is there enough savory things in there? DH says you don't want too much pure junk food. What else could I add? Would this keep you happy?
  10. This is the K-8 board :tongue_smilie: Scucci, I would recommend reading the Well Trained Mind if you haven't already. Do you know what type of method you'd like to follow? What are your son's strengths and weaknesses? Welcome. It's fun once you get passed the overwhelming "There's too many options, which one do I pick?" stage. We've all been there.:001_smile:
  11. Ok, maybe I'm just weird, but I wouldn't use anything on a newborn! Baby acne is completely normal and will go away if you leave it alone. Just wash with water on a cotton ball a few times a day.
  12. I am so not the crafty person. Complete opposite of my mother. Oh what that woman could accomplish with a glue gun and some glitter. "Fun" things for me included doing OPGTR on the white board, using AAS's letter tiles for spelling, and coloring sheets (never mind that Pigby doesn't like to color very much. He'll color and he'll like it, by golly!) I found all the lapbooks on HSS and printed out about a thousand. So now to make science "fun", we can do a lapbook about lions. I do all the cutting and pasting and writing. He does all the coloring and reading. And that is about as crafty as I get. Making my own lapbooks? :smilielol5: Yeah probably about when Hades freezes over.
  13. plantoeat.com you can store all of your recipes, share recipes with your friends, plan your menu, print a grocery list and print out the recipes. i love it
  14. :crying: How sad. What would I do if their fingernails fall out? Wouldn't that be painful? Is there anything to do to make it less painful?
  15. Would a doctor be able to tell the difference by looking at it? Chuck's is getting worse. She has a lot more on her legs and her legs and stomach are developing the red rashy look (it looks like red goose pimples) before the bumps pop up. *sigh* She's so miserable and there's nothing I can do. Pigby's hands and feet look painful, the rash on them look so concentrated and red. He says they don't hurt but they do kind of itch. I'm worried about having to take all three contagious children to the doctor. But I would like to know definitively if it's chicken pox or not. And if it's ok to give a little Benedryl to a 1 year old.:glare:
  16. I know, that's why I'm so frustrated :crying:
  17. Oh no, my mom said it could be hand, mouth, foot disease. Does anyone know anything about that? Digby has one blister on the sole of his foot. Chuck has a few on the soles of hers.
  18. The pictures at the end are of the scabs. They came from the fluid filled dots.
  19. I only gave them one dose each. After that, even though the fever would come and go, they didn't seem as miserable. I accidentally deleted the part about the itching and oatmeal bath. Thank you, I will try it. Digby was only miserable one night. Chuck has been miserable for three nights, but she doesn't talk so I don't know if it's because she itches or something else. Pigby still only has the rash on his tummy, wrists and feet and he says they itch a little bit. Yes, some of them are tiny fluid filled blisters. I will make sure no one touches them. thank you
  20. The kids have a mysterious something and I need help diagnosing. Here's how it went down. Friday: Digby woke from an afternoon nap crying. As I was holding him, I noticed how hot he was. Temperature of 102. I gave him Tylenol and let him rest on my bed, went down to make dinner. He started screaming about 10 minutes later. He was itching a bug bite. It looked like a mosquito bite (one puncture wound and swollen). A few hours later, I noticed he was getting a rash everywhere. I was worried it was chicken pox, even though the dots were very small, but DH thought they looked like hives, so we thought it was a reaction to whatever bit him. I gave him Benedryl. His fever broke sometime during the night. Saturday: Fever came back a little. The tiny red dots were bigger, but still very small. They were mostly in the areas where his eczema bothers him the most: inside of elbows, wrists, and ankles. I noticed a bunch on his back that I didn't remember being there the first day. Sunday: Dots started going away. A few had very small scabs. (When my sister had chickenpox, I remember them being very big) Monday: Chuck came down with a fever. 102. Red splotchy skin all over. Tuesday: Red dots started forming, though only on her arms and legs, not on her trunk. Wednesday: Pigby complained of a tummy ache and came down with a fever of 102. Thursday: No red dots yet, but does have the red splotchy areas on his tummy and legs. He had the first dose of the chickenpox vaccine as a baby but never had the second. I think it's the chickenpox, but they don't look like how I remember. The younger two didn't start with the dots on the trunk. Digby's only lasted a few days too. My mom said when my sister and I had it, they lasted two weeks. Could someone with experience please tell me if these looks like chickenpox to you? Also, my husband and I had them as children, but is it possible to carry it to someone else (like could someone at my husband's work come down with it?) Will Benedryl help them not itch? I saw not to give them aspirin. Do I HAVE TO take them to the doctor? I'd rather not if we can avoid it. I'm trying to keep them hydrated as none of them have much of an appetite anymore. Pigby was lethargic, but now that the Tylenol has helped bring his fever down, he's up again. I know it's gross, but if anyone would be willing to look at these pictures and tell me if it's chickenpox, I would really appreciate it. The first two are Chuck's legs. The last three are Digby. The picture of his back shows one tiny little scab, when two days ago, the whole back was covered. I thought chickenpox left tons of scabs all over :001_huh: The one of his ankle shows three little scabs. I thought chickenpox ones were smaller?
  21. No, no, not for myself:tongue_smilie:. Pigby goes to kindergarten one day a week at a charter school. His teacher and her aide are so sweet and have done so much, I would like to give them a thank you gift. I'm not all that great in the gift giving department, nor am I very creative. Any teachers or former teachers have things they got that were really awesome?:bigear:
  22. Is this a "Happy May Day" kind of day for you or do you find yourself calling, "Mayday, Mayday, we're in a downward spiral and headed for a crash?" Definitely a "Mayday, Mayday, we need help kind of day." Digby had a fever then broke out into hives last week. Yesterday Chuck had a fever and I caught sight of some red bumps that could be hives. She woke up about 20+ times in a seven hour period last night. She is Miss Crankypants so I'm going to try to survive the day as best as I can. What is on your "menu" for today? We'll just eat whatever's easiest and available during the day. Dinner will be Sesame Chicken salad. Unless I call in an SOS to DH and have him pick something up. We'll see how it goes Do you menu plan? If so, do you do it for the week? Month? How often do you go to the grocery store? I don't menu plan as much as I should. Lately I've been flying by the seat of my pants. All the grocery stores we shop at are between here and DH's work, so I just have him stop at whichever I need when I need. What is on your "to do" list today? What have you accomplished so far today? The boys all need haircuts and I need to clean. Do your students do "end of year" testing? Is it required by your state or just something you do? If so, what test do you use? When do you test? He's only in Kindergarten so we don't do any testing. Our state doesn't require it, but I'll probably have him start in 3rd or 4th grade. Haven't looked into it much yet.
  23. Have you ever heard of Denver Snuffer? Please PM me.
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