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Everything posted by philda62

  1. How do you go about finding a therapist? She is 16 and has struggled all her life. She is very frustrated with her inabilities and is worried about graduating. We did do speech therapy with the schools when she was younger but they never really addressed her issues. They always had her in a group setting and she was basically overlooked. Gilda
  2. This morning my dd became very frustrated while we were doing history. As I asked her questions she said, "I can see the answer but I can't get it out". I asked her if she saw a picture and could she draw it. She said no. Do you see letters? How do you see it? "I don't know. It is in the back of my head and I can't get it out! I don't know how to get it out!" Help! Has anyone ever heard of anything like this? She was diagnosed when she was younger with a "Receptive Language Disorder". However, now she is expressing an "Expressive" language disorder. I don't even know where to go from here. Any ideas? Anyone? Gilda
  3. Michelle, I think this is a great idea. My dd went through neurotherapy for 1 1/2 years. She did progress but we did not discover her vision issues until after she completed that intensive therapy. Her Vision Therapists believes if she had had VT first it would have given her so much more progress in her neurotherapy and we may not have had to do it for so long and so intensively. I would be interested in hearing about funding.
  4. I use my Better Homes and Garden and Pillsbury cookbooks a lot. I have several others but do not use them as often.
  5. I do a yearly schedule with 36 weeks. Then we follow it as life dictates. I know where we are starting and when we are finished and try to stick to it on a weekly basis. We do 180 days more so than Week 1 Day 1. If we are on Day 7 and Day 8 we are sick then we just skip that day and count Day 8 when we are better. Clear as mud?
  6. Praying. Please try to remember that you are mourning a certain season of your life now being over. It is a change in your family structure. Give yourself a chance to grieve. I am sure you will adjust in time but be sure to give yourself that time. My sister is going through this right now as her last child just left home. We grieve losses not just deaths. Hugs
  7. Some of our college students in our home searched Craig's list and found their textbooks for about 20% or their actual cost. Just go to Craig's list and search for your city. Gilda
  8. 16yo and 14yo. They are in bed between 9 and 10pm. They are up by 7am. The 9 or 10 pm time is determined by how easily they get up the next morning!
  9. I am known not so much because we are there all the time, but because they are going to be able to build a new wing for all the library fines I end up paying! :tongue_smilie: LOL My dd's work at the library and so we are known through that also. However, they even keep up with where we are chronologially in history by the books we check out. Gilda
  10. I was home schooling the kids. A dear friend of mine knew we did not watch TV and would be schooling so she called me to tell me to turn on the TV. She has just explained that a plane had flown into one of the Twin Towers. When I turned on the TV I thought I was watching film footage of the first attack but actually watched the second attack happen. I was getting my 4yo ready for preschool. My husband was working in a highrise building near an airport. I wanted him to come home. But I did not want to scare my children so I needed to make the day as normal as possible. So, I convinced myself that no one was going to attack a little preschool in small town Texas and took him anyway. When I returned the Towers had collapsed and the Pentagon was hit. A dear friend of mine worked in the Pentagon and it was a long day waiting to hear from him. He had not made it into work that day. It was a long hard day. Gilda
  11. How do you find out about qualifying for special accomodations for the SAT? What are the accomodations they make? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you! Gilda
  12. Laurie, Thank you for this information. I am going to print it out and try it for my 8yo son. Gilda
  13. or have you already paid or have to pay in full? I do know that www.diannecraft.org offers alternatives and a lot of encouragement. We did neurotherapy for over a year and I was in tears many of those days. But, she did improve and we are seeing a "light at the end of the tunnel" for her now. Have you talked to the doc about the in-office therapy. When we started Vision Therapy we saw the doc once every three months and did the therapy at home. We were able to call him whenever we needed. What I do know is that it was worth it to do all these therapies with my dd. She is much improved. She has a ways to go but at least we are now confident that we can graduate her. HTH! Gilda
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