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Everything posted by Perry

  1. There are chapter tests available online. You need a code, which is in the newer books in the assessment section. We scheduled a little differently. They read a section each day, outlined it, and did the workbook pages. They had one or two days for the assessment, a day for review, and then took the test. If there was a lab that looked worthwhile, we took another day for that. We did not do many of the labs. With this schedule, they finished 3 books last year.
  2. I think he's got a good point. I suspect that in his role of a psychiatrist, he sees lots of troubled young boys who would benefit enormously from having a more prominent father figure in their lives. I don't think he is saying that mothers aren't important; he's saying that overall, fathers don't play a large enough role, and I think he's right.
  3. BTW, that's called a "hard return", so if you forget the keystroke in the future, google "Excel hard return" and it will turn up.
  4. Here's a response, printed a few days later.
  5. I was convinced it was impossible, but my dh figured it out right away. Thanks! That was fun!
  6. I don't run, but we do a lot of biking on trails. I always have my cell phone, but more importantly, I always have pepper spray handy. I worry more about crazy dogs than crazy people though.
  7. I agree. It also makes it easier to use the search function if you are looking for a specific curriculum, because there are variations on abbreviations.
  8. I think if you look at it in linear mode it will work. It did last night anyway- I haven't tried it today.
  9. For kids or adults? I love to listen to David Sedaris on audio, but I don't think I'd listen to it with kids in the car. Bill Bryson's stuff is really entertaining.
  10. That would be a good size for a bearded dragon. They make great pets.
  11. A Toyota Corolla and a Mazda Miata. That was such a fun car.
  12. I agree with all this, but would extend the blame to include colleges of education. And darn it, I can't rep you again.
  13. Just finished "Twilight" and "Water for Elephants". Next on the list is "Three Cups of Tea".
  14. The center island is usually piled high with school books. The kids have been at camp, so it got cleaned off. It won't stay like that for long. The door leads to the back porch, which has been turned into a giant chess board: This is her favorite spot in the house. It's a little inconvenient for me.
  15. Because of natural selection. The evolution of human skin color Human evolution Human skin color (wiki)
  16. I'm all for keeping nonviolent drug abusers out of prison, although I think dealers should be put away for a long time. I'd much rather see abusers receive community service, treatment, and rehab. Caning is barbaric and I can't imagine that it would work, especially for people with addictions.
  17. How do you observe that? How do others observe it? How could it be replicated?
  18. My oldest dd just turned 14. 1. Her own cell phone Got her first cell phone this past Christmas. No texting though 2. A t.v. in her bedroom No 3. A computer in her bedroom She uses the laptop in her room on occasion. I have the right to remove it whenever I want. 4. Hair that has been dyed blonde or any other color No 5. Ears pierced with 2 or more holes each (DD has one hole per ear) One hole per ear 6. Clothes of her selection from the mall Yes, but she makes good choices. I have ultimate veto power, but rarely need to use it. 7. Makeup -- all kinds (not just lip gloss) As long as it's modest and inconspicuous I don't have a problem with it. I really did not want to cave on the cell phone, but since we've allowed it I've actually found it to be a relief. The girls are at the dance studio almost every day, and we do a fair amount of traveling. I'm much more comfortable knowing that we can reach each other easily.
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