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Annie Laurie

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Posts posted by Annie Laurie

  1. Alison Weir is great.  The bio mentioned above is very good, as is The Children of Henry VIII.  It is a bit dense going, but very well researched and I enjoyed reading it.  Do be aware that Alison Weir now has a set of novels about many of the queens she has written about as a historian.  The ones I have read are good - I like my historical fiction to be as accurate as possible, as far has historical details go, and so reading a novel written by a historian who is an expert on that era is a pleasure..  But just realize, one is fiction, one is biography!


    I also enjoyed Elizabeth and Mary: Cousins, Rivals, Queens by Jane Dunn


    Thank you, I will read Weir's non-fiction books first. I enjoy historical fiction, but I just read Phillipa Gregory's book The Virgin's Lover and it annoyed me how much license she took with the historical details.

  2. Awesome sauce makes me think of Andy and April on Parks and Recreation.  And therefore it's fine by me.


    The conversation on this thread about the word literally also makes me think of Rob Lowe's character on Parks and Rec, since he says says it about everything, and pronounces it "litrally". He's not as much fun as Andy and April are though.

  3. I have a question, could I buy just the teacher's book and write/print out the sentences to be "fixed"?  I would read out loud and go over the instructional pages with DS.  Do you have to have the cards in the back?  What else would I be missing if I didn't purchase the student book?  Can we easily do 2 lessons a week?  DS is a young 8th grader and we use IEW for writing and spelling already.

     We are on an extremely tight budget that has gotten even tighter with recent vet bills that will likely take up all of our extra money and my school budget, so I need to save where I can.


    When I was loooking at it earlier, it said that it's $19 for the teacher's guide which also includes a downloadable student book. So if you're able to print you don't have to buy a student book.

  4. I have a manul defrost upright freezer in my garage that was purchased by my grandparents in 1977 and then given to me after I got married and they didn't need it anymore.  It's still going strong, but I do hate that I have to defrost it. It's not really that hard- I unplug it and let it thaw since it's in the garage, the water just trickles out the door. I'm just lazy and would prefer if it defrosted itself, but if the freezer would be a great deal I'd probably buy it.

  5. I had severe stomach pain, vomiting, and chills and it was an acid reflux attack. I did go to the ER, and then felt silly. But the pain was horrible and I had no idea what was going on. I have since had a few more of those attacks, and now I just lay on my left side and wait it out. It takes hours sometimes. It doesn't happen much anymore because I know my triggers and I'm on meds.


    Or it could it be something like Pancreatitis, which you would really need to be seen for soon.


    Either way, it's probably best to be seen so you can rule more dangerous things out and get some meds or info to help control whatever may be triggering this.



  6. I love shopping, but I'm stumped! Gap and Old Navy have good prices when you use coupons, but the best prices are online and you said you don't have time to wait for an online order. I hear good things about Maurice's plus size clothing, but don't know if you have one near you, and the prices look more like $26 for a top on average. Maybe if you go in store to JCPenney or Target you'll see some possibilities that you didn't see online?

  7. I was at the library last summer with my then 2 year old, 9 year old, 11 year old, and 12 year old.  A woman came over just to tell me what a great mom I was for taking my kids to the library. She said she had 4 grown kids and knew what a production it could be to take all of the kids out and she just wanted to tell me it was obvious I was doing a great job with them. It totally made my day and led to me making it a point to say something nice to people when out and about, especially to tired moms.

  8. It was 101 a couple of days ago, but today's high was only in the 80s, which is absolutely glorious for summer in TX. It's been an unusually mild summer and I've been loving it! I spent all afternoon at the park with my 3 year old. There are many summers when it's too blistering hot to go to the park.

  9. We still pay for our 20 year old's clothes. He has other expenses he pays for, and he does work. He puts most of his paycheck into savings, which we prefer. And we want him to focus on his studies. We expect to pay for clothes for all of our kids through college.


    I like the idea of giving them the clothing budget so they can learn how to manage money themselves, that's why my kids get an allowance. So I'm going to ponder that. The problem is, I find much better deals for clothing than they can because I know how to stack sales, coupons, etc. But I guess that's something I can teach them, and the point of them having the money to manage, so they learn to do those things themselves.

  10. Except Sonlight says it does just that using nothing more than their discussion questions.


    I've run into a *lot* of people with the same complaints as mine.



    I didn't know that they specifically claim to teach critical thinking with their discussion questions. That's in their advertisements?


    I wish they had more Socratic discussion helps for sure. I've never used the IG much though.

  11. I guess if that's how you do it. I don't think we found it to be light or superficial. Of course I don't think I ever did any of it exactly as they wrote it. But this is a bizarre complaint to levy against a literature rich curriculum which used Landmark in grade 3.


    Yes. With any curriculum, isn't it what you put into it? The discussions you have with your kids, the questions you ask them? The rabbit trails you explore together, the things you research together? I wouldn't expect just using any curriculum exactly as written to somehow result in my kids knowing how to think deeply, that comes from me teaching and modeling that, using the material as a jumping off point.

  12. I live in TX, and have breastfed 4 kids all over the place here. I never used a cover up or blanket. I have never heard one negative word about it from anyone here. In TX. I think it's not even that obvious if you just lift your shirt and go about your business, it looks like you're cradling your baby. The cover ups draw attention to it and announce what you're doing more than just feeding the baby does.

  13. I'm in the same position, I lost 15 lbs when I had to cut out a bunch of stuff due to GERD but I could stand to lost 5-10 lbs more because I'm very petite and don't carry any extra weight well. I know for me I need to start exercising, that's the only way I'm going to do it, but I can't seem to stick to a routine.

  14. :leaving:  I love the original song. But I think it's the music more than anything.


    The rebuttal is fantastic, though. :)


    I love it too, but just the music and rhythm. The lyrics are annoying so I try not to dwell on them much, that rebuttal was fun.

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