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  1. My baby cries unless he's touching me. Two weeks of either touching or crying. That's not normal.

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    2. beaners


      My husband is lactose-intolerant, so that's the first thing we tried. I've been off dairy for almost a month now. Somehow it seems to be making it worse. Poor little baby. :(

    3. Harriet Vane

      Harriet Vane

      I'm so sorry. While I hate the pain it causes my ds to be lactose-intolerant, I was and am so grateful that we were able to figure it out, to KNOW what the problem was and to have a way to fix it. I hope you are able to find what is ailing the poor little guy.


    4. J-rap


      My son was like that when he was an infant. He had stomach aches a lot as a child, and now at age 24, he is both gluten free and dairy free and feels terrific. I think all along he had issues with that, even as an infant.

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