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Posts posted by cindydanleo

  1. I have used CLE math all the way through 3rd with my dyslexic 9 yo boy. It became way too much in the 3rd book of 3rd grade. He just wasn't making the physical connection of numbers. I dont know if I can explain this accurately b/c I dont really understand it myself but....sums like 8+6 confound him and CLE focuses on memorization for the most part which he has trouble with. He has trouble counting forward 6 more from 8. I have since switched to MM and started way back in the middle 1st grade. He is finally making connections. Turning 8 into a 10 by taking 2 away from 6 really makes sense to him. He asked me the other day..."Why didn't you ever tell me that before?". Funny thing is...I've used 1st grade MM before when he was 6 and he just wasn't ready for it. It made him cry. Now he is flying through it and loving it. He is making connections his brain wasnt ready for before.

  2. I've heard a total lock-down usually helps bad attitudes. It is when everything is taken away. No friends, no activities, no toys, no tv, video games...nothing! They get a bed, food and love. They can gradually earn things back by a change in attitude. I've done a mini version of this...I just got rid of electronics but left the legos. It worked well. A friend of mine did it and when he slammed his bedroom door in a huff...she took that too. Lol

    I guess you have to figure out if it is just a bad attitude or an underlying issue. Learning delays/disabilities, depression, psychological problems are a whole different thing which can emmulate a bad attitude. The lock-down may not be the best thing in those cases and may cause more harm then good.


    Otherwise...it's great. I love the look of shock when you tell them what you are going to do. The days that follow are soooo peaceful. :) Good luck to you

  3. AZ is super easy. You just have to file an affidavit with the intent to homeschool by age 6. Thats it! AZ has a huge homeschooling community. Mesa has free homeschool coops through the public school system. Most schools offer homeschoolers participation in sports programs and band. There are very large active homeschool groups throughout Phoenix and the surrounding areas. All the field trip venues (museums, zoos etc) offer significant homeschool discounts. Love it here!

    • Like 1
  4. What kind of doctor do you go to to test for ADD and Sensory issues?


    I contacted Scottish Rite, thank you for that.


    I will set all his schoolwork in front of him and ask him what he likes and dislikes. That should be interesting.


    He does have a problem with self-control. He will do something annoying and wont stop until he turns that person into a screaming raging maniac...(usually his brother) and even then...he keeps at it. He will say he is sorry but I can tell he doesnt mean it. He is just sorry he is now in trouble.


    Someone asked how long I have homeschooled. I have always homeschooled.


    I am generally a very passive person and hate confrontation...but these days I am pretty firm. My 5yo asked why I'm always "mean". Uhhh...cause you kids make me crazy.


    Well thank you all. I will see what comes out of dyslexia testing and such and see what happens. I will let you know.

    • Like 2
  5. In answer to responses: he has always been homeschooled excep for a brief stint in preschool. In the past he has never enjoyed school but never put up much fuss until recently. He used to be my easy child...always polite and well behaved. When he turned 9...everything changed.

    I am suspicious of an underlying learning delay/disability but if costs a fortune to have that evaluated. Our public school system is not good. There are charter schools that I am considering sending him too if I cant get this worked out...but the testing is done through the PS and I have not heard good things about it.


    We recently invested in a TV timer which they can earn tokens to watch TV if they do their school well. It worked well for a few days and now my 9 yo has started seaching for my token hiding place and stealing them. Albeto...I have tried fun unit studies, interesting books and such. It has not worked.

  6. What would you do with a child that hates anything to do with learning? He is 9 years old. He hates all schoolwork whether it is fun or formal. Doesn't care that he is a poor reader, doesnt want to do math, science history etc. Nothing interests him if he thinks it has to do with learning. He LOVES legos but hated the Lego club. He enjoys formal art classes and that is it! I am about to pull my hair out or put him in school. His bad attitude is rubbing off on my 5 year old. I joined a fun co-op which he does with friends and he is taking the classes HE picked out. 2 days in....doesn't want to do it anymore. I am at my wits end with this child. What should I do? FYI...I dont think I am boring and he does not have to trudge through piles of workbooks. We have a good mixture of things. He is on limited TV and video games already. I have told him life can be boring...suck it up! The whining, crying, ignoring and eye rolling is making me nuts. This cant be normal...or no one would homeschool. Please Help!

  7. CLE math. Best thing I ever bought for math. It's cheap...explains concepts in such a wonderful and gentle way...its spiral. Love it! I have tried Shiller, Math U See, Horizons, Singapore, Saxon and now will never leave CLE. It is described as Saxon in workbook format. Pages are clean and uncluttered but interesting. They throw some fun puzzles in and its not pages of the same problems. Its broken up nicely to keep their interest.

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  8. Thos explanations were awesome. I have to print this thread out. I am terrible at math and have been dreading teaching past 4th grade. Why didn't they teach this way 30 years ago? I just had to remember my times table...but had NO idea what it all meant. When I got to higher math....same thing...I just followed the formulas but had no idea what I was doing.

  9. Hi,


    My son has had a late start in reading and I would like to get him interested in chapter books on the easy side.  I am going to try Nate the Great and Magic Tree House.  Does anyone else have any recommendations?  He wants to try Diary of a Wimpy Kid but I think the humor will be over his head.  I'm so desperate that I showed him Captain Underpants...but he said it has too much "potty talk".  (Huh???  Surprised me.  I didn't know that was such a concern for him. LOL)


    He loves adventure and light peril...with clear heros.


    Any ideas?





  10. This sounds like my now 5 year old son. I went through the evals and therapy. He got diagnosed with Sensory Processing disorder. Therapy did nothing and he has pretty much outgrown a lot of his problems. Artificial color was a big trigger which no one in the medical field mentioned. Just be mindful that large loud groups make her uncomfortable and stay away. It may also just be her personality. I shut down in large groups also. :)

  11. We are going to follow the Mother Of Divine Grace syllabus for 3rd grade. They recommend WRTR or Sound Beginnings. I would rather go a different route and use either LOE Essentials or AAS. My eyes are blurry from looking a samples and reading older reviews. This will be for my reluctant learner. He is almost 9 years old and can't spell much more than CVC words. Reading is probably a 2nd grade reading level.


    Can any one who has used both give me the pros and cons of each? Which did you prefer? Thank you so much!!

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