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Heidi {AK}

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Posts posted by Heidi {AK}

  1. Thanks, Kim! I actually did already purchase it, and we've started it. I just got a week into it and realized we could not do a fruit a day and both stay engaged. I looked ahead and I think it looks ok, but wanted to make sure I knew what we were getting into. We're doing FIAR too, and that might be a good add-in. The reason for the "fruits" are because we need a way to introduce them and discuss them. :) We'd like to jump back to Heart of Dakota after this, and do LHFHG for first grade.

  2. DDage5 is really bright for her age, and I know that the curriculum we have been doing, Heart of Dakota's "Little Hearts for His Glory," is too much and we're probably going to save it for 1st grade. For kindergarten, I know we'll probably consolidate the first two weeks of FFTH into one week, and not do just one fruit every day.


    I am wondering if it's substantial enough to do a lesson a day, if we just do its Bible and science, and add in math and handwriting here and there. We are already doing Singapore Math 2A & 2B, as well as "A Reason for Handwriting." I'm taking a break from ARFH K to do Joy's handwriting worksheets.


    I guess I'm wondering if it's meaty enough for a K curriculum for the rest of the year?

  3. Cindie, you are such a wealth of info! I can't wait to get accepted to the group and start looking at the titles they have on public domain. How cool to be able to have access to such great books without buying them or relying on our (poor) library too.


    I wanted to just get out there what I think I am right now, as far as preference goes...


    Weekly planning/Daily planning - I am a fairly detailed person. I like to know what I am doing on a given day, but I also like to have the big picture. I like having it laid out for me so I don't have to pick what to do.


    I also think both DD and DS will like doing hands-on activities. That's what drew me to FIAR.

  4. I did get the feeling that HOD was a bit scripted, and that was a little turnoff too. However, if AO/SCM are as user-friendly as you say, then maybe that wouldn't be a bad place to go. With Apologia, everyone, EVERYONE I know here LOVES it. Makes me wonder about it!!!

  5. Cindie, I'm there. My head is swimming. Already, too, I've bought and gotten rid of SL, and bought FIAR. I really like FIAR, and would love to do it, but I guess I am glad I came across CM way of education. I don't think my kids are CE-type kids, or they're too young, but I figure if we start with CM and decide to switch, we can. So, I don't want to necessarily buy something else until I know if I want it, but I really am curious about the HOD program. I wonder if I can wait till our HS fair in the spring!!! LOL!


    We do have time, but I really want to do some stuff with DD4 over the summer. She'll be 5 in July 11 (same as your Mater, Cindie)...


    AO and SCM sound great, as long as the book lists are available. Our local library doesn't seem to have very good titles, and I know we'd have to purchase a bunch of books, it looks like.


    When the time comes (1st or 2nd grade), I'd like to do Apologia science and Singapore math.

  6. Do you find it to be meaty enough, Cyndi? I looked at the sample pages on the website, and am a little leery to try it. In other words, is it too good to be true, or true? It is SO open-and-go! How many supplies do you need, and are they listed? DD loves to just converse, but DS will need more...

  7. I'm actually intrigued by the SCM website. Thanks for that. I had heard of WP and of MFW. Right now, I like the CM leanings but before I had found out about CM, I had purchased the FIAR materials. Now I'm wondering what we do. The books I had bought would take us from PK through grade 3. However, I like the richness of the CM approach, and the schedule on the CM website was helpful. I'll check out the narration materials too. Thanks, everyone!

  8. I'm trying not to be frustrated. DD's teacher said she was on day 2 of not having time to do any extra activities with DD. I know that's a challenge for me as a classroom teacher, but will this drive us to HSing after all? It makes me sad she rose the issue and then didn't have time to do anything about it. She is a colleague...and we are doing extra activities, she and I, after school...

  9. I was referred to this website in another post and just looked at it.


    Okay, I have to admit, I go curriculum-crazy. Is this easy to do, or am I crazy? I am now CS teaching, but want to homeschool by K or 1st grade.


    What is necessary to make this kind of curriculum a success? :confused:

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