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Everything posted by beachpotato

  1. Just wondering... I think I remember reading that there was a reason, but I don't know what it was.
  2. Hi all- A friend of mine is looking for a vocab program for her daughter. She is in 8th grade, but currently reads at about 5th. She would need to be completely independent, as her mom doesn't speak English very well. What do you suggest? Thanks!
  3. :iagree: Beautiful Feet puts out a semester-long California curriculum, but I believe it's appropriate for grades 3-7. As far as I know, there isn't anything open-and-go for your dd's age.
  4. I love this thread! :bigear: In California, a physics teacher would need a bachelor's degree in physical science, and usually goes for another postgraduate year in education. Often the postgrad year is a master's in education, but it's rare that s/he would get a master's/Ph.D. in science. Other states are similar, I'm sure.
  5. I'm about as pure of an INTP as you can get. :001_smile:
  6. I like KJV myself, but my church/Awana uses NKJV, so NKJV it is.
  7. thankyouthankyouthankyou i have a yogurt maker but have only used it a couple of times because it's too much of a pain to make sure it's at the right temp, plus the cups that it gives you are dinky. i will never go back to store bought again! :tongue_smilie:
  8. I love The Unofficial Guide to Disneyland by Sehlinger. The touring guides really do work.
  9. I attend a non-denominational charismatic church. Nursery/preschoolers get picked up/dropped off before and after every service. Sun AM K-8 stays through announcements/worship/offering and leaves before the sermon. High schoolers stay in. Sun PM and midweek K-12 leave after offering. Our kids/youth are encouraged to go to their own services partly because sometimes sermons have content not so suitable for younger ears. Plus, our kids learn more/have a better time that way. If we have a guest speaker, grades 6-12 often stay in at the discretion of the youth leaders.
  10. One thing that I really like about MOH is that it does not completely exclude non-western cultures; instead, it looks at them from a Biblical perspective. If you use TQ for K-12 and never supplement, you have a pretty lopsided view of history.
  11. Can someone explain to me how Magic Lens works? How much time is required? My understanding is that is not the heaviest of writing programs. Any suggestions for integrating it with TOG dialectic? Thanks!
  12. Have you heard of the One Year Bible Blog? I love it! http://www.oneyearbibleblog.com/
  13. Most tofu isn't GMO anyways, but always check. Soy milk, on the other hand, is not fermented and so I don't drink it. I like Trader Joe's vanilla rice milk.
  14. Tofu, soy sauce, tamari, miso, tempeh, and natto are all fermented, so they are OK. Just make sure they are not genetically modified (GMO) and preferably organic. Non-GMO fermented soy products definitely aren't any worse for you than meat.
  15. DH and I have been in our church for nearly 25 years. We love it, obviously. It's non-denom/Word of Faith with really strong preaching, great worship, and a contemporary style. And awesome children's ministry. I would have to drive pretty far to find another church that I would love even half as much.
  16. When I did that, I both sprained my wrist and fractured my arm. :blink: :grouphug:
  17. The Bible says that witchcraft is an abomination to the Lord. So, no HP for us. :)
  18. does anyone know how they determine how many points you should have? i know on the old plan there was a formula, but i wonder how it has changed. do they even give out a new formula or do you get a new points target when you weigh in?
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