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Everything posted by yucabird

  1. Lori, Razzle Dazzle sounds like terrific fun. Albeto, I really like the idea of adding encouragement rules. My talkative 7 yo will love having a reason to yatter, and my 6 yo will love the cookies! Thanks, everyone!
  2. Thanks, everyone. My younger is an intelligent, creative kid, but in activities where she is at a handicap due to age, ability, etc., she either won't or will only half-heartedly play/work. (It goes beyond expectations for her age. She either totally shuts down or she won't take chances in areas she senses she won't excel.) Obviously, my concern is for other areas than gaming--at six she should be enjoying the moment, not feeling she has any disadvantage in an activity--but games seem an easy way to engage her. One of the Forbidden games was already on its way for Christmas (She may be too young, but we will see.), and I have put six others on rush to our holiday guest (to bring). Set and Blink are games we play regularly; she appears to enjoy the challenges and is pretty good at both. I'll definitely employ the "drama" idea. I appreciate this thread and will, when things calm down next week, ask some questions on the LC board.
  3. Thanks, ladies...keep 'em coming. Elizabeth, I will try the other board soon; I would appreciate some parenting advice.
  4. Thanks, Laura. A pen would be fine as would a charm for a necklace/bracelet. We spend time with the graduate a few times a year (for the last 10 years or so), and the parents are good friends of ours (former co-workers and they come to our area on vacay). This will probably be her last "official" family holiday; though I know we'll see her in years to come, the visits won't be the same (She's now an adult!). I am not familiar with British shops (other than Boots, M&S, and Next), and don't know where to look for a suitable gift.
  5. My 6yo is extremely insecure. I know this might sound odd, but I'm looking for games where it is okay--and might even be preferable--to lose.
  6. I need to find a graduation present for a young lady who will be starting university this winter. She hopes to become a doctor/surgeon and I would like to get something special (but keep it under $100). My MIL will be visiting us from England this holiday, so I am hoping I can order something and have it sent her way. The gift should be relatively small, as I don’t wish to burden her with a large or heavy parcel. Any ideas (also where to buy it)?
  7. My GF, egg-hating daughter especially loves our large Sunday breakfasts which usually include: fried potatoes of some sort (fried with onions, sliced/sautéed, or bubble-n-squeak); and bacon, sausage and/or grilled meat. She also loves fruit and smoothies. (You could make more of an "agua fresca" and use water instead of milk, etc.) Potatoes are a staple of the two GF eaters in our family (Both have thin builds.).
  8. The solution looks seriously disgusting, but we are seeing a few crystals. I think it will work -- we'll keep waiting. Thanks!
  9. Thanks! We used boiling water as well, but it sounds like it might take a little longer than I expected (for some reason I was thinking a few hours, not a full 24). Guess we'll know a little more tonight!
  10. We tried making Borax snowflakes last night (per instructions: 9 TBL Borax/3 cups hot water). This morning we see no crystals, just sort of a slimy-looking film on the pipe cleaners. What went wrong?
  11. Yes, it was another (team) parent who made the request; that parent brought the child, who I gathered kept complaining. That parent was somewhat pushy about the request. Probably taking the child home and coming back was unrealistic due to the travel time. I agree with everyone about a needed phone call. I am selective about other drivers (and want to know and approve any drivers of my children). Moreover, I want to know who my children are with at all times. But sometimes I wonder if I have unreasonable expectations. In this instance, it doesn’t really seem like it. Thanks for the replies!!!
  12. Yesterday we were at a tournament, and I was asked to drive an 11 or 12 yo neighbor child home. The boy was not competing; he came with his friends who were participating. Apparently, he was “really, really bored†and wanted to go. The tournament was over an hour away from our community, and I know the boy and have a good--but not close--relationship with the parents. (I generally see the family at kid-related social functions and around the neighborhood and community, but I have never driven this child anywhere before.) I politely declined because we were taking advantage of our time in the city and going for a meal and shopping after the event. Otherwise I would have declined for other reasons (which follow), and I am curious what others think. As a parent I would be seriously annoyed if someone said they would watch my children and palmed them off on someone I hadn’t vetted. I can’t see why a child his age can’t entertain himself. Is boredom for half-a-day a legitimate excuse? (His friends have been in a number of tournaments, so I am assuming someone would have told him what they are like.) I somewhat resent someone else’s problem dumped upon me. Clearly my mindset doesn’t mesh with the parent who asked me to drive, but how would you feel if you were a parent of boy? Would you mind if your child came home with a different driver?
  13. Are you using any other Singapore materials besides the texts and workbooks? If you aren't using them already Singapore has a number of other items you could use for review.
  14. The book NutureShock has a thought-provoking chapter on lying. And establishing a home atmosphere where the truth is appreciated and expected, rather than one in which a lying child is solely dealt with by punishment, has changed things at my house. Here’s an example of a conversation when I was trying to get my 5.5 yo into the habit of telling the truth: Me: Someone left the top off the toothpaste. Child: It wasn’t me. Me (calmly but firmly): Hum. I saw you use the toothpaste a little while ago. I’m the only other person here right now, and I didn’t open the tube. I don’t like it when people lie to me. I like it when people tell me the truth. I think you did not tell me the truth a moment ago. I’m not going to punish you, but I expect the truth. Did you leave the top off the toothpaste? Child: Yes. I’m sorry. Me: Then please put the top back on the tube. I’m disappointed you didn’t tell the truth when I asked you earlier, but I’m very glad you told me the truth just now. In the past, I would have gotten annoyed if I caught her in a lie. (I believe) she felt she was going to be punished, so she would continue to deny/lie. I was concerned about the future: was she going to become a proficient liar? But now that she knows what my expectations are (truth telling), and what my reaction is likely to be, then she is far more likely to 1) not lie and 2) tell the truth when she is caught. Today, if I were to state that someone has left the top of the tube, she would probably say something like, “It was me. I’m sorry, Mommy.â€
  15. Why not Amazon? If you go to Amazon's site and scroll down to the bottom you can click Spain, Mexico, etc. You didn't mention what sort of DVDs, but Netflix has a number of Spanish programs/movies.
  16. Thanks, Clarkacademy. Hopefully, I can find a few others here; otherwise I may bite the FB bullet (I'm one of the few people w/o an account).
  17. When I try to PM you, it gives me an error saying you cannot use the messaging system. Does anyone else know what is wrong? (I can send PMs to others; there is a problem with school17777's account.) Also, I'm still looking for some other students with whom we can exchange.
  18. Terrific! It is through the Envelope/Messenger icon at the top of the webpage (but no need to do it now that I know you are interested). Hopefully, there will be some other responses -- I'll send the info tomorrow morning. Thanks!!! Donna
  19. I'm bumping this, as a couple posters on this thread were interested in an exchange. This is the link: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/489028-flat-stanley-exchange/
  20. My 7 yo was anticipating a Flat Stanley exchange this year; however, when I mentioned this to my homeschool friends they thought this activity sounded great…and they are hoping to get in on the action! We’re in Mexico, so this is might be a fun way for some WTM kiddos to get a glimpse of a different country and to possibly practice foreign language skills. We have 11 children, from 5 to 14 who want to exchange (i.e., 11 exchanges). The majority of the kids are bilingual English/Spanish, though one wishes to practice French. If you are interested, please reply via PM. Thanks!
  21. What a great thread! We had gotten into a breakfast rut, but this inspired me (We tried baked apples with oatmeal topping (from one of the P. boards) yesterday.). Tomorrow I'm going to make/freeze a batch of the GF sausage balls. THANKS!!!
  22. Thanks, Jenasmiles. I'm doing my homework (i.e., research) this afternoon!
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