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Melissa in Australia

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Everything posted by Melissa in Australia

  1. would love the list We wont be doing any dip because of Coronavirus - nothing that people could bite than dip
  2. My DD is getting married end of May. We are making all the food. It will be a light afternoon tea. Has anyone ideas of finger food that would be something that can be made ahead. DD is planning some slices etc but we would love some other ideas sweet and savory suggestions most welcome thank you
  3. thank you for your kind offer. DS17 can always use some of DH socks, he has at least 20 pairs.
  4. I never have odd socks. Each child has a particular colour. And so they all match I am increadably slow at knitting so probably by the time I have one pair knitted the sock shortage will be over.i did see something once about the Russian army use to use a triangle of fabric folded a specific way that worked better than socks. Hmmm maybe we could do that...
  5. We are well aware of the south China Sea crisis. Australia has been very vocal about it and China has already got a trade war happening with Australia The sock thing is a big problem I went through 2 towns, all shops that sell socks trying to find some for my kids. ds17 is down to 3 pairs. I managed to find the last 2 packs for the twins, but all the shops were saying the same thing, there is a sock shortage in Australia, socks imports are delayed because of backlog in shipping and some of the sock factories in Asian countries are shut down due to lockdowns
  6. I don't know about oil, but Australia is running out of socks, There is a world shortage of microchips that is causing production to be slowed and even stopped in AI and associated production. Shipping containers are stockpiling in Australia and big shortages in Asian countries
  7. I haven't heard about it, but there is still a huge mess in international shipping and supply issues
  8. Here the fence goes on the property line. Both neighbours have to by law pay half the cost of the fence each. Just about all properties in towns and cities have back yard fences and most have front yard side fences
  9. What happens here I mostly do not engage in the argument. I mostly say we will all wait for you to do ....whatever it is..... the child starts getting louder and louder. he may then try doing something to get extra attention. like hit his brother, occasionally spit at me or hit me. the issue is that it is all day long over every single thing. it isn't just a few times over a ew things, but over just about every single thing all day long every day He sometimes calms down if I hold his hand. that is what I do out in public, like in a shop. once he starts I hold his hand. He hates having his hand held and will start complaining about that instead of whatever else he was trying to argue about. I will tell him I will hold his hand until he is calm.... he will struggle a bit then most often clam down. the major problem with this strategy is that he is now 10. He will become stronger than me very soon I haven't found an alternate way to calm him down in public and haven't found an OT that knows about behavioural issues that can help me. it is very very embarrassing to have a child being so dysregulated in a shop, especially when he starts spitting .
  10. https://www.edresources.com.au/melissa-doug-magnetic-responsibility-chart?gclid=CjwKCAjwgOGCBhAlEiwA7FUXkif1u--U1QipboGqP6EKed2AlWHHWbnOmfGlRR63drVLiS5107390hoCYJAQAvD_BwE we have found this chart somewhat helpful in reducing arguments and non compliance with everyday things like getting dressed, and putting dirty clothes into the laundry basket. We don't worry about the days of the week. if he completes the task without prompting, he gets a smiley face. once the row is full he gets a piece of Piarate gold chocolate coin.
  11. I really don't think this child realizes he is lying. he more often lies than tells the truth. it is as if every time he says something it is whatever thought was flashing through his mind. he doesn't understand the concept of telling the truth. I don't even think he understands what is real
  12. This guy picked it up from an access visit . The bio mother referred to me as the old mean woman to the child. he dropped the old and added stupid
  13. Hugs I have one who constantly argues and one absolutely spit the dummy every few minutes and throws little baby tantrums . the argues constantly one is harder to cope with. He disputes every single thing and lies ( confabulates) everything, hits me and is constantly telling me what a stupid mean woman I am. his latest thing is continually hitting me and being mad that my foot is under my chair when we do schoolwork. he wants to have his foot under my chair or his leg across my chair and as my leg and foot is attached to my body it is a problem for him. He has been diagnosed with ODD. but that doesn't help at all.
  14. Weddings use to be when 2 people were going to move in together, often leaving home to do so. So the presents were to help set up house Mostly nowadays people are already living together and have already set up house
  15. Dreamer you left India, you are no longer part of the commonwealth. You have made your choice. Others here are still part of the commonwealth are pleased to have the Queen as Head and are getting a tad tired of all the mudflinging
  16. I agree that there is too much else going on But I would rather a democracy with a constitutional monarchy over a Republic any day.
  17. I would rather be part of the commonwealth and have the Queen as my head of government and live in a democracy than the from the outside completely dysfunctional Republic you guys live in I really like the Queen. We could all fling mud at any family
  18. heard that they are going to send 1 mil doses of vaccine from the latest shipment form Europe to PNG as a mater of urgency. these were doses for Aussies, but as we don't have an immediate risk they will be better used there
  19. I haven't watched the I haven't watched it, but I have heard it has lots of drug use
  20. I always think I can hear all the plants and trees singing when it rains
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