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Posts posted by foxbridgeacademy

  1. I think my big worry is that if she started dating ds then it might set dss back on his weight-loss/get healthy goals.  Then he'll always have some type of resentment toward ds.  Crushes come and go but at least for now they have to live together.  If my DD were to start dating a guy that DSD liked (NEVER happen but....) it would be all out war and DSD would likely either run off back to her mom or do something drastic to secure the boys interest (which is what she did back in March when she decided she liked her bff's boyfriend :glare:).  So, while I'd hate to get involved I'd have to put my foot down and tell my kid that it wasn't right, plus with all her family stuff going on she needs friends (ds and dss both)not boys who have crushes on her.



    Also, just to speak plainly,if ds wants to "date/go out" with girl then he needs to make sure it's cool with dss first.  I don't want to sound all caveman but ds going after the girl now is just wrong when dss didn't voluntarily choose to stop texting.  And before I get flamed of course what the girl wants is very important but if the boys want to preserve their relationship then there's a certain way to go about this kind of thing..... As a step parent it can be hard to NOT choose your child over your step child but you have to really think long and hard about what is fair and what you're teaching your child if you don't do the right thing.

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  2. I would. I'd call it something other than Health though. Maybe 1 semester of A&P and the other as Nutrition Science- with lab even (lots of real science goes into understand nutrition and how we process nutrients).  Now if you were doing a typical health class with sections on peer pressure, drug use, etc... from a social perspective then no, I wouldn't count it as science.

  3. We do baked potatoes in the microwave


    eggs with toast


    sausage and cabbage kilbasa sliced then toss in pot to brown edges, cut up cabbage toss in pot, stir.  Cook for a few minutes stir. then let cook until done maybe stir again- takes 15-20 minutes tops, plus it's really cheap. 


    About 1X per month we have a fried foods night (otherwise we eat healthy, I swear).  Poppers, chicken strips, and french fries.


    I'll get a chicken from the deli, a couple bags of frozen brown rice, mixed veggies and either use seasoning or buy a stir-fry sauce, takes about 10-15 minutes.


    same for curry but add in a can of tomatoes.


    I really don't have a lot of instant type meals, my kids won't eat them.


    I do know that once they move out DH and I will be eating a lot of sandwiches and salads cause I am so over cooking.

  4. I prefer brown basmati rice (but will eat all browns), DD prefers white basmati but is okay with brown basmati.  Dh prefers white instant  :ack2:  but will eat white rice that's NOT basmati (grains are to long). DS is good with all white rices and will eat the brown if it's all that's available.  Having stir fry or curry is soooooo much fun at my house.



  5. Nope wouldn't bother me as long as it wasn't "at" my kid (but we're very NOT conservative).  You can complain but it's unlikely they'll do anything.  The regular dentist probably considers themselves VERY lucky to have him and all the business he brings in.

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  6. I answered this for DH who parks in the garage, I park in the driveway because 1. I wanted a work bench and storage, 2. I can't park that close to another car without bumping/banging it (this has been proven) and 3. DH drive the EV and needs access to the plug.  But even if it was me driving I'd still park in the garage bad weather or not.

  7. It's to some extent how I grew up. We could sit and listen but not join in.  My mom often said "if you sit quietly and listen you'll be amazed at what you learn".  


    I actively encourage my children to not only listen but to join in to adult conversation, after all I'm raising future adults.  This type of parenting has led to, in my home anyway, very mature kids.  My 16 y.o. and 14 y.o. act years older than they are.  They still played with their friends when they were young but they also sat and just listened and sometimes joined in.  From conversations with adults they have learned how to act and talk like adults, they're not awkward in a room of old people  ;) .  They also understand more about the real world, which is a good thing IMO.


    Also we discuss pretty much everything with our kids, less when they were young but more than most probably do.  If someone wants to talk to me about a more private matter I have no problem with them saying so and me sending the kids off.  But for general conversation?  Nope my kids have probably heard it all before- 


    Including: female issues, home life issues, money/income, state of he World, etc... My parents never discussed this with us, we could listen to them talk but they never explained anything, same for DH.  We were determined to do it differently.  I want my children prepared for the World and all the good and really sucky things that happen.


    And like a PP said my children's needs always come first, definitely before a conversation.

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  8. We are closing on a new house in a week.  The shopping process here was infuriating to me, because while I need room for 7 people, I don't want the mass produced enormity on a postage stamp.  And that's what we have in droves.  They are so much form over function, and weird faux fanciness.

    :iagree:  We're also starting to look and need to house 6 full time and 1 part time and all I can find, that's big enough, is cookie cutter quarter acre if you're lucky, and cost $250-$300,000 but hasn't had any updates in 15 years.  The newer ones are WAY outside my price range (sign down the road at a new addition says "look at our budget friendly prices! Starting Low $300's :svengo: .


    I've looked in a few of these houses (and currently rent one) and I promise they are barely functional. 

  9. I have rules that make if difficult for some of my family to visit.  No smoking in my house (including garage or porches- the smell still makes it's way in). No dogs, my sister brought her's years ago and in the 2 days she was there it pooped 3 times and peed 3 times on my new carpet.  I'm about to institute a limited drinking clause but then no one would visit.  I'm okay with them having a couple drinks but this isn't Cancun or Mardi Gras and they're here to visit me and the kids not go out all night drinking then sleep all day on my couch.  I have people coming next month and I'm starting to get grouchy.

  10. No, I wouldn't but not because of her age but because she'd be alone.  It always comes back to safety in numbers.  If there were an accident then the other kid could run for help.  If they got lost then there's 2 of them and they are better together.  If there were a predator type person then they are unlikely to attack and if they did the other kid could run for help (we went over that, leaving a sibling behind because staying will only get both kids hurt). 

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  11. I don't have a problem with my children having s*x, in fact I caution my children about trying to turn all "relations" into long term relationships.  I do have a problem with teens having s*x too early.  There's no reason they shouldn't wait until they're 18 (this is unlikely to be a problem with DD and DS... DSD is another matter entirely :glare: ). As for young adults and sex in my house... :ack2:  but If my future 18-22 year old wants their bf/gf to spend the night I'd probably, might be, be okay with it as long as I can't hear anything.


    ETA: and as long as it's not an all the time thing.  We're not letting a bf/gf move in with us long term or staying more than a couple nights a month.  We would probably consider a short stay in between apartments or if they were a couple months away from buying a house together type thing... DD want to join Peace Corps so I could see letting her bf/gf stay in between assignments type thing too.... maybe. 




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  12. I used to have A LOT of food issues.  But I think I'm down to not eating okra, carrots, and fruit pies.  I'll eat the crust but not the mushy fruit unless it's rhubarb but that's not actual fruit is it?


    I don't like lamb or venison (I will eat if hidden in a stew) the flavor is just weird to me.


    That green bean casserole thing everyone eats at Thanksgiving- until this past year I made it for DSD.  Turns out if you use fresh green beans it doesn't turn in to a mushy disgusting mess.


    My main problem isn't flavor it's texture and if it's not supposed to be mushy (like fruit and veggies) but is mushy, I can't eat it.

  13. I think wasps venom is alkali so try vinegar, while bees are acidic so baking soda... but I always found that baking soda helps the best even if it's wasp venom.  


    As for wasps in clothes.... as a kid I had to bring the wash in from the line and no matter how much I hit the hanging clothes with an old golf club there was often a wasp or two who refused to vacate the clothes until someone tried to fold them or put them on.

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  14. I love black lentils, rice, chicken, and veggies with smoked paprika and garum masala (add in either coconut milk/cream or yogurt at the end).


    I can't give you exact measurements but what I do is:


    Warm oil, hot but not smoking, I usually use avocado oil for high temp cooking but since you don't want to burn this stuff keeping at a 5 is fine.

    Put spices in oil to warm- usually about 1/3 garlic, 1/3 smoked paprika, 1/3 mix of garum masala/onion powder/tumeric/red curry powder/pepper. I don't salt until the end.

    Spice should be aromatic but not burning. I add in tougher veggies, like onions and peppers. Cook until slightly soft then add in chicken. I cook this until almost done then add in softer veggies, tomatoes, mushrooms and pre-cooked black lentils. When it's almost done I add in spinach and let it wilt but not get gross. Turn off the burner and stir in either coconut milk (although I use mostly just the cream) or yougurt (you can do cream cheese too). I serve it over rice. This is probably my favorite meal and I eat it 2-4 times a week.


    You can easily leave out the chicken and add in more lentils or tofu/tempeh, black beans go really well in it too.  I've made this for DD using Quron "chik'n" and it turned out great.


    NOT Vegetarian

    ETA: thought of another one- pinto beans with bacon bits.  I buy a little bag of bacon bits (about $1.50) lightly fry it and diced onion in avocado oil (or bacon grease if I have it) then add to my beans near the end of cooking.  All the flavor with less fat and cost.


    We also do sliced ham, cojack cheese and seasoned pinto beans (I add chili and cumin to them) on tortillas (I like to add tomatoes and onions) then put them rolled in an oiled pan for a couple minutes.  It costs very little and 2 usually fills my 16 year old son up.

  15. I love chips more than chocolate. But once I start eating even a few, I get hooked, and that is when I start putting on weight. Every time I think I can have some for one meal for a treat (think a nacho/mexican night or something...) it starts me on a slippery slope. I love tortilla chips and just about about anything- fresh guacamole, fresh salsa, homemade bean dip with no fat added, not bad stuff in general. But man do I start putting on weight whenever I go for it. and I don't even go for fatty potato chips or anything like that. 

    So what you do instead is fill your plate with lettuce then top with your variety of toppings (meat cheese, beans etc) there's really not enough room to go overboard because of all the lettuce.  At the end crumble 5-7 chips on top for crunch.  I also like to add a thinned down ranch and hot sauce for dressing.

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  16. As a healthier alternative you can do microwave chips. You slice a potato really, really, thin (mandolin works great) then place on oiled,microwaveable plate ( I use avocado or coconut spray), single layer then lightly spray the tops.  Microwave 3-5 minutes (start to turn brown on the edges). Salt right away but let cool if you want them crunchy.  What is really healthy about this is that you can only do about 7-10 slices at a time and have to wait 3-5 minutes for more.... after about 5 plates you tell the kids (and yourself) that you are done.  Of course it's not that big of an issue as long as you put some kale in the oven when you started the potatoes, lightly salted and a bit of garlic powder makes these as good as potato chips.

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  17. I used to get UTI's a couple-few times a year (this went on for 15 years) then I realized that they were ummm, tEa related and that if I peed after, I significantly reduced the occurrences. No UTI's in almost 3 years. But when I did get them if I immediately started on Cranberry pills, lots of water, and those OTC ones that turn your pee orange I could "nip" it in the bud.  If I let it go more than a few hours after first symptoms then it always required Cipro or Bactrim.


    Regular Cranberry juice stopped being effective for me years ago.

  18. DD 20 had a break-down (her term) and was hospitalized and catatonic for 2 days.  While I think therapy has helped her depression (also some life changes) the only thing that helps the severe anxiety has been meds. I don't think, in a lot of people's situations, there's a cure all or even one size fits.  It takes time and lots of different treatment options and it can be very trial/error.  Luckily it only took about 6 months to find an okay dosage regime and talk therapy for her to get back on the horse (aka come out of her room/get a job).  She still struggles, mainly with large crowds and her dad and his families expectations/judgments but she's getting there.  


    ETA: I started having panic attacks about 5 years ago. It went on for about 3 years then I developed diabetes and started taking meds for it AND for high blood pressure.... guess what, as long as I take my BP meds no more panic attacks.  So she should definitely see a doctor and have a full physical done to rule other causes out first.

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