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Posts posted by KayT

  1. I am very sorry Hornblower and will be praying for a good outcome for you.


    My dd, who started chemo the week of her 40th birthday in May is two weeks out from double mastectomies and will start radiation next month, is tired but doing good. She has a super kick-butt attitude and the doc told her, even though he wasn't allowed to, that he thought those who had that attitude did better and that it might be more important than all the rest to recovery. So I leave with my dd favorite saying ...I'm girding my loins and going to war and I'm going to kick cancer ass! 


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  2. I keep my facebook page friendless and completely locked down. I join the groups I want...well, I have been denied access by a few because I don't have any friends and look like a scammer to them, but not many. I enjoy my page for the most part and feel free from judgement from family and friends about whatever I do on there.  :lol:  I guess I use it more like yahoo groups use to be rather than how facebook intended me to use it! Works great for me! Stress free!


  3. Yep.


    Dh works at a hospital that has been opening 'mini hospitals' around the city. They might look like or you might think they are an urgent care and expect to pay the urgent care fee, but then find it counts as an ER visit. They are truly mini hospitals with an ER, inpatient and outpatient services. One of his co-workers was even taken by surprise when he went to what he thought was an Urgent Care, but turned out to be a mini-hospital. I can see the need for smaller, more personalized local care, but they need to explain things a bit more or it starts to get into bait and switch territory. 

    Yes, I thought I was going to an urgent care but it turned out to be one of these ER you are talking about and my bladder infection cost $1700.  I was the only patient ( apparently everyone else is smarter than me) and everyone was sitting around drinking coffee. All I did was pee in a cup. 


    Will not make that mistake again.

  4. I have several pairs of special socks and they have helped my foot the most. I tried several night splints and I woke up in severe pain from them and was never able to use them.  I paid a crazy amount of money for the 1st splint from my doc, one I could have purchased from Amazon for a fraction of the cost. Now I sleep in the sock if my foot is acting up.  These are similar to the sock I use when needed.





    Totally agree with losing weight if  needed and stretches. I do well until mowing season and the riding mower always makes my foot hurt. So I spend the summer treating my foot.

  5. I use my medium and large bistro bowls the most, sometimes I reach for these instead of a plate no matter what I'm having. Love these for salads, soups, sandwiches and chips, and I use them for serving bowls as well.  I also regularly use 9x13  and 8x8 baking dish. 

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  6. I love my Fiesta! I have a mix of colors and wouldn't trade it for anything!  Watch Dillard's, Macy's, Kohl's, and Bon-Ton for sales.


    If you live close enough to the factory they have tent sales and the prices are very cheap.

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  7. My parents never attended church. They said church was for hypocrites. However they did make sure I knew the Bible. I started attending church in my late twenties, married to my second husband. We were having issues in our life and I decided to start attending church. (My DH is Baptist and attended as a boy and young man). I picked Lutheran because my great grandmother was Lutheran (she was Catholic but she disagreed with a lot that they professed and switched to Lutheran). We found a small church (lcms) and enjoyed it, even becoming baptized-my father, our children and myself and my parents even started attending. There was a problem at the church where certain elders and members did not take it kindly when the new pastor refused to allow people who were not Lutheran to take Communion (or Lutherans that could not take it for certain reasons). They forced out the pastor and the church split with some staying, some going to another church and others going to a different church. We were one of the ones that went to a different church, still lcms. It was a pretty miserable experience and between these two experiences, I saw that my parents where right and that church was full of not just sinners, but HYPOCRITES. Hypocrites that took pleasure in tearing down everyone else while exalting themselves and their chosen few.


    This was FL, we moved to SC. Just before we moved I had given birth to our twins. Emily died and Meghan was born and survived with VACTERLS Association. We had hospice involved while I was pregnant, we knew Emily would die and possibly Meghan too. Our pastor told us that was not allowed to use hospice, we could only use him. I was blamed for the fact that only I was attending church by this point because no one else in our family wanted to attend. I also had people turn against me in the church because I was put on bedrest and could not attend including a funeral. Because of course I was suppose to endanger my life and the life of my babies to be there. Lots of other issues of again, the congregation being a bunch of hypocrites. My parents had switched to a different Lutheran lcms church too, but again, it was filled with a bunch of sniping hypocrites and they stopped attending. Shortly after we buried Emily, we moved to the Upstate of SC. Our next door neighbor was a missions pastor and we started attending his church. It went pretty well but it was (is) a HUGE church. We were not used to that. Also switching from Lutheran lcms (the children being alters and such) to a more modern church, gave the kids a shock, lol. Not that it was not a sound church. The sermons were great. We started to have some issues though with certain people that chose to judge us based on things they did not understand and we were not going to explain to them, it was not their business. We stopped attending. We then started attending a friend's church and we liked it but we could not participate in most activities because of my DH's work schedule (he was out of state during the week and would be home on weekends, and on occasion a double week, etc). Also this friend of mine who is very religious felt she could dictate my every action and if I did not do exactly as she said and did that was cause for extreme disapproval. Her husband was quite abusive to me too, he did not like my perfume (which people consistently compliment me on), or that I wore make up or that I am fat and so on. Her children were also being rude and judgmental of my daughter and myself. (This family loaned me their book by the Pearls if that gives you an idea of their philosophy), it got to the point that I was afraid to open my mouth in their presence or even dare move). They kept track of when I attended church and did not, how many lights were on in my house SERIOUSLY and other such things. Things came to a head when we had it out and we stopped attending their church. We went back to our original church and it had become even more uppity and condescending. So we just gave up. We are guilty of the sins that even Jesus could not forgive, me being too fat (18/20) and us not having money to throw around. My daughter does attend AHG and they have been a saving grace. I have not totally given up on my faith because of them and because I guess I am a glutton for punishment. They are a lovely group of gracious, loving women. My daughter did want to attend youth group and I found a church near us that is Baptist and more liberal than past churches we have attended. She does like it. We stopped attending for a bit because I have not been well but we are starting back this Wednesday (tomorrow). I am very cautious and I do not have the thirst for God like I had before...I feel nothing.  


    My daughter had not wanted to attend for awhile either. We attended CC and my daughter has multiple birth defects. At one point she was seeing twelve specialists and had multiple surgeries on her spine, heart, anus, etc. She just got rid of her feeding tube two years ago and still wears pull-ups. We missed quite a few sessions and instead of lifting us up, we were gossiped about--why could we make it to a birthday party or to gymnastics if we could not make it to CC? Seriously? My child has missed Christmases and Thanksgivings and her birthdays being in the hospital at times fighting for her life. She has missed out on gymnastics, horseback riding, piano, guitar and singing lessons because of her issues. On top of that, they wish for her to be punished for not attending whatever it is they felt she should be attending--even though it was okay for them to miss because of vacation-eye roll. We could do no right with these people. She was also told because of her birth defects that she would be the type of child a mother would abort. She did not even know what abortion was until these fine Christian folks told her. She was also asked if she was going to marry a man "like her" (with birth defects, hers are internal, btw). I think they could replace the word Christian with the word Nazi and it would work.


    I feel the reason so many are leaving the church is the pure outright meanness of Christians. I am almost fifty and I have never met nastier, more cruel, sanctimonious, eager to find fault and revel in it, gossiping EVIL excuses for humans in my life. I have thought of it the last couple of days and the people that have caused the most damage to me and mine have been "CHRISTIANS" time and time again. I am not saying on extremely rare occasions I have not come across gracious and loving ones such as my daughter's AHG troop, but I tell you at this point I would rather go to damn hell than go to heaven to hang out with such a nasty group of so-called believers.  When I am around people that do not attend church or stopped attending is because they did not feel welcomed and/or they became fed up with the drama and chaos of members.



    I miss being spiritually thirsty, I miss having faith and hope in my God. I am very bitter.


    I love you meghansmom. (( hugs)) I'm in my 50's and feel the same as you do about some people in the church.


    It's not suppose to be this way.

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