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10 Good
  1. Newbie here, but what is CHOW and MOH again?:001_huh:
  2. This is great to know since I definitely consider myself...um...how do I say it...History Dumb! :lol: Sometimes Dh will mention things to me, like didn't you learn this? And all I can do is :001_huh:stare dumbly at him! haha! I'm sure I heard about it at one point or another but don't ask me to tell you anything about it! Anyways, I'm so excited to learn history right along with DS. I can't wait to start now!
  3. Phew! Thanks for your responses, ladies! I was really surprised to read the reviews there since I had read WTM and heard many people sing it's praises. I did look at our local library and they didn't have it so I guess I'm either going to have to jump in with both feet or wait until I can maybe find it at a curriculum fair somewhere. Just curious, for those who are beyond the grammar stage history, what did you go on to after this series?
  4. I so need to get a calendar and do the same thing. I've just been taking days off as we go, but we've already taken way too many days so far. If they were better scheduled out-with the exception of sick days and what have you- I think I would get a better handle on things. Good idea- I'm going to go print a calendar off right now!
  5. This has probably been asked before but, here goes! I've been looking at Story of the world on Amazon- I was thinking of using it with my son next year- and lets just say that some of the reviews on there are no less than scathing. They keep saying her historical facts are off, she moves events around to prove her points, the text talks down to children and she waxes over important happenings only to focus on things she "thinks" are more interesting to children, the text is over simplified....etc. I could go on! So, for those who have used it- what did you think?:confused:
  6. We used the about three and the preschool books and DS loved them! They were so easy to use, and actually since ds loves to color everything anyways, he loved that they were black and white. He finished them all already and he's just now turning five- so it must depend on your child as to when to use them. He also loves workbook activities so that may have something to do with it. Wow, I can't wait to use the new ones with my younger son- we've got a ways to wait though so hopefully they will be out by the time we would need them.
  7. WOW! Thanks for all the replies! I will take your advice to heart and come up with goals and things I want to accomplish and then decide what I want to do with the WTM spine. My son is just entering Kindergarten and I know I have some time, but I wanted to really know what I was doing before I began WTM strategies officially. Any further advice directed at Kindergarten/1st grade is also appreciated. You guys are awesome!
  8. I am using A Beka K5 with my son this year and he loves it. While it's academically challenging it's not overly workbook based- we play lots of games and do many different types of activities that he loves. It has the lessons planned out for you but not scripted so you can ditch what you don't want to do. There is a page out of the workbook like once every other day or every three days. We love it! BUT...the lessons assume you bought the whole kit and kaboodle. All the flashcards, the felt letters etc which can add up unless you get them elsewhere. So beware of that.
  9. I just finished reading the Well trained mind and I love the whole idea of classical education- I'm so excited...but a little daunted as well at the sheer amount of hours and books and things they recommend the students to do. Does anyone here follow it to a T? If not, how do you decide what to keep and what to throw out? (Help?) :p
  10. Have you tried beautiful feet? I'm not sure if it would work for what you are doing but check it out. They aren't textbooks in the traditional sense but I have heard they were good. http://www.bfbooks.com/
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