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Everything posted by Virg

  1. Oregon is very accepting of that kind of thing :) It was really nice, I don't think I ever got negative comments the whole time I nursed the twins!
  2. Yes, I do. I'm mean like that. "Can i", "will you", and "may i" just drive me nuts when used improperly. My parents made us use proper grammar all of the time. If I ever said, "Can I...," they would always reply with, "I don't know, can you?"
  3. I don't think it is necessary for someone called by God but I think it is very helpful. I also think that in the course of being a pastor, whether or not you have a degree to begin with, you should constantly be educating yourself.
  4. My kids all shower each morning because they get sweaty at night. If they get gross during the day I will have them take a quick "rinse-off" shower when they come in. My DSS and DSD are white and black, and I cornrow DSD's hair often, she still has to take a shower every day though. She just doesn't actually shampoo her scalp as often. Her hair can stay in two weeks but it takes forever to do the first day. By the time I am done my back and neck are killing me. For a while DSD was having hygiene issues related to all of her behavioral issues. She refused to wash her hair and grease it and trying to make her was literally a physical fight, so obviously it didn't get done. We finally took her in and had it cut pretty short. I cried but it turned out darling! Plus all i had to do was convince her to let me oil it really quick and it curled up really cute. She wore headbands or a barrette or two. Sometimes you just have to do what is easier, it isn't always worth the fight. I regretted waiting so long once we had it done.
  5. NM Saw that you went to the ER and posted an update :)
  6. With mine we could take them off the floor as long as you notified the nurse so she could check who you were and then would deactivate bracelet. They did this when my kids were older in the hospital also. I didn't really have to get permission to go to the playroom or classroom more just notify them.
  7. :iagree: Yeah it is very bad when they explode ALL over the microwave!
  8. When I was a single mom homeschooling I did daycare out of my home also.
  9. Yeah, I'll fourth that. I'm a typical American I guess, "Don't control what I can see on your site!" LOL No really, that is why I hate the mobile versions :lol:
  10. $3.16/gal Salt Lake City Metro A little glad I am not still in Portland.
  11. This will be biased as I have an immune suppressd child, but I would stay home :001_smile:
  12. I started elementary school in the late 80's so I had all of the recommended vaccinations throughout my childhood. My dad was an older dad, born in the 30's, and he remembered children dying of diseases and he and his friends being terrified of catching polio and being in the iron lung. He didn't but some of his friends did. He tells stories of the excitement when the vaccine was given out in town. Also my aunt adopted a child from India with polio so that also contributed to my parents' decisions. I caught chicken pox when I was four and had a horrible case, I have the pox scars covering my body to prove it lol As an adult I have had everything updated as I have a child with an auto-immune disorder who must take immune suppressants. Everyone in my house is caught up on all vaccines and gets the flu shot each year. DS11 almost died from the flu once for reasons no one can explain. He gets pneumonia a lot so we all have the prevnar & pnumovax shots too. The twins were premature so they had a few extra shots, as did I.
  13. :iagree: Exactly the same, my mother has already died but I will take care of my dad when he needs me too. DH's parent's isn't happening. They absolutely hate me. Your children are very, very sweet :)
  14. DH has full custody of his kids and I have full custody of mine (as in not even supervised visitations for the other parent) and I homeschool all of them. Each of our kids has special needs but there are all completely different. From auto-immune to dylexia and FASD to gifted. It is bizarre to try to teach to all of their levels. I run a daycare out of my home and not just an extra kid or two but a full daycare. Between special needs and the daycare I think I am the only homeschooler I know IRL not involved in any outside activities at all. I love this thread it is making me feel so much more normal!
  15. :iagree: This was how my childhood was. Old, huge house with crazy high ceilings and picture windows everywhere. I like ours set to 73ºF
  16. I used to nanny for boy/girl twins and people asked all the time if there were twins. I would reply yes. One boy and one girl? I would say yes again. At least half of the time they would follow up with are they identical? Ummm no. I used to think it was common knowledge that identical twins have the same DNA but it must not be.
  17. :iagree: My son is allergic to all milk proteins and I hear these things ALL of the time. I have done childcare and taught preschool for years, the things I have heard parents say makes me fear for our country's future! Children should eat toast, there are less calories and carbs after you toast bread. Sunny D is a perfectly fine juice to give an infant in their bottle. Their baby's favorite drink at 3 months old is Dr Pepper. All from parents in a high-paying profession!
  18. My doctor told me just the other day that there are only a few medications that actually expire (when stored normally), Motrin wasn't one of them. I asked her for a refill on something because mine were expired and she said she would if it would make me feel better but none of them really expire. I was surprised but I guess it shouldn't surprise me too much considering bottled water has an expiration date.
  19. DS11 #1: Strengths- math!, diagramming, spelling final tests, logic, following directions, Weaknesses-speech (seriously speaks German better than English lol even after 9 years of speech therapy), reading, writing (really anything involving language processing), spelling pre-tests, perfectionism, easily frustrated DS11#2 Strengths- Bible (very insightful), creativity, writing, spelling, reading, science Weaknesses-paying attention and sitting still, some math concepts
  20. :iagree: We always have parties at our house with a cake and a few snacks BECAUSE we can't afford to pay for everyone to go to a party. I have told the kids several times when they have asked for a party at a certain place, well you can but the fun time with your friends would be your present. Every time they have said oh well we have fun at our house too, let's do that. My children are little capitalists :lol: Fun for three hours < presents we can play with for days, weeks, or maybe even months
  21. $1300 for all four of mine, not including paper and such. Just the curricula. I really wish we could spend more though....
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