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Posts posted by Susan

  1. Check out Writing Road to Reading. This is a very good method that is very logical and thorough. It can be used as a complete program - spelling, reading and writing. The students learn the specific sounds of at least 70 phonograms that are used in the English language in a very systematic and non-stressful way and methodically advance to reading and writing. This program is ideal for students with difficulties, but I think it's also great for any student b/c it makes sense out of spelling, reading and writing. Check out www.spalding.org. There is a support forum there for homeschoolers and teachers who use this method. You can probably get this book on Amazon. I cannot say enough about how much I LOVE this method!! Don't despair. You have not failed your son. You are doing everything in your power and by seeking help and new strategies you are helping him!!

  2. I love Rod & Staff. I think that TWTM recommends switching after 5th grade to Abeka, but I am wanting to continue with R&S b/c I like it so much. My son really benefits from the thoroughness of R&S. He has always been about 1 year behind his peers since he was a little guy. He is in 7th grade now and finishing R&S 5. I don't want to take over this thread with my question, but am wondering what others think about continuing with R&S instead of following TWTM's suggestion of switching to Abeka. Also, has anyone used R&S for higher than 6th grade?

  3. People do not take it seriously unless they have gone through it themselves. I can't tell you how frustrating it is to try to deal with other parents when it comes to the serious peanut allergy. I had a mom selling girl scout cookies who wanted to argue with me after I politely declined b/c my son is allergic to peanuts. I am fortunate that we homeschool, but we have to be very careful about even being around nuts, since he reacts just to touching peanut or nut butters. I tried to organize small homeschool get-togethers, but when I have asked if we could avoid peanut products b/c of my son's allergy, several parents have gone ballistic, and one lady even brought a whole jar of peanut butter for her kids, even after I told her about my son's allergy. I guess I've been a magnet to unkind people in my small town. I do carry Benedryl and an epipen with me wherever we go, but have fortunately not had to use the epipen, only Benedryl. My biggest obstacle is getting other adults to understand the seriousness of this allergy. You've already been given some good sites for food allergies and advice about seeing a good allergy doctor. I have had to tell my son that even if a adults or other kids say there are no nuts in a food product, they can't always trust that, and it's best to only eat foods that we give him. I don't think my son would do well at all in a public or even private school environment b/c so many people eat peanut products and peanut butter, and there are just too many well-meaning adults/teachers/moms who might offer him these kinds of treats, and unfortunately just being around them can make him sick:(. I hope he grows out of this when he's an adult, b/c he will have to be very careful when he's out there on his own!! I know I'm not offering much in the way of advice, but just letting you know that I know what it's like!

  4. I don't blog, probably because I'm a private person, and I never quite understood the need to do it. I used to get caught up reading Yahoo group emails. I found myself feeling very bogged down by people's debates, attacks at others' posts, and writing to anonymous people who had no interest in real friendship. I had a Yahoo group at one time to try to get local homeschoolers together, but even then people just wanted to keep to themselves. I thought it was strange that people would join a local email list and never show interest in doing anything. Speaking of lightbulb moment, I gave up on trying to get local homeschoolers together b/c it was also taking time away from my own personal life, to my own detriment. I unsubscribed from the Yahoo groups and focused on my family--the best choice I ever made! But back to the your point, I love what you wrote. There is so much to enjoy in our children, our families, nature, and our personal lives. Unless a person wants to advertise his/her personal life to the virtual world, blogging is not for everyone and doesn't have to be. It's too bad you don't live closer to me! You've described all of the things I'd like to do too!

  5. I have a 4th grader and a 7th grader. I am comfortable with my other grammar program, so I'm looking for something with emphasis on writing. I've used Writing Strands, but thought this looked interesting for my 4th grader. From the replies, it looks like it's too young for a 7th grader. Maybe I'll stick with Writing Strands. Thanks!

  6. I have run into the very same thing. I don't go to church, but I am a Christian. Not the right kind of Christian, though. I don't understand it, but this behavior seems prevalent in Christian groups. I have had people drop me instantly once they find out I don't attend church. It is very disturbing, but the way I see it is that these people show their true colors instantly, so there's no need for me to find out later that they're jerks. ;) Then again, it's not limited to the religious groups, but other small cliques where people want to follow a leader and not think for themselves. I live in a small town and have seen homeschoolers so divided and they get so caught up in this "high school" behavior that they lose out on getting to know other homeschoolers b/c they get caught up in their gossip circles and hangups about homeschool methods/philosophies.


    It sounds like you are in a good position in that you do have a nice homeschool group in which to participate. I'd love to be in that position! If I were you I'd just write off that one rude lady's remarks and enjoy homeschooling with your kids and your positive support group. Don't let those people get you down, b/c when it all comes down to it, it's all about your kids.


    I've SO been there!! :)

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