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Everything posted by annlaura

  1. That's cool about emailing pdf's to amazon and getting them back in kindle form. I'd never heard that. I use my nook color while lying on my side nursing too, and it doesn't bother me. But I agree that checking them out in person is a good idea.
  2. The difference between wifi & 3G is that you could be more places when receiving downloads with 3G, that is, anywhere you can get a phone signal. With wifi you need to be at home, or somewhere with free wifi such as Starbucks or a b&n store, etc. Either one helps you get books from amazon or b&n. As far as I know, library books etc have to be first downloaded to your computer, then from your computer to your ereader. At least that's how my nook color works.
  3. 3G is the same service used for internet access on cell phones.
  4. My grandmother used to invite just me for visits, and not my older brother. My mother insisted she have us both. Grandma finally agreed to have us both, but different times. I went first and had a lovely time. Then she never had my brother after all. His hurt was great, and my visit was tainted and I felt guilt. If your MIL truly didn't intend to hurt but to even out the trips, she should know she did anyway. All of the children need to know this doesn't reflect on them in any way.
  5. Ugh. I feel your pain. :grouphug: My beagle mix loves how soft the dirt is in the flower beds. Sigh. I really can't let her out on her own right now. I read somewhere that you can teach a dog to only dig in a certain area, but the lesson isn't sinking in yet. :tongue_smilie:
  6. That's really fun! Great mix. I am a little curious about the mystery part of my beagle mix. Best guess was sheltie, but sometimes I think it must be a larger shepherding breed. Don't think DH would pay for testing though.
  7. One reason I like my island is that DS4 can sit and draw/do a workbook page/play lego/tell me stories while I chop/mix/roll, and we're facing each other. It's also great for boy/toddler/dog parades. I have an open floor plan, so it makes sense in our home.
  8. Have her checked for a microchip. My dog's tag pulled off a couple of weeks ago, and I haven't replaced it yet. But she's chipped. She is sweet looking. Love the ears.
  9. Thanks Brindee! We were listening to the Dandelions album all day. I grew up with her music, and now my boys are. Just makes me happy.
  10. Didn't he? I commented to my friend watching with me that Harry is going to be a great uncle.
  11. Re: allergic reactions to the peel. The allergens can transfer to the meat when peeling, so it is a good idea to rinse again after peeling.
  12. If I am reading the BBC America site correctly, they have pre-wedding coverage starting at 2a.m. and the wedding at 5a.m.
  13. :ack2::ack2: I do not envy you. Hope the season passes uneventfully for you.
  14. P.S. the deal with the update is Angry Birds!!! ;) :D
  15. The update was released yesterday, so you can either manually sideload it or wait for an automatic update sometime this week. If you wait, you should get a little notification icon when it happens. To do it yourself, go to http://www.nookcolor.com/update, iirc.
  16. I adore my nook color! It was my Christmas gift. I have littles, so the children's books are wonderful for me. I don't have any trouble reading, esp since I can change the background color and brightness. I installed the new update yesterday and am quite pleased. I admit I am surprised to find how many books I have read on it. I also really love the magazines. They look great, and they don't use trees or clutter my house. I have subscribed to Nat Geo Little Kids for DS4 too. If I had the money, I might buy an ipad instead, but I like the smaller size of the nook color for many things, esp portability.
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