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Everything posted by annlaura

  1. Rhythm of the Home, both the blog and the online magazine small things blog crafty crow artful parent amazon barnes & noble
  2. :lol: When DS4 was at that stage, one day he tried asking if we could buy some at the store and refill my mommy milks.
  3. :grouphug: So sorry for what you're going through. I despise lying. I would find it difficult to share custody of small children and a baby though. Praying for you. :grouphug:
  4. My older DS went through a phase where he was an absolute nightmare if he napped, but we both still needed his quiet time. So I switched him to the couch and/or kitchen island. Then my puttering around kept him awake, and if he looked like he was dozing off on the couch, I'd ask him if his book was good or put a drink on the side table.
  5. Oh, an etch-a-sketch. Or 2 small ones. My DS4 recently got a pocket one, although it's too big for any regular pocket. He loves it.
  6. Paper dolls. Colorforms. There are Dover mini activity books with a scene and reusable stickers. They don't last as long as colorforms though. Maybe those little looms that just make a square? I forget what they're called exactly, but they come with a bag of loops.
  7. :grouphug: I'm so sorry. My FIL passed when DS4 was 2. When he saw his body at the wake, he asked, "Is Abuelo sleeping?" I tried to keep my explanation simple but honest. You'll want to base it on your own beliefs, but I told DS that Abuelo died but was with God, and that his spirit is still with us. He has had questions since then, especially when our dog and cat died and reminded him of Abuelo's death. It is very difficult. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
  8. I can buy complete seasons of Little Bear on amazon instant, and I haven't seen it elsewhere. Do I need to have prime to purchase this and view through roku? I'm glad to read this thread too since I've been trying to figure out which would be better.
  9. I have a grand I inherited from my grandmother who was a professional. I am a professional musician too. The piano probably takes up more of my house than most people would like, but I adore having it. For the record, at some point a number of Steinway techs went to Yamaha, and many Yamahas are truly excellent.
  10. Thanks all. We're going shopping today, so hopefully we'll find one to try. If not, he can try his cousin's in Florida when we visit in a couple weeks. Will he need the helmet/elbow pad/knee pad combo for a razor?
  11. I made it every day when DH worked days. Now I just make it on his days off. On work days, there may or may not be a quick pulling up of the comforter, or I might pull and adjust as I get into bed.
  12. I see them around the neighborhood, but we don't personally know anyone with one here. Do you suppose a store would have a display model to try?
  13. Oh really? Thanks! I bet he'd think that was way cooler too.
  14. Yes to the large, and yes it can work. A bit tricky figuring out just the right tightness, I thought. My sister had a professional help her, and then she had to help me.
  15. I want to get DS4 a scooter, and I'm looking at the Radio Flyer EZ Rider and the Little Red scooters. Any experience with either? Another I should consider? http://www.amazon.com/Radio-Flyer-Ez-Rider-Scooter/dp/B002AVU3SG/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1305254413&sr=8-4 http://www.amazon.com/Radio-Flyer-Little-Red-Scooter/dp/B0000859QL/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1305254413&sr=8-3
  16. IIRC, the instructions said no fragrance. And maybe not moisturizing? So I used my homemade no added ingredient soap. If I'm wrong about the moisturizing part, unscented dove or ivory might be ok. Not sure about the feminine wash. I really like mine. I turn it inside out, which is a tip I read on another forum.
  17. This is so great. Thank you all for sharing your knowledge and experience. I think DH is willing to do it! I am looking forward to saving money, but super looking forward to reducing mindless tv time. :D
  18. Ok. One more question for the roku users: which roku do you have? Happy with it? Or wish you'd gotten a different one? Wait. I lied. I had 2 more questions. I see that the UFC channel is $60/6mo and $45/fight. I know a bit about netflix subscriptions. And huluplus is something like $8/mo. Amazon prime is $80/yr. Newscaster is free. We don't need NBA or NHL. Anything that I might want or need to pay for?
  19. Wow. I'm just outside Chicago, and Walgreens frequentlly has milk for $1.99/gal, otherwise it's about $2.20-2.50 most stores.
  20. One thing I've done is to stay away from the big chain groceries. Instead, I go to a mom & pop store with a fantastic selection of produce, a great butcher, and a great deli counter. These items are fresher and cheaper than the chain stores. This store stocks fewer non-perishables and charges a bit more for them, so I only get exactly what we need. About every 8 weeks I go to Target and stock any pantry items, and about once a month I hit Aldi for a few items I like from there. I also had to get over the mindset that cooking had took lots of time. Chopping a few carrots and throwing them, peas, and noodles into chicken broth really only takes 2 minutes, and it's cheaper and healthier than canned. And cooking up chicken breasts and green beans is actually faster than sending DH out for take-out. I tend to plan 4-5 meals, and have basics on hand for old standbys. I am planning to start making more meals to freeze.
  21. Congrats! Puppies are so wonderful. Enjoy her!
  22. I like line drying, but DH doesn't as much, so I put most of his things in the dryer. I have a rack in the basement by the washer and dryer, so I toss socks and sometimes undies on it. It's a little faster and easier for me not to have to pin them to the line. The boys play in the yard as I hang or take down and fold, so I don't need to rush unless it's starting to rain. I do think line drying is better for our clothes. In cold or wet weather, I use the dryer. Maybe one day I will set up another rack and do more indoors as well.
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