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Everything posted by Ria

  1. Dh and I each have a computer desk, yes. We both have iMacs, so a desk is a necessity. :)
  2. Here's a link to a dvd that gets good reviews on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Trainers-Edge-Integrated-Strength-Training/dp/B000GNOH6Y/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1315397186&sr=8-1 and this one http://www.amazon.com/Bob-Harper-Pure-Super-Strength/dp/B003ULW71Q/ref=pd_bxgy_mov_img_c Any chance your library has any?
  3. I did Chalene Extreme (similar to p90x but not as difficult) but it's heavy on squats and push ups. There might be enough in it you can do, though...she uses resistance bands and dumbbells. Eventually we bought a home gym because dh and I realized we'd either have to join a gym (very expensive in the long run) or get our own (he doesn't like to do DVDs). I will say that using the home gym is more fun to me than the dvds...I just pop in my ipod and lift.
  4. S*x, to be exact. You make TeA with your dh...your own little TeA party...alone in your room. Does that help?:D
  5. I"m so sorry, Jean. I hope you wake to find she's had a peaceful night. Praying for your family and the pup. :grouphug:
  6. How about hardwood with area rugs or runners in the high dog-traffic areas?
  7. I wouldn't hesitate to put laminate in if you find one you like. The house is for YOU. Any potential future buyers can do what they want with it later. I prefer nice hardwood, but would prefer laminate to someone's icky carpeting, if that helps any!
  8. Oh. My. Word. What you ladies have been up to while I was away. :lol: I just read the TeA room carpet thread, and one about...appliances. Very, very entertaining!:D
  9. Okay, I have to ask. How often do you have to do this? And doesn't it get prickly prior to the next shave? Inquiring minds, you know...:blush:
  10. Oh, no, not from work. They meet guys in bars, or friends of friends. Like college, only now they are way past college. KWIM?
  11. Your daughter needs to do the talking, not you. She's the one who got herself into the situation. I would encourage her to email her teacher NOW. ETA: She can email the teacher and request a conference tomorrow. That's the easy part. The harder part is what she's going to have to do next, and that is come up with a way to deal with the girl in the future. The girl stole your dd's paper and got away with it (at least in her eyes) and your dd needs to be prepared for the next time. And it could get ugly when Miss Plagiarism doesn't get her way. :(
  12. It's not just in college. The young unmarrieds that I work with - I'm talking professionals - are into it, too.
  13. Lunch was leftover homemade fish sticks. Peace? I have very little peace. I was hoping to hear from my son in Afghanistan but I did not. I did talk to one of his buddies over there; he said Dan's ankle is better and he's back on patrol. That does not bring peace. Sigh. New: We moved the exercise equipment and with luck the new elliptical machine will arrive Friday. Running and exercising helps.
  14. I just can't imagine the time involved in removing all hairs from everywhere. Sheesh. As it is, I have fine hair on my upper legs, so I only shave from the knees down. I'm just trying to picture if I did all of both legs, both arms, and...you know. It must take forever.
  15. I'm clueless fashion-wise, but happy anniversary! That's awesome! :)
  16. No problem at all. Maybe it's because I taught at several co-ops for so long, or because I deal with the public all day (pharmacy tech). Who knows.
  17. I work with several women in their late 20's and early 30's. I know some of them who shave the entire region. I home wax in the ladyscaping way, so I can wear my bikini without worry.
  18. Donna, I'm sorry. I feel bad for you, and understand why you feel the way you do. It sucks. :( :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  19. That would be good, I think. Since you mentioned the ADHD I thought perhaps engaging his mind would be good. Backgammon can be fun...over a bottle of wine, perhaps? :001_smile:
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