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Everything posted by Gwenhwyfar

  1. She sounds a bit like me. I don't mean just as a kid either - my husband & friends have often put their hands on my shoulders and said 'whoa' or 'SLOW DOWN' because I'm six thoughts ahead of the conversation and asking questions about bits that haven't even been discussed yet. My hands are always flapping away and I chew the tops off all my pens. And everyone else's pens. I'd give her room to move. If she wants to run in circles while you talk - let her. Ask questions after - I bet she's listening... quite likely even BETTER when she's moving. It takes a heck of a lot for me to "sit still" - I end up missing parts of what's going on because I'm concentrating.... on sitting still! :lol:
  2. That sounds fantastic! I never do 'sweet' things with vegetables, so I would definitely vote for salty/savoury type recipes.
  3. Cuz they're comfy. :D & fun. :D & some of us don't care what other people think of our clothing. ;) (Yes, I have pj pants that I wear out of the house. No, I don't wear slippers and a housecoat with them - usually a t-shirt or tank top. Hoodie if it's chilly.) To the topic itself: modesty, IMO, is something that everyone is going to define for themselves, influenced by their family, friends, faith, culture, etc etc etc. The trouble generally starts when people try to define modesty for others.
  4. Thank you for the suggestions! :) I'll check them out. Not so sure about that "college" one though - unless the name is misleading?
  5. I'd let her do the swimming. She's only 5, so she doesn't have to be totally committed to one specific sport yet ;)
  6. Hi there. I wonder if anyone might have a suggestion... Background: Our dd13 (9th grade) has expressed an interest in taking part in some extracurricular activities through the public high school and possibly attending fulltime in the tenth grade. I've been making some phone calls and have discovered that this IS allowed (extracurriculars), but from what I've been able to find out so far, there's a good chance that she would be expected to follow the same curriculum as the kids in school are doing. I've yet to confirm this (have to wait another week before the individual I need to speak with comes back to work), but even if they don't require it for participation in extracurriculars, she does want to attend full time in 10th. Problem: She isn't "on grade level" in math. When we started homeschooling years back, we thought that we were doing it 'all the way' - so we haven't been too concerned with being EXACTLY where the public school kids are. She's ahead in some, behind in others - depending on where you make your comparisons. I need a math program that will "close the gaps" - and fairly quickly. She's at about the 6th/7th grade level in math - and she needs to catch up to 9th. (She may or may not have to work with a 9th grade text this year - we don't know yet. But by Sept 2011, she WILL have to handle the 10th grade math text if she goes ahead with her current plan and attends public high school full time.) If she does have to do the 9th text this year, we'll deal. I'll still need something to work with her on the gaps - we'll just have to make it work out. What program would you all suggest? Something that covers the basics, covers the major concepts taught during 7 & 8 mainly, I guess it would be. But something that can be done in a shorter time than usual. (If we get lucky and don't have to use the 9th text this year, then we have the full year to catch her up to level.) Thanks! :)
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