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Everything posted by ilovemy4kids

  1. The above was our experience too. WHL is perfectly in order so far. :)
  2. Our homeschool group just had the PLAN this morning. It's always in October here and the EXPLORE is in May.
  3. Going with my grandbabies, and I am wearing my renfest costume. Dress, full underskirt, point skirt and corset. (Just for the record, I do NOT show a bunch of cleavage.....I use a safety pin to "alter" the look, it's still cute! )
  4. Well, I spoke with Veritas Scholars Academy today, and they suggested if she takes the online class, just jump in at Omnibus III, then iv, v, and vi for 10th, 11th, and 12th.... I suppose that could work. However if we do it at home, I still haven't decided on I or IV to begin with Ancients. MFW is starting to pop back in my head as easier to do..... But she really wants to do the omnibus thing. decisions, decisions....
  5. OOOHH! If you find the history of the ancient world on audio too, please let me know! Sandra
  6. I would strongly suggest Apologia Physical Science and if you can afford the extra cost the flash drive recorded class from redwagontutorials.com Apologia with the help of Mr. R is incredible! Sandra PS. Welcome to homeschool!
  7. We have both packets and the CD...the packets come with our MFW packages but I already owned the CD. All I ever use is the CD. We print them off using the notebook sized option onto avery full sheet labels. Then the kids can just cut them out and stick them on. We have used them for years....with earlier MFW years, Tapestry and SOTW....we use the beautiful timeline book they sell until 9th grade, then switch to the mfw timeline book. Haven't had a problem with dates.... If you will tell me a couple of specific events you want to know the dates for, I will tell you what they are. Sandra
  8. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=287753&highlight=omnibus
  9. Okay, my dd13 is in 8th grade and we are doing Starting Points and LOVING it! Next year for 9th I had planned on MFW AHL. My son used it and is doing WHL now. I like it. He likes it. But, it's a lot less parent interaction...not to say we couldn't make it more by doing readings together.... DD really is enjoying the "together" studying she and I are doing. DD is taking logic and art from veritasscholarsonline right now and lots of the kids take omnibus online. If possible, we'd love for her to take it online next year. That way she gets more discussion and interaction, etc... BUT money will probably not allow that and we would end up doing it at home. That's where the questions start.... Which year of omnibus to start with? 1 is supposed to be first but it's what is used for 7th grade. 3 is suggested for 9th, but then we'd be jumping in at modern history, 4 is the highschool ancients, but boy does it look hard? Which would you start with and would you choose differently vs online or at home? ex... volume 1 if at home but vol 3 if online? I'd love to hear your thoughts. Blessings Sandra
  10. Honestly, I'd just double up and have him complete Bio and Advanced Bio this year. 30 minutes a day he could change to an hour and do both books! then with a little extra study from an ap prep book, he could take the ap exam, or study a clep and take the clep exam. Just my 2 cents. Sandra
  11. Wow! That's quick. Are you requiring formal lab reports also? We use redwagontutorials for Apologia sciences and my son took the Honors Biology last year and it was quite a bit of work. Really quite a bit. My daughter did general science and it was a lot as well. Perhaps it is because Mr. R adds in more, but there is no way that either of mine could have finished in 30 minutes a day, not with doing all of the labs, OYO's, Study guides etc.... and watching the multimedia presentations on the cd. I couldn't do it and I was a science major. Is he truly doing ALL of the work? Complete sentences, good understanding? Keeping a detailed lab notebook? Does he use the bookextras site to explore more in depth? Also, there are some recommended books for reading from the Apologia website for student who desire more or who need more of a challenge. For what it's worth, we have only used apologia and my son scored in the 99th percentile in science on the standardized tests. Sandra
  12. Thank you to all for your honesty and encouragement. After a night of tears, a morning of meltdowns and temper tantrums (not the kids...me) we are back at trying to get some work done. Had a nice long heart to heart with the kids. Turns out my daughter who always says she wants to go to the same private school as her best friend, DOESN'T really want to go, she likes being homeschooled. She is my one who always says "I'm stupid" and things like that. This year has been worse. Turns out, it's just math that makes her feel "stupid". She is in Saxon alg 1/2 (did 8/7) last year, but wasn't ready for Alg 1 this year and she's in 8th grade. Also, she was feeling "stupid" because she really, really, really like Rod and Staff English, but we didn't continue with it this year. She did book 6 last year and we planned on book 7 for this year but have been so busy that we didn't pick it up and start. She was missing Rod and Staff, so we got out the new book and she did lesson 1. Now there are smiles. Weird kid. Not even going to attempt to touch on the 10th grade son at the moment but I will later. My husband refuses to let the kids go to school so there really isn't another option. I tried just quitting but it's a little impossible to ignore your kids all day when they are home and want to learn something. :) Sandra still dangling from the edge but not letting go of the rope yet
  13. Any other homeschool moms who have just wanted to throw in the towel and say, "I can't do this anymore?" Just not able to keep on schedule, up with grading, things fall behind and you seriously believe they would get a better education at a private school where there is more structure and accountability and they'd learn to be more responsible for their own work? As a homeschool mom, if something doesn't get done, I don't feel I can just give an F/0 and move on...I still make the work get done and then we are further behind.
  14. Okay, I chose "other". We are using apologia with redwagontutorials.com and loving it! My son also does the recommended readings as suggested on the apologia website for serious science students. He scores very, very well on standardized tests, but more importantly has a true understanding of what he is learning and is able to connect it to other ideas. Sandra
  15. About how much time on the non class days did they have to spend on homework?
  16. Does anyone have experience with Veritas Scholars Academy online? My dd wants to take Logic 1 Art Studies 1 French 1 She received a scholarship for veritas... The French is what I am concerned about...she already completed Rosetta stone French 1 so she wouldn't be going in cold turkey but she is 8th grade...she would be getting an age waiver. Her classes taught at home will be Starting Points Alg 1 or 1/2 Rod and Staff English 7 Also online she has Physical Science with Redwagon (LOVE IT) and writeathome.com 8th grade composition Does the above look doable or should we forgo the French? I just don't know how much homework there will be for the Veritas Classes and I'm worried about how to fit it all in... Sandra
  17. If they aren't going to be 14 till July, I'd just go ahead and let them do "8th" this year....They will still graduate at 18! Our son just finished his freshman year, just turned 14 last week, finished Alg 1, Biology, is almost done with MFW AHL, and Portuguese 1... and scored 99th percentile, composite of 24 on the Explore test this year. We are still considering not labeling him a sophomore next year but a freshman again simply so he can have most of his 18th year at home to mature a bit more. Just my two cents worth.
  18. For my 9th grade son, Bible, English, and History took 2-4 hours daily, depending on his motivation level and the particular subject matter. On average 3 hours should be fine.
  19. I am planning to use AG after Rod and Staff English 7. I have both programs. I don't thing it will be going backwards because both programs present things in a different manner. AG is just grammar. R&S has poetry etc.... Anyway, I think AG will be a nice "finisher" after R&S. We have done R&S 6, and I thought about going straight to AG but decided to stick with R&S for one more year, mainly because my daughter really enjoys it!
  20. Other than something like the Potter's school or veritasonline, I would think that Abeka or BJU DVD's would be as close as you could get! I'd love to hear if someone has other ideas! Blessings Sandra
  21. Yep! You can do the yahoo group with live classes, dvd's, or flash drives or even just to ask Mr. R questions!
  22. Yep, I am part of that group as well. Mr. R and I discussed the yahoo group idea and he thought it would be a good idea to add in addition since there are so many people who don't do facebook at all. Personally I LOVE having Facebook! My kiddos did General and Biology with Mr. R this year and we are so looking forward to Chemisty and Physical Science next year! Which ones are you doing?
  23. Okay, so in light of all the recent conversation about redwagon tutorials and Mr. Rosenoff, I thought it might be nice to have a place where we can ask Mr. Rosenoff questions etc.... so I made a yahoo group called apologiawithredwagon and asked him to join it for the purpose of answering questions since he is unable to do that here. If you have any questions the group is: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/apologiawithredwagon I've never done a group before so hopefully it works right... now off to post some questions about our upcoming year to the great hive mind here on the high school board! Blessings Sandra
  24. Just to let you know, Mr. Rosenoff has been banned, so he will be unable to answer questions here. I'd suggest you shoot him an email from his redwagon site or simply google him and you will find him on another forum site. Just didn't want you all to think he was ignoring everyone. Blessings Sandra
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