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Posts posted by icollectkids

  1. Googled and found 1 review for Dr. Kennedy and it wasn't good. Didn't really find much else...


    We have an appt set up to see Dr. Copela this afternoon. We were supposed to see him at 4. She said they are booked solid and we'd probably have a little wait. Then I got a call back saying he wants to see ds sooner, so we got bumped up. So far I'm feeling good about him. :)

  2. super long story short-- my 14yo will be having knee surgery this week. I have 2 pediatric orthopedists expecting me to call them in the morning. (he had an accident at my sils house involving a glass storm door and running...that's the microwave version!)


    I know nothing about surgeons here. One is Dr. Kennedy at Cooks. The other is Dr. Copela (I think I spelled that right..) at a surgery center in Grapevine. Both come highly recommended by the doc we had at the ER.


    I was wondering if any of y'all have had any dealings with either of these guys? I basically have to choose between the 2...



  3. We found a new game through Wil Wheaton's site called Fiasco, where everything always eventually goes horribly wrong. It's hilarious! We have it, just haven't had a chance to play it yet. 


    We have that one and have been wanting to play it!

  4. We don't often to salad as a main dish. When we do it's chicken caeser salad complete with homemade caeser dressing.


    I serve it as a side very often. All my people like it. When I serve it I serve lots of toppings.


    Our faves are:

    hard boiled eggs

    sunflower seeds

    marinated artichoke hearts


    whatever fresh veggies I have...carrots, cukes (anything but tomatoes- major allergy!)




    ...you get the idea ;)

  5. My older ones go to bed at 9 M-F. My younger ones are in bed 8:15-8:30ish. On the weekends, we stay up later playing games, watching a movie and so on.


    At 8:30 I clock out for the evening and do whatever I want...bubble bath, play online, use the bathroom, eat dinner, knit/crochet.. etc.

  6. Not really.  LLL is more of a repository of information than a collection of experts, other than at the very top levels of the organization.  Most Leaders are nothing more than a mom who's done a lot of reading and working with other moms, and a passion for educating others about BFing.   I mean--they're just volunteers.


    IBCLCs are the experts.  

    (International Board Certified Lactation Consultants)

    Though it's really unfortunate the Leader didn't get back to you more quickly.   :(  I had a very similar call, but knew a cleft lip/palette was more than I was equipped to deal with so I passed her right off to a respected LC in the area.


    We made it to 12.5 months. It was hard on both of us. Neither of us was ready to stop! I often tell people (somewhat jokingly..) that God was calling me to be a lactation consultant. I've dealt with so many 'issues' over the years with my kids. LOL And, nursing a clefty isn't that common, so hopefully my expirence would be of help to someone out there.

  7. I've been to a couple LLL mtgs. I wasn't impressed. It was more of a sit and chat time for the moms. Yes, there was a topic and some talking within that topic. But overall, not that helpful. I had called them seeking help with a problem I was having. (it was baby #6 and I had nursed them all at least 12m and I was somewhat stumped with what to do about my issue with him.) I got 'uhh....let me call someone and I'll get back to you....' about a week later (of pain and misery on my part...lol) I finally got a call back. It was less than helpful. I ended up just weaning him. I was not ready to wean yet, either, but I didn't see any other option. it was about nursing a cleft lip baby and his teeth were coming in funky b/c of his cleft and the way it affected him gum, so I'm sure it's not something they really have much advice on, but still... they are supposedly the lactation experts lol

  8. We used Hodgson's Mill GF yellow cake mix. There's a lot you can do with it, including making it chocolate, according to the package. The cupcakes texture is a little like cornbread and when dd tasted it, she thought it was cornbread. The flavor isn't bad but I think I could have added more vanilla, which is what some of the reviews I read recommended. I miraculously found some almond extract in my cabinet, though, and that went in, too. :)


    I also made cupcakes using Betty Crocker GF devil's food cake mix. That was an easier one to use and the texture wasn't grainy, much more like real cake. I'd recommend that again and may consider getting other GF Betty Crocker mixes in the future.


    Betty Crocker isn't bad. Also, a brand called Namaste is really good!

  9. For me it was because I'd found the right guy and didn't see any reason to wait. All the things I wanted to do with my life wouldn't be hindered by having a husband, and since I'd wanted and yearned for children since I reached puberty having a husband would be a boon! lol.


    This pretty sums it up. :)


    We met when I was 17 and he was 23. We were engaged about 6 wks later and married 8 months later. I was 18 he was 24 when we got married. Baby #1 came when I was 19.....a month before our first anniversary. (he was our honeymoon souvenir)

  10. I measure small every time. I'm on baby #8 and only sometimes measure within a week of how far along I am. The biggest 'stretch' I've had was 4cm off... My smallest baby out of 7 was 7# 10oz.


    My midwife said I just have lots of hiding room...because I have a long torso.


    I am probably no help...

  11. I have a question about large family dynamics. Where did you experience the tipping point where more kids was not necessarily more work. I've often heard that once you have three, additional kids just slip right in. My husband and I joke that we are already well broken-in.


    I think it's probably a different # for each family. For me, after I had 4....'what's one more?' Granted, my #4 was NOT a walk in the park. It was my hardest pg and she was not a happy, easy going baby. After we survived her babayhood I felt like we could survive anything.


    Thankfully #5 was by far my easiest baby ever!

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