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Everything posted by 4everHis

  1. :lol: and the fact that he thought about it first!
  2. Well, there you go, one more reason not to fold laundry!:D
  3. Kids were jumping out of a pine tree, not high even, but ds's shirt caught on a limb. He thought he'd just take his shirt off and jump down. Got his arms out and it wrapped around his neck and his weight was pulling him down. Yea! never knew you need to tell them don't take your shirt off while hanging from a tree limb. :eek: one of the scariest things we've ever experienced. (older sibling pushed up on his body 'til someone could get me.)
  4. We do this too. I guess I was hoping the concept of time was finally 'catching on.' :001_huh:
  5. :lol: I know EXactly what you mean! Again, I hate that others are frustrated but there is some balm in knowing you aren't alone. :D
  6. I will be more diligent about keeping this in mind. She is number 4 of 5. Maybe it's a 'next to last' thing!;)
  7. Especially hard for this dd9 too. In a family of 7 there's just no way to be 100% certain on some plans. Funny, I just remembered that she came straight home from getting her ears pierced, counted on her calendar the # of days until she could wear different earrings and gives the countdown each day. I guess she really does need that 'plan' more than I thought.
  8. I'm so glad to hear this. His poor mother, she still must feel awful.
  9. I am just realizing what a visual type learner she is. Much more than the other 4. I need keep reminding myself of that. Thanks.
  10. I've never thought of her as a worrier. I will use this though and see if maybe that is some of it. I wonder if she's worried I'll 'forget.' Again, that would be where she and I putting it on the calendar together might help. Thanks for your input.
  11. That's what made me question all of this is because I DID get a calendar out and I did show her not only what week it would be but how long from now that is. Even had her count the days to be sure. Teaching math? I'll show her a problem, start explaining how to do it, she breaks down with either "I can't" or "I know that already" then become totally frustrated because 'no, you don't know it already.' Then, like a pp said, it's as if she gets an idea of how it's supposed to go and now can't let go of that. I've also started to notice that you don't really carry on conversations with her. You can see that she has spoken and is already thinking about what she's going to say next instead of 'hearing' what the other participant is saying. (My mom is a lot like this which is why I've kind of laid it off to personality) but I'm wondering if it's an issue we need to address (apart from just being self-centered:tongue_smilie:) Off to find the book. Thanks for your input.
  12. I feel like you just described my kid. She's even like that if she 'thinks' she knows how to do a math problem (even if I've never taught her the steps) but she already has the idea in her head and can't make 'the switch' to hearing the what's actually going on. I try for the gently refocus or telling her to take a break and come back to me when she's ready to listen. It's hard to be patient sometimes when I've answered the question every single way possible!!!! Hate that you experience this too, but kind of glad I'm not alone :)
  13. After seeing what you said I remembered that she is the only kid I have that got her own calendar and marks off each day. Trying to decide if that plays into her seeming lack of ability to 'process' whether it's math or the above scenerio. :confused:
  14. Don't know if I'm asking that right. My dd9 asked me yesterday when VBS started. I gave her the dates. She immediatley cries and asks, "But when will I go?" I tell her from 9-12 on those dates. She's further upset, "But how long will I go?" (I'm trying to be patient and process what part of what she's asking am I not getting) She's been given the length of the week and the hours involved, I do NOT get what she's asking. This is not an uncommon occurrence. I have 4 other dc. No one else seems to 'miss' what my answers mean so now I'm starting to wonder if there's somthing not clicking with her. You can imagine teaching math under these circumstances. I can't figure out if she is just not 'listening' or truly not 'getting it.' Does anyone else experience this with a child? If so, what have you done? TIA!
  15. I have to agree here. It's part of being the adult, having to make stinky choices that are for the benefit of the 'bigger.' I hate it for the parents, I've been that parent, but you need to remove the screaming child.:sad:
  16. Does this mean you would be doing everything yourself? I don't know enough about you. . . is there a dh or just you and dc 12? and you are injured? How will you build anything much less haul water? I'd gut it out 'frugally' where I am and save to begin work in spring. Use this winter to get healthy and strong.
  17. I'm pretty sure I mentioned this before but to be sure. We own a couple of acres on a river in MI. We were thinking of doing the same thing. There is a permit to put ANY kind of structure, there is a 1 yr. limit for a trailor house, etc. I'd just be sure to check into that stuff or it could cost you more than rent. If those aren't issues. . . if you can see Canada from your house then I'm thinking you would need a VERY well insulated building. Even a cement floor is going to be freezing. What kind of heat source would you have? here's a shed http://www.shedsforlessdirect.com/handy-home-columbia-12x24-wood-storage-shed-p-539.html you'd have to insulate but that at least gives you a $$$ to consider. http://tinyhouseblog.com/ http://ask.metafilter.com/102490/What-would-it-take-to-make-a-cabin
  18. We used MOH III (3) so I know it's done. Not sure about 4.
  19. It's ok to be an outcast. :001_smile: We have 5 kiddos and this is the first year we had anyone enrolled in sports. . . didn't like it at all. Games starting at 6:30 and out of town. I don't know how the kids who had to get up for PS the next morning did it. A few of the days we had oldest dd needing to be at work or her art class. . . what a juggling act. Not sure we'll do anything again. It's not all it's hyped up to be. BTW. Apart from oldest dd only 1 kid was doing anything (baseball) which was chosen because it only lasted a total of 6 weeks.
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