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Parker Martin

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Everything posted by Parker Martin

  1. I don't know about the K book, but the lessons in the A book (first grade) are short, so it may not be a big deal if you end up in the next book. We skipped the practice lessons at the beginning of book A, which are optional and rather boring, and started with the regular lessons.
  2. I was banned once. I didn't know I'd punched my ticket. I think it was on my first day here.
  3. Like most others here, I've been doing a lot of research on math education to help me make educational decisions for my children. Last night I was reading this and came to the realization that the math I loved in school is the real math, the sort of math you do if you if you pursue mathematics as a career. I was always led to believe that that was just fun and games, pure diversion. Would have been nice if an adult had told me that I could do that for a living. (I had plenty of adults tell me that I should go into math, but that was not enticing at all as math seemed to consist of figuring out how to do something and then doing the same thing 150 times. Tedium!) I'm sure many of you have had the same experience. Let's commiserate in our sorrow. ;)
  4. I use StartWrite. In fact, right now I take the A Reason for Handwriting book and reproduce the lessons in italics in StartWrite. :tongue_smilie:
  5. I think I would stop explaining. A lot of people interpret explaining as "maybe." I would try leaving it at a polite but very firm "no" for a while and see what happens.
  6. Does anyone teach comparative grammar as a means to the end of being multi-lingual? I was looking at some old, public domain comparative grammar books online, and they looked very interesting.
  7. My kids are too young to fully appreciate it, but I think I should hide that catalog from myself.
  8. I make super easy ganache. 1) Get equal amounts of heavy cream and chocolate. (For example, a pound of chocolate and two cups heavy cream.) 2) Chop the chocolate so it will melt more easily. Alternatively, just break the squares apart, put them in a bowl, and melt them in the microwave, stirring every 45 seconds. If you chop the chocolate, you don't have to melt it because the cream will melt it. 3) Bring the cream to a boil in the microwave. 4) Immediately mix the cream and chocolate together. 5) Stir until uniform. If you want to fluff it up, just use your mixer. The consistency will thicken as it cools.
  9. That is the one I use, except I use the Large, not Extra Large. In the past, I'd never stuck with a planner. Then I tried the one you linked--I'm about to order my fourth!
  10. I would guess that I have about twenty years to go. Much could change by then, but my current plan is to either (1) tutor or get teaching credentials and teach or (2) find out where there is a need in the missions our church supports and fill it. For the second option, I'd be willing to become a nurse, doctor, engineer, teacher, contractor, ditch digger, or whatever. I'm not picky; whatever they need would be fine.
  11. :iagree: In second grade I wrote a fifty or so page story. I did NOT learn how to do that in public school. I just loved writing.
  12. I am somewhat of the school that if you're the sort of person who really should go to college, then you're the sort of person people will pay to send to college. I'm very anti-debt. Barring unexpected, incredible riches, I will not be shelling out today's equivalent of $50k to $60k a year for school. I also think that colleges are overrun with people who do not really need college degrees. I think everyone would be better served if colleges were training grounds for budding scholars and not the paper mills they've largely become. When I was in high school, I did not apply to schools that weren't offering me a full ride. My sons will need to earn scholarships and/or support themselves through school. I plan to give them enough vocational training in high school that they should have no problems making decent money while attending classes. There are still nicely priced options out there. For an example, check out the University of London's External System.
  13. I have never done this, but as someone who found algebra tedious but geometry delightful, I wish my school had scheduled it the way you are with your son.
  14. GSWL is working very well for us. My son said today that Latin is his favorite subject. Don't know what I'll use after though.
  15. I've never heard anyone defend slavery. I grew up in Oklahoma and Arkansas. Racism here is considered a mark of low class or extreme ignorance. I thought it was assumed that all of us edit or explain changing worldviews when using classic works. (Just as will be done with our works in the future.)
  16. Sonlight has a quick and free reading assessment: http://www.sonlight.com/quick-reading-assessment.html
  17. I have never been a stepparent, but I've been a stepchild. I prefer the step-titles, but when I've been referred to simply as "daughter," I've taken it for the loving sentiment intended.
  18. You might have your thyroid checked out just in case. Even slight hypothyroidism makes it very difficult to lose weight.
  19. Holy cow. Not $0.99 per song. $0.99 for all one hundred. That's definitely the cheapest, largest sudden expansion of my classical music collection yet.
  20. I was going to say that we don't have one, but math is probably the biggest thing around here. That springs from my son's intense interest. Also, Bible. There is a lot of Bible reading going on in this house.
  21. See you later and thanks for sharing so many great links!
  22. We start our first official day of kindergarten with my oldest tomorrow! (Please pray for us if you're the praying type.) We're using Sonlight core and science A, memory work, MM3, BA3, italic handwriting, GSWL, Artistic Pursuits, Sequential Spelling, and a logic puzzles book. Extra activities will be chess, piano, and gymnastics, but piano and gymnastics won't start until the fall.
  23. I knew nothing about any of this ten minutes ago. Thanks to these two threads, I just spent $18 on 32 ounces of Hibiclens.
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