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Posts posted by WTMindy

  1. I have not done one with my kids, but I have taught online courses. What I have found is that students (especially at that age) do much better if the parent is still very actively engaged. Don't assume that because they have an online teacher you don't have to do anything. Many kids have a very hard time with managing an online class at first. They can be a wonderful experience for kids and they can also be frustrating. If your kids are reluctant workers you will still need to stay on top of them as much as if you were teaching them yourself. If they are motivated students, they will probably do well. But, online classes are NOT for everyone!

  2. Your post if a bit funny to me because I just spent weeks researching different writing programs (especially CW) and really thinking about the pro-gym and other methods and I came around to the conclusions that were there for me all along in WTM! But, it was a big A-ha moment for me! :-)


    For me, WTM is all about the ideas and the concepts, but not necessarily the specifics. I would say that in the 7 years of our homeschooling, we have not deviated from the ideas of WTM, but I haven't used all the same curriculum suggestions that they recommend. The ones I choose have the same goals and values, just a little different way of getting there. For example, I use TOG for history for the second rotation. I think that the goals of TOG are exactly what is talked about in WTM (reading, thinking, writing) and so we use that rather than the outlining of the histroy encyclopedia. But, we do work on outlining. And we do timelines. Etc...


    I just sat down with my WTM again and looked at the rhetoric section for the first time to do some longer-term planning and I was again struck with what a great resource WTM has been for us. I'm looking forward to buying the new version too!!!!

  3. What are the benefits of taking AP courses/tests other than showing that a student can do college level work? Does taking AP courses = scholarship money? Would SAT II be a better choice than AP as far as scholarship money ? Which would be more desirable for entrance to better schools?


    Thanks. :)


    I entered college with 9 semester credits so, it is basically free (for the price of the test) college credits. :-) I graduated a semester early.

  4. You are a wonderful Mom, Janna! How great that you are setting a pattern of conversation that will continue throughout her teen words, and guiding her on how to do that appropriately! I would also let her know (maybe you did) that the things you have been doing have been with your husband's blessing and that husbands and wives decide together what is good for the family.

  5. actual talents to offer Susan and her family, but I bet I could think something up.


    I'll start with a cheer.


    Go, Susan, Go!

    I'm gonna need Book 2!



    Okay. Lame. But perhaps those getting more than 5 hours of sleep/night could work on better cheers? Come on. Rhyme and meter are of utmost importance. Think of it as the poor man's haiku. Ready... set... GO!


    Susan. Thank you very much for your work.


    I think you have an order of magnitude more cheering talent than I do! ;)

  6. I have read volume 1. I did not get to use it with my current highschooler but I plan to use it with the next one coming up.


    I try not to leave little nagging messages to SWB about having volumes 2-4 ready in time for Gabriel, but it's so hard to stop myself. I also try not to beg for a teacher's manual with quizzes and tests and all matter of additional material.


    I would gladly wash SWB's dishes so she can work on high school books!!!:lol:


    I'll do her laundry!

  7. I wouldn't use it unless she's learned an order of magnitude more about history than when she wrote her STOW. SOTW is okay for kids, but with historical errors (including glaring ones) so very frequent, I wouldn't use a book by the same author for later in school.



    Wow Reya, that is pretty harsh, especially since Susan graciously pays for these boards. I have read all 4 volumes of SOTW and the first volume of HOAW and they are wonderful texts! I credit the SOTW series with giving my kids a love of history. And, they do LOVE history! And, HOAW is a thorough history that is very accessible and easy to understand. Granted, I don't know an order of magnitude more about history than Susan does, so there may be a few errors. Or, they may just be differences in interpretation of history. I would venture to say that every history book has this.

  8. Absolutely love Positive Action for Christ curriculum! They have bible for each specific grade- fun, colorful workbooks and scripture memory. My kids love this!!! You can use whatever bible version your family uses. Very teacher friendly!


    Thanks so much to whomever pointed me to Positive Action materials. I'm really looking forward to using Wise Up next year. It looks great!

  9. Well, if you find yourself drawn to the WTM method, I would start there. The new edition is coming out in a couple of months. I would wait until that comes out and purchase that and start by following the recommendations there. One thing I love about WTM is that it gives you the philosophy of what you are trying to accomplish. That way you can try the curriculum suggestions she gives and if you don't love those, you can try others that still get at the same goals.


    I would highly recommend Story of the World for history. I credit it with giving my kids a love of history. It is a wonderful program and we did all 4 years.


    And, ask lots of questions here because you will find these boards an amazing wealth of knowledge!!!

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