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Posts posted by WTMindy

  1. Ok, my dh is completely on board about homeschooling our kids, just thought I'd get that out of the way first, lol!


    The problem is, his mother.


    She's adjusted to us homeschooling Diva (dd 10 yrs). She was asking last night about Tazzie going to kindergarten in 2010. (Yes, she starts her nagging in advance. She's in her 80s, she worries if she doesn't start now, she'll miss the chance.) I told her that he wasn't going.


    Well, you'd think I'd announced that we had decided to stake the child to an ant hill coated in honey. Repeatedly.


    Gasping, moaning, "You can't do that!" more gasping and moaning. I realize that part of this is she was a teacher, but geez.


    Then she told me that I HAVE to let Tazzie try school and Princess too. Just because it wasn't a good thing for Diva doesn't mean it won't be good for the Littles. I told her that I didn't need to let the Littles sip bleach to prove its not good for them.




    Sometimes my patience wears a wee bit thin.


    Any suggestions on how to better handle this next time? Cause there WILL be a next time. And no, simply turning it over to my dh to handle isn't a viable option, because he DOES try to handle it, but then next time she's got me on the phone, it starts all over again.


    I would just refuse to discuss it with her. If she brings it up, politely change the subject. Be evasive. Let any discussions that need to happen about come from your hubby! :-)

  2. The movie is quite different from the book. In the beginning the queen dies of fright from seeing a rat in her soup. (You don't know her as a character, so you aren't at all emotionally invovled with her.) The bad rat dies in the end, but you don't see it. The king and the princess are very sad about the queen's death which sets up the premise of the movie-life is sad and dreary withouth sunshine and soup. :-) The movie wasn't very good, as far as I'm concerned. I was glad we had seen it at a free showing! :-)

  3. I was just thinking of you yesterday, wondering if CYT had swallowed you and your dd up!!


    My oldest ds is going to be Potiphar and a brother in a CYT production of Joseph next month, and he just had a great solo song in a church production of Godspell ("We Beseech Thee"). He is hoping to start auditioning for Disneyland entertainment after he graduates in June.


    I'm missing the conference too. We need to figure a WTM weekend get together for those of us west of the Mississsippi...


    Hey, our CYT is just starting Joseph. My dd is in the children's chorus! :-) It is one of my favorite shows!!

  4. ROFL YES!

    I read the series over spring break for DD, to ensure it was appropriate literature. We finished break with DH suggesting we watch the movie to 'get it out of my system'. The sign of a good book is when you miss the characters and feel a sense of loss when it's finished. I tried reading Host, but it just hasn't drawn me into the plot as quickly as Twilight.

    The character development was interesting. Each of the main characters had depth and quirks which made them likable. It felt voyeuristic experiencing (reading) the magnetic bond Edward and Bella had.

    Yes, I'm having Twilight withdraws.


    I actually quit reading The Host but someone encouraged me to keep going and I ended up liking it more than the Twilight series.

  5. Way to go, Steff!! I work with homeschooling families too and I have one meeting that I just DREAD!!! She is SOOOOO negative about everything. She isn't negative about me personally, just TO me. So, I have to hear her very opinionated views on everything that is wrong with education, the school, the world, etc. BLECH!! I have to gear myself up for those meetings.

  6. After about 10 years of early morning workouts, this year I switched to evenings and I can not tell you how much I LOVE it!!! The friend that I was meeting in the AM couldn't do it this year and I realized I could work out at night. I don't love leaving the house at that time, but it is time that dh is usually doing something with the kids anyway. I have been doing evenings now for about months and I still wake up every day happy that I don't have to go exercise early!!! I'm getting much better workouts because I have more energy.

  7. Our family is big into driving trips! We go on one to a different region of the US each year. We are "collecting" the states and we are heading to your area this spring (The mid-west :-)) Our last year's trip ended at Yellowstone and it is a really fun trip. But, we spent three days there and felt like that was plenty of time. There isn't a TON of things to do between you and Yellowstone if you have already done the Black Hills. Devil's Tower in Eastern Wyoming. I'm sure there are other things, but we haven't driven that strip.

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