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Posts posted by WTMindy

  1. I couldn't vote last night because I actually think they are all very talented. I think if you go on just straight vocal talent, Adam will win. That boy can SING! (And, he does leave me feeling just a little icky, although I don't think he is arrogant.) Kris is just cute, and I think the most relevant of all the contestants. Danny I have liked from the beginning, but I think he might be the one to go this week. I actually predicted Adam vs Danny in the finals when I saw both of them in the auditions. :-)

  2. :iagree:, and while I don't put my dh on a leash, he does. He does what he can to be above reproach at all times. He does this so he won't be tempted and so he cannot be accused. However, I will do all in my power so that he only thinks of me.;)


    This is the same for us. Dh has a very cute young single female that works for him, and he has gone out of his way to invite her over to our house for dinner so that she can get to know me and the kids. He wants her to see him as a happily married man so that when he has interaction with her, she is not suspicious of his motives. I have become friends with her. He keeps himself above reproach in every way. The other day she was having a very hard day and he went to lunch with her at the mall and he came home and told me about that and what they discussed, etc. I trust him completely, but I thought it was sweet that he is so transparent.


    If I am totally honest about the two of us, I would be the one more likely to have an affair than he would. (Just for the record, I never have even been tempted, but I am more the type to act on an impulse than he is.)


    And, I do everything I can to make sure I have a happy husband. (And he does the same for me.)

  3. Okay, all of that new info means new approach. Drop it, and try again with an independent curriculum. I agree with the ALEKS recommendation, where you can put a time-required on the course, and let her get feedback from a computer. :) Still, if she gets stuck and actually *asks* for help on a problem, definitely post it here. Someone is always happy to help!


    I really like ALEKS as a supplementary curriculum, but I don't think it is great as a stand-alone.

  4. Honestly, (as someone who has developed and taught online math courses) I would be on the phone with that teacher every day. She is being paid to help your child with the class. If things don't get better, I would be contacting her supervisor with a list of the things she has (or has not) done. There is no excuse for the kinds of things you are talking about. I would tell the teacher that you would like to set up a regular time for your dd to get help-either on the phone, or online. I will tell you from experience (of seeing other teachers) that you need to be a bit forceful in getting what you need. It shouldn't be that way, but sometimes online teachers will procrastinate (just like students who take online courses) and they need to be held accountable for that. I wouldn't quit on the class yet, but I would take pretty decisive action.

  5. My kids have been studying both Spanish and Latin for several years and they don't get confused. If anything, they enjoy seeing the similarities. Dh started teaching the kids Spanish when they were very little and I started Latin a couple years later. The fact that they had a background in Spanish really helped them when we got to Latin. They actually want to add in Greek and my dd would also like to do French, but I've told her she has to wait.

  6. Quick question -- you mention putting letters of recommendaton in a portfolio.


    All the colleges we looked at wanted the letters of rec to be mailed by the person writing it straight to the school. They also wanted the letters of rec to be done on their form.


    What would these letters of rec be for? I think an "open" letter of rec may be somewhat suspect. Any other opinions?


    Well, I would still have them fill out any paper work that the college had, but I'm just thinking of some character references.

  7. I hear colleges talking about accepting portfolios from homeschoolers and I'm curious as to what all should be in one. I have a class of high school students and I want to help them put together portfolios, and wanted to get your thoughts. Here is what I have so far:



    academic resume

    course descriptions

    letters of recommendation

    honors or awards

    at least one essay

    community service hours record

  8. Has anyone out here used this text with a 5th grader and an 8th grader? I was thinking of using it as a the spine for the 5th grade and attempt to bring it down to his level with books more on his level. I would use it as is for the 8th grader. If you have done this with a 5th grader, how did you schedule it out and what books did you use? Did you use it for your science outlining and notebooking?




    I used it this year with my 4th & 6th grader, who enjoy science. I didn't find that I needed to bring anything down, but we did read the text outloud together. It was interesting and they did well with it. It just happened that the kids were taking a human body science class at our co-op at the same time and so they got to do some very fun extension activities that went along with what we were doing in Apologia. (They dissected pig hearts.)


    We followed pretty much the schedule on donnayoung.org to lay it out, and I did have my kids write up a few lab reports (but not for every lab). I didn't do any other notebooking or outlining with science. We just read it together, discussed it, did the labs together, did the study guides together, and then they took the tests on their own.

  9. I am a good deal hunter. I always buy used or cheap if I possibly can, BUT my rule is that I always buy from Peacehill Press if possible as my small way of thanking them for these boards. They make a little bit more money when we buy from them, and I want to support them any way I can. (Just my 2 cents worth. :001_smile:)

  10. I would start with thinking about the things that you want to make sure are included on your planning sheet? Do you want a place to type in things? Write in things each week? Will you use it to plan the week, or record what you have already done? Do you boxes to check off? Do you want lists to make sure you have completed all the subjects you want?


    I have used many different planners because I am contantly tweaking things. I will think, "Oh, I wish my planner had ________ on it, and so I'll change it, or add that. Right now I'm using Homeschool Tracker Plus to make my assignment sheets and I'm really liking that.

  11. Even though five is young, I would still build a routine that is predictable for them. I think that teaching kids that they don't always get to do what they want when they want is every bit as valuable as teaching them math (at that age). So, while they have plenty of time to learn math and other subject, I would NOT wait on teaching them to work when it is time to work. Now, having said that, when my kids were in K, we did tons of reading outloud, short (but predictable) lessons, lots of learning through singing, projects, etc. But, my kids knew that when it was time to work, complaining wouldn't get them out of it. Let them know that everyday there will be x,y, and z, and you expect them to do it without complaining. And then there will also be time to do a, b, and c, which is what they prefer to do.

  12. I don't want to jump on the fear bandwagon, but I'm curious how fast this is moving. Who has cases reported now in their US cities?


    Our local news is reporting 3 cases in Seattle and 1 probable case in Spokane (Eastern WA).


    I saw that on the news last night, Breann.

  13. In my experience (with my students)employers are fine with a GED, especially if they have a homeschool transcript of some kind along with it. It seems to be more looked down on when students drop out of high school, but it doesn't seem to be as looked down on when they know it is a homeschooler's culminating test. But, this is just my limited experience. :-)

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