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17 Good
  1. I just made some cake balls for Christmas, I used red velvet cake with vanilla frosting and dipped in white chocolate, cake made a pretty red christmas color :001_smile:
  2. I found a tray at Wal-Mart in their plastic stuff for the kitchen, it was $9.00, it was similar to a silverware tray, it had a big tray with compartments, and a small removable tray with with it, then I bought just a square plastic tray that the 100 blocks fit in, all of the blocks have their own compartment and it is very easy to use.
  3. Does this sound crazy? I am thinking of combining R&S Math grade 4 with MUS Gamma/Delta..We have used R&S Math 1,2 and most of 3..we have stopped at different points and done MUSsome of all the levels so far, we are about half way through Gamma, ds needs alot of review and has trouble with facts, dd has no trouble memorizing but they both get bored doing the same thing all the time. I really like both programs, and thought why not combine them, so we don't get behind..I would use R&S Math as main program and add MUS in for practice, like one lesson a day and take 2 wks, do do one whole lesson from MUS..I know both are mastery programs, but they teach so differently that I think they might like this combination. Would this be too much? Instead of flip-flopping back and forth between the two, just do both.:glare: I see alot of combining MUS with other programs, but not R & S?
  4. This is pretty much how we do it, I have tried Times Tales and Skip counting cd, doesn't click. This method is starting to stick. Right now I am trying bribery! :lol: If he memorizes them all by June 1st, he gets the new Wii game he wants, we will see how bad he really wants it.
  5. I think starting on grade level would be fine. My son is not a great speller and he does pretty well on R & S spelling at grade level. Here is the schedule I use for it, it takes just a few minutes a day(4 days a wk)..most of it is independent work. Sometimes we do the extra enrichment activity, but most of the time we skip it. Monday--Part A and Part C, copy spelling words in print and cursive Wednesday--Part B, copy spelling words 3 times each Thursday--Pre-test (miss more than 2 and they have to take again on Friday. It is RARE that he misses more than two):001_smile:
  6. we do write in the books when you can circle the correct word or punctuation, that kind of thing, we do alot orally and write a few sentences.
  7. I used it with two kids, I put most of it on a dry erase board. :001_smile: we did not do the tracing of the words. I made copies of the patterns in the back of the book for each child.
  8. He could easily read it on his own, but George Washington's Socks was an enjoyable read aloud for us!:001_smile:
  9. I returned mine with 2 sets of tiles already cut apart, I contacted them by email they told me to box it all up, send it back and they would send me a refund..I got a full refund within a couple of days after they got the materials back..very easy to work with!
  10. thanks..these are the things I wanted to know..:)
  11. I meant the mailboxes, haven't looked at the magazine files..hmmm.....:001_smile:
  12. it does for me takes a minute to finish loading..but try this one..it is on the right hand side..15 slot mailbox system weekly web special http://www.classroomdirect.com
  13. http://store.schoolspecialtyonline.net/OA_HTML/ibeCCtpItmDspRte.jsp?item=474639&oas=PpbHv50uYpMSl-tgGXba4A..&section=19550 I am short on space for 3 kids but I do have low bookshelves against one wall, I am thinking I could set these on top? what do you think??
  14. I do this for my 3, with cups, water bottles, plates, bowls, pencil boxes,toothbrushes etc..when I find a dirty cup or dish, I know who didn't put it away! or if there is a dry toothbrush, I know who didn't brush their teeth. :D I even did it on vacation at the beach with pails, shovels, etc..
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