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Posts posted by tiffanyl

  1. I was worried about motion sickness too when our family took a 15hr non-stop plane trip last year. My children & especially my mom all get car sick easily, so I knew this may be a very miserable trip. So, I searched the internet to find a natural alternative we could all take. What I found worked amazing! It is natural with no side effects and my mom who always gets car/plane sick was fine all the way there. We almost thought it must have been luck the first time. But she did even better on the going home flight, unheard of for her! My kids also responded beautifully to it. My daughter slept for a few hours & when she woke up was visibly sick & thought she might throw up. I gave her some of it & she was busy playing within 5 min. I asked her how she felt & she said she felt fine. Whew what a relief! So now I recommend this to everyone, since I have personally seen how it works.


    What I found was this~http://www.nativeremedies.com/tpp/cantravel-digestive-comfort-travel.html




  2. We use MM as well. The DVD instruction is very basic but very thorough. When we first started using it my son thought the teacher/program was so dull. But after a few lessons it grew on him and now I will find him laughing out loud at the teachers corny sense humor. He tells me he really likes the teacher:)


    What I really like is that it is a mastery program, has uncluttered pages & has a reasonable amount of problems on each page. I see my son making steady progress wth this curriculum. He finally understands math & his confidence in solving big equations is growing. That's really what I've always wanted from a math program.


    I have tried other programs with him and none have worked as well as this one. But my math inclined daughter could probably learn from any curriculum & succeed.


    This program is working well for us!



  3. Sellers can no longer leave negative feedback for buyers. I am not sure exactly how this is going to work out, but that is what ebay has recently stated in a policy change. I personally think it is a good thing since you should only be rated on paying in a timely manner and not by giving positive feedback to the seller.


    So, you can leave appropriate feedback without the fear of seller retaliation. Supposedly, anyway. :001_smile:


    :iagree: Makes you wonder how many times it will take before she learns to be alittle nicer to customers?




  4. I used the Little Books from here: http://www.iseesam.com/ along with Explode the Code.




    :iagree: This is what has finally worked for us!


    We have tried sooo many programs (including SWR) & my dd just didn't like them. She had been so excited to learn to read & she was really starting to get burnt out on it.


    But once we bought the "I see Sam" books everything changed & her love of learning to read has come back, with a passion. She wants to read them everyday, even on the weekends! I couldn't achieve that result with any of the other programs.


    Here's the site I purchase them from, it's a little cheaper~ http://www.roadstoeverywhere.com/3RsPlusRead.html




  5. I am very pleased to hear the ruling on this case!!


    The fact that CPS did not follow any laws & it played out in front of the America public without much outcry was very worrying to me. We may not agree with their lifestyle at all, but that does not mean that their rights in this country should diminish or dissapear because of that. The fact that there was never any proof shown or arrests made was just unbelievable & unacceptable. Just an anonymous tip was held up as the justification for it all, when the law clearly states that an anonymous tip is NOT enough evidence to remove children from their homes.


    I really think if this would have worked out as CPS had planned, everyone would have had every right to be concerned that it might be them next. If we all look back we will see that homeschoolers were under attack by cps at the beginning of the movement, not so long ago, that's why HSLDA had to be formed.


    This is a great ruling for ALL American families today!


    Now if they can come up with proof that proves a crime was committed and can prove that in court then I'm sure we will all agree that they should be prosecuted. But until now nothing has been proven.




  6. I just came across an informative site about the FLDS & their treatment while in state custody.


    It seems that many of the mental health workers who were involved with the FLDS mothers & children at the colliseum, have now changed their opinion on what is happening with this group in Texas & are writing about it.


    Thought others might like to know.






  7. A friend gave us ChessMaster 9000. We have it working on our Windows XP Home computer. This is great, and yes it also talks to ya. I like it because it has classes from beginner thru master levels. It also offers the option to just play games. They can go by rank and play against anyone from a monkey to a master level player.




    :iagree: My kids love this one!




  8. Well, every child is different and you know your child best. My first grader does only the following:







    Other then the above we read Bible each day, do 30-45 mins of me reading aloud per day from literature, nature, or historical type books and lots of time in nature.


    :iagree: This is what we do too. I have found over the years that if I concentrate on building a good foundation in the beginning, it makes for an easier time in later years.



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