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Posts posted by tiffanyl

  1. Robinson curriculum ~ I never thought in a million years I would like it. But, I LOVE it! It's actually the first time in 15yrs of Hm schooling that I am not looking around at other curricula. Only adding some christian biographies & lamplighter books to the mix.


    Saxon math ~ Another one I was sure we would not like. But... my kids are finally understanding math and I'm seeing their confidence growing.


    Five in a row ~ I don't know how many times I looked at it and knew it wasn't for us... Thankfully I tried it after a discussion on these boards. I can't tell you how happy we are with it! It is the perfect fit for us.

  2. Just as a note of encouragement - my dyslexic son could barely read at all in 1st grade, and struggled mightily until sometime in 3rd. He is now going to be in 7th grade next year and is reading WAY above grade level. I don't think any one program is better or worse than another, just finding what works for you child is important.



    :iagree:Yes, it's about finding one that works with your child.


    We have had wonderful success with a late reader using SSRW. We go through it at their pace, which was pretty fast considering all the phonics bits and pieces they recalled from other programs. It was enjoyable & the confidence they gained from it made them start to enjoy reading. Which was a benefit I was not expecting.


    But, it really is just about finding one that he likes. If he doesn't like singing and games, he wouldn't enjoy SSRW.

  3. We have tried many over the years.


    Abeka worked great for my oldest. Explode the code and Spell to write & read worked good for my next two.


    Now we are using, Sing Spell Read and Write & it is by far the most fun we have had learning phonics. We are just flying through it & learning so much! I get asked almost daily, "can we just do a little bit more mom".

    That never happened with any of the other programs... In my book, this one is the best!

  4. My older kids really like Phonetic zoo. They love that they can do it independently.


    We have used SWR in the past and it's a really great program too but, very mom involved.


    My kids just really prefer, as they get older, to have a spelling program they can do on their own.

  5. We go by time here. For that age they do 30min. of *uninterupted* work. Depending on what they are working on they can get 1-2pgs done. They use a timer for it, which they seem to like.


    Also, we correct any problems together from the previous day, before they start their timed math. This adds some to their workload but also deters them from making careless mistakes. I've seen a marked decrease in their missed problems ;)

  6. We had a bad case of it here one time, called the dr's and he said to use Polysporin. It worked. Any kind of polysporin you have at home, just put a bit on your clean finger, and sipe across a closed eyelid across the eyelashes. Enough will get in there that it will be the same as using drops. Works great and is cheap IF you already have polysporin. ;)



    This is what we do and it works like a charm! I make sure I wash the eye area with very warm water first before I apply the polysporin. Not only to clean the eye area, but because pink eye is killed easily with heat.

  7. We have some very dear friends who own an herbal supplement business.

    The last thing he tells all of his clients is "Don't get on the bus", with a chuckle.

    but seriously,


    After witnessing the H1N1 hysteria locally I have really been thinking about this. What he is alluding to in his comment is what has happened in places such as Nazi Germany, Cambodia, etc during time of genocide.

    Buses (both metaphorically and not) pull up and people are loaded onto them, mostly willingly. I am more familiar with Camodia where those individuals thought they were loading up to fight a good fight for a good cause. They were then promptly taken to their deaths.


    Now, please don't misunderstand me, I am not equating the vaccine with death camps. I am simply referring to the fear mentality that our society thrives and has intentionally been set up upon and how it is evdidenced through this whole H1n1 stuff.


    I happened to be at the office next to the public health office for an appointement. What I saw disturbed me. I saw hundreds of scared people who would literally do ANYTHING because they were afraid about their safety and the safty of their children. I realized how vulnerable we as a society are to influence. I wondered how many of those folks researched themselves or just took the newspapers, pediatricians advice. This is scary to me. Our vulnerability and blind trust of "officials" truly puts us at risk for "getting on the bus".



    am I just confusing you all?



    :iagree:My thoughts exactly.

  8. My kids' doctor shares this sentiment - except he does recommend the vaccine.



    Ya, I think we will find doctors in both camps no matter where we look. :001_smile:

    But I do wonder what will happen next year if it does come back stronger? It seems the only ones with any immunity to it is the older generation who have lived through something similar already. I guess only time will tell.


    I'm pretty sure we have had it here recently, had all the symptoms and it lasted for most of a week. Ours was mild compared to the seasonal flu, but certainly not a breeze. But, we use a lot of natural stuff to help our bodies fight. Thankfully everyone is over it & doing fine now.

  9. Here's a great site for general swine flu vaccine information ~ http://www.nvic.org/




    I don't know if this one has been posted yet or not: http://www.drjaygordon.com/developme...h1n1update.asp


    It's a good, level-headed article from a more mainstream MD than some of the sites you sometimes get links from.


    He says we should WANT to get this novel H1N1 flu before it mutates next year and becomes something worse!




    Here's an article that suggests that regular flu shots can actually INCREASE your risk of getting H1N1 ~



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