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Posts posted by fhjmom

  1. I think a color wash is more on trend now than the sponging. I would also hesitate to use the brushed suede on a wall with imperfections since I think it looks best with a smooth surface. I do agree that some color variation will help mask the problem areas. JMHO.

  2. Ok, did you all actually see your discount price before or after you checked out? The discount never showed up for me. I have an order confirmation that says $145 something. ($16.95 shipping) I called and the woman said that when the orders are coming in to them they're seeing the discount price, but I'm still freaked. I sent an email that begged them to cancel my order if I'm going to be charged full price. See, I didnt know I had to enter a code somewhere to get the price. On the special Jill's deals page it just said that the discount would show up at checkout. I dont have tv, so I'm getting all my info on the net. We just got her McKenna for Christmas. I never would have bought another full price doll right now! ARRRGGGH!


    Maybe I should call again, but DD is up now and I don't want her to hear. What to do???



    Yes, you needed to enter the code "JILLOFFER" in the field in the upper right portion of the shopping cart. The discount should show up before you complete checkout, I would call and see if they can fix it. Otherwise you will probably be charge full price. Sorry!


    Thank you! So, if I were to use the Crop-a-dile, how would I make sure all the holes lined up? With that many pages and that much hole punching, I just know I would misalign something at some point. Is there a method to making sure everything stays aligned? A tool? The pages are 9" long x 7" wide. I'd be punching at least four holes, in almost 300 pages. I really don't trust myself to get all those holes lined up if I'm punching freehand with no guides to lean on or something!



    The CAD will punch through a whole stack of pages at once, so you can punch both covers at the same time. I would take a rule and make a pencil mark showing the spacing from top to bottom on the cover. Then there is a guide on the CAD that you can set that will keep each hole the same distance from the edge of the cover. After you have punched both covers, use one of the chipboard covers as a guide to punch a whole stack of pages at the same time. Also, one thing I like about the CAD is that the tool is made so you can see through the hole where the punch is made, so you can easily line it up with a mark on you paper or chipboard. Really, you could do 300 pages in just few stacks.

  4. The post you linked mentions using a Crop-a-dile for punching holes. It is by far the best tool I have found for punching chipboard and I would purchase it just for that, even if I never used it to set an eyelet. There is a guide on the hole punches on the CAD so you can measure out the hole spacing from top to bottom and then use the guide to measure from the edge of the page. A CAD should punch a whole stack of pages at once if they will fit in the tool (I have punched a hole in a penny with one before, so it will go through some pretty think material).


    One of my favorite, low-cost adhesives is UHU purple glue sticks. They are available at Michael's and most other craft stores. I like the purple because you can see where you have covered with the gllue but it dries clear, and it rubs off easily if there happens to be any stray bits. Be generous when covering chipboard. I like to cut my paper just a bit larger then glue it to the chipboard. Instead of trimming, I sand it off after the glue is dried. If you have made sure to get the glue all the way to the edge of the chipboard, it gives a nice secure seal around the edge.

  5. I'm thinking of becoming a Reading Specialist, and wondering what the employment outlook is like, and precisely what training is required.


    I have a Bachelor's in English. From googling, I have gathered that a teaching certification and a Reading Specialist certification are required, but I can't tell whether a Master's in Education is also required--some sites say it is, others don't.


    Any experience/thoughts, especially if you are in Texas?




    I found this info on the Texas Education Agency website:

    School Counselor, School Librarian, Educational Diagnostician, or Reading Specialist


    To become a school counselor, school librarian, educational diagnostician, or reading specialist, you must enroll in and complete an Approved Educator Preparation Program. Contact the approved program of your choice to find out the specific requirements for that program.

    To be eligible to receive the Standard School Counselor, School Librarian, Educational Diagnostician or Reading Specialist Certificate, you must:


    It looks pretty straightforward that a masters is required according to that and TEA is pretty much the final authority in Texas. I am kind of curious as to what you found stating otherwise. (ETA: I didn't mean for this to sound snarky at all; I believe you in that you found conflicting info and I am genuinely curious as to what other sites have info that doesn'tline up with the TEA requirements. I have found that districts do not always follow the rules set by TEA. :p )


    I have considered getting my reading specialist certificate just in passing because one of my professors has encouraged me to, but I am currently enrolled in a masters program for deaf education and reading specialists that are also deaf ed certified seems to be a very good combination. I probably will not do it simply because I am ready to be finished with school for a while.

  6. DH and DS waited in line at Best Buy and scored one of their 40" TVs (the one that was listed as one of the 10 top Black Friday buys on Yahoo!). He also got a blue ray player for $38.


    I went back to Best Buy with my dad mid-morning and we bought him a pair of laptops (one for him and one for his business partner) and an external hard drive for his office.

  7. I agree with all of the above. I have Peterson's book. I haven't used Kelby's resources but have heard good things about them.


    After shooting practice shots as unscripted advised, I also used to print contact sheets on my home printer (using basic quality photo paper and photo quality settings) with the exposure information underneath each frame. It was easier for me to really compare the setting changes with the images side by side.

  8. Thank you so much for all of you who shared! Your stories have been very encouraging and given me a lot to think about. For what it is worth, DH and I are both on the same page in that it really isn't our own desire but we do both feel that it is something God may be calling us to do. It just isn't crystal clear and I wish it were more so, but I guess that is part of where the faith thing comes in, huh?


    Thank you again!

  9. ...It felt like you we're supposed to do? I am talking a large, life changing decision that in some ways would be very positive, but in your heart, emotionally you just don't want to do it. How did it turn out? How did you come to a peace about the decision?


    From a Christian perspective, it is a feeling that God is leading you in a direction that you would really not want to go or choose on your own.


    I am open to input from all perspectives. Thanks!

  10. And just as antoher bit of information, we were told by a police officer that if we were to legally ask our over-18 daughter to move out, we would actually have to go through eviction proceedings for us to legally be able to refuse her entry into the house. I am not sure how accurate that info is, but something that may warrant investigating.


    It never came to that for us as she left on her own and it wasn't what we truly wanted at the time

  11. DH is a former-painter. It will depend a lot on how high the ceilings are, what kind of paint you intend to use (cheap paint takes more coats so often it is better to use a better quality paint that covers better), and what has to be covered. From what you describe, there will probably need to be a bit of prep work done. For patterns, words, etc., you may need them to do some sanding and retexturing as just painting over them can sometimes still leave them visible.


    I would ask around for some reputable recommendations and ask for bids.

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