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Everything posted by Teneo

  1. Memory verses: I love the program put out by John Piper's ministry. It's part of his "Children Desiring God" series and costs as low as $5 or high as $25 depending which "pack" or "kit" you buy. Bible curriculum for that age, I like a couple things. There's Christian Liberty Press Bible's bible workbooks. It's a nice, thorough curriculum & it's pretty cheap at $8 a level, K-6. Love Sinclaire Ferguson's two volume Big Book series for that age. "Big Book of Questions and Answers" and "Big Book of Questions and Answers About Jesus" are both non-consumable and include memory work, scripture passages to read, discussion, and activity, $10 a book. He wrote answers to common questions children ask about God. They're enjoyable and simple to use; love the "Big Books"! Another series I've heard good things about but haven't used myself are the classic children's devotionals for 1st-6th grade "Suffer Little Children/Show Me Thy Ways"
  2. For handwriting, have you heard of Callirobics before? It's calming handwriting exercises working on hand-eye coordination set to music. Really helps improve handwriting skills and takes only a couple minutes a day. Physical therapists, the author of "Handwriting and Dyspraxia" and other experts recommend Callirobics. It doesn't teach handwriting itself, but it supports any other handwriting program.
  3. ^That's one thing that was nice about Rifles for Watie. It showed an Unionist learning to sympathize with the south. Two Little Confederates is (as you can guess) written about two confederate boys and their adventures during the war. With Lee in Virginia is written by an Englishman who mostly sympathized with the South, although there were some things about the Southern system he disliked and he clearly and articulately addresses them in the story. Turn Homeward Hannalee is an historical fiction about the sad and true forceful removal of Georgian children who were employed at the mills from their homes & families during Sherman's march to the sea in & being shipped off to the north to forcefully work at farms and factories. Oh, there's also Iron Scouts of the Confederacy. I think Veritas Press lists several books and resources from the southern point of view as well.
  4. Turn Homeward Hannalee The Perilous Road Two Little Confederates Rifles for Watie The Mostly True Adventures of Homer P Figg ^some of my favorites around that age. Also enjoy GA Henty's With Lee in Virginia, interesting to read as it was written by an Englishman. Red Badge of Courage, well, I'd wait a few years to read that book. It's short, but the content may be a bit much for a 4th grader.
  5. What approach does Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading take in regards to phonics? Does it follow Orton or Spalding's ideas at all? I've been searching this forum and the web and haven't found an answer. Thanks!
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