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Everything posted by LuvingLife

  1. Oh my she was the only relative that loved us, and I am sad she is gone but even happier to know she may well be resting in the arms of God. Thank you for your kind words, it was so nice to see her again even if the moment was fleeting.:001_smile:
  2. Okay now I want to get out the crockpot and start cooking some of these recipes like now. They sound so good!!!!:)
  3. I saw my Nanna, (great-grandmother that has been deceased 4 years) and she and I were in a deep conversation about what I wanted to do with my life. She told me "Cheyenne, you need to stop worrying about what other people want you to do, and go for what God has called you to do. Life doesn't wait for you, you need to reach for your dreams and don't ever put them off unless the good Lord wants you too." We talked some more about things I don't remember, and then I woke up. Okay, and then I fell back to sleep and started dreaming about her again (this doesn't often happen), and she was talking to me about how to live a healthy lifestyle, (oddest thing I know!), she told me to "Enjoy your food, eat slowly, eat one plate of food with a large glass of water, for a treat have one cookie, or a small piece of cake, with a fruit or veggie. And in honor of me, always eat one piece of toast with Jam and tea, (she loved to do this in the afternoon, and I do it too!). And always keep moving, walk and bike everywhere you go, and never over eat. I love you and be a good girl until I see you again." That was it, I woke up and broke down crying so hard, it was exactly what I needed to hear, (strange how God used my Nanna, but I sure listened!). I miss my Nanna so much!:crying::crying: ADD:I just really needed to share.
  4. My mom would have past out by now. I on the other hand want to hold her!:D
  5. They are really good in soups and salads, just wash and serve them the way you like! Call me crazy but I eat them with some salt, my friends think I am disgusting, so I do it to gross them out!!:lol:
  6. Oh my goodness these all sound so yummy that I cannot wait to try a few!!! I really appreciate all fo your great recipes, these are going to be so helpful when I just don't have the time to cook. Thank you for the Congragulations, I cannot wait to hold my new baby brother!:001_smile:
  7. I so wanted that for Christmas!! It is so much fun and so neat, but alas my parents said no, so I am going to try again this year...:D
  8. In the next few weeks my mom is going to be having a baby (see siggy) and she will not be able to do much during the course of this time, and I will be loaded down with a lot of things to do on top of my regular schoolwork. So I would really appreciate some easy, yet tasty crock pot (slow cooker) recipes and casserole recipes that will help make my life easier. If they are low calorie even better, and if not no problem, I just really need some extra recipes because I will not have time to prepare much. Anything will do, I am not picky and neither is my family, side dishes are also welcome. TIA!!:bigear:
  9. Does she recieve enough exercise? English setter's need lots of exercise to drain their excess energy or they will become aggresive and damage items or people for that matter. She is young and needs to be put in her place, you are the "top dog" and your puppy must be taught this asap! This behaviour could lead to dramatic problems, maybe even biting someone unintentionally due to her hyperness. I'd advise you to start training her now or you may need to give her up if you don't have the time, it would be the best thing for your family and her. But here are training tips that I used on my dog that helped curb his hyper ways. Exercise is key, I walk, bike and play fetch with my dog daily, it not only drains his energy, but it benefits me as well!;) Training, train your dog to heel while walking, instead of just throwing the ball, make her sit and wait for it, throw it, then tell her to go fetch. When she does something naughty, tell her in a firm but not shouting voice NO! and put her in her kennel for 15 minutes to a half hour, take her out and try again, if she continues, repeat the step. Keep doing this, she will learn! I used a prong collar on my dog, best tool I ever used and the most humane one, he responded so well and he loves his collar, the moment I bring it out he sits and waits for me to actually place it on him because he knows we are going somewhere. Hope this will help, and if all fails, you may need to give her up, we had to do that with a few of our dogs because they were too hyper and we couldn't control them. It was best for all, but I hope you have success!:grouphug:
  10. Days are less stressful, I can be sick without falling behind, I have lots of great friends, my relationship with my family has grown, I can cook and bake great food. I have learned valuable skills, I'm independent, I've developed my writing talents (a true gift I have and enjoy doing in my spare time), and I have time to do the things I enjoy after my schoolwork is finished. There are so many good things that they diminsh most of the cons of homeschooling and I never want to go back to public school again!:)
  11. All of these suggestions are really good, and I am going to look more into them this weekend when I don't have school. My parents are pretty set on Notgrass, but it sure doesn't hurt to add a few things in!:) Thank you all again for your help, it is extremely appreciated!:D
  12. Oh my gosh he is so cute!!!! I think I need to convince my parents we need another puppy now...;)
  13. Has anyone done Notgrass? Do I need to supplement if I were to buy the curriculum? Just a little curious as this is the one my parents want to go with, but I want all the bases covered.
  14. Kristy, how is the curriculum so far? Does your son enjoy it, how in depth does it go? I want a good solid curriculum to prepare me for college especially with all the essays and the like. :bigear:
  15. True, but with 6 kids to buy curriculum for, and all at different grade levels and learning styles, coupled with the fact my dad doesn't have a good job, have to pay a high rent, and another baby on the way, adds up!:lol: But if I do agree it sounds like a reasonable price for 3-in-1, I may have to stick with Notgrass for this year though. Thank you for your help Julie!:)
  16. Sorry I should have explained a little more, I am focusing on world history along with Literature. I'm looking for a curriculum like MFW but without the big price tag.;)
  17. I am highly in need of a curriculum that involves history and literature, trying to do it on my own just isn't working for me anymore and I need a guide to follow. Money is tight, so I cannot go beyond say $100 there is just no way. Any really good curriculums out there that has everything (even with bible?). And if there is anyway to find it cheaper, I would love to know! Help greatly needed!!:bigear:
  18. thanks Julie, maybe I will take a look at MFW, is there any way to find it cheaper? MFW is really expensive...
  19. Awesome, these all are great suggestions and until I recieve my new phone I will be using the computer and a notebook to help track what I eat, so far, I like it and I get to see how much I am eating. Thank you!!:)
  20. I actually feel sick after I eat breakfast when I am not hungry, I usually start to feel hungry around ten or so, so maybe I should wait until then...:closedeyes:
  21. In just two weeks I will be purchasing my very own android phone!:hurray: But as for right now I don't have one, thank you though for the help I will definitely be looking for this when I have my new phone.:D
  22. This makes sense, some mornings I need breakfast, others I really don't need it at all. So I will go with what my body wants and not what I force into it, thanks for the tips.:001_smile:
  23. We have not purchased Nutella for quite some time due to trying to live a healthier lifestyle. But when we do, oh my goodness!! It's like a little piece of heaven in your mouth.:D
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