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Kathleen in VA

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Status Updates posted by Kathleen in VA

  1. Trying to send you a pm but your box is full. Can you let me know when you have room to receive a pm again? Thanks!

  2. Thanks for encouraging me and for sticking up for me. It was kind of frustrating. Life on the WTM boards, lol.

  3. Thanks, Julie. I appreciate your support and kindness.

  4. Well, I'm not one for anything "one-size fits all" as far as homeschool curriculum goes. I think there is plenty on the market for folks to cobble together a satisfactory program on their own. I'm also not particularly concerned about what VA state colleges require as I have no intention of sending any of my children there (I got my degree in 1980 from JMU). One of the great beauties of homeschooling is being able to choose both method and materials. I would not want that limited in any way. There are plenty of options available for those looking for a prepackaged curriculum if one feels the need for such a thing. I prefer the option of choosing what I deem best for my children. Sorry, I'm not much help, am I? -Kathleen in VA

  5. Hi Eric, no I did not attend that Latin event. I'd be glad to help you find info about homeschooling in VA, but I'm afraid I'm not going to be much help as far as Latin is concerned. -Kathleen in VA

  6. :)The Mark Webb quote is from this website: http://doctrinesofgrace.net/

    I'm glad you were blessed by it.

  7. Hi Michelle,


    Yes, the Mystery of History is still available. Please email me at lavendersblue@comcast.net if you are still interested. I can take non-credit card paypal or a check or money order. My paypal account is opalina@earthlink.net.




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