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St. Theophan Academy

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Posts posted by St. Theophan Academy

  1. we are looking at having our kids memorize the basics of the seven ecumenical councils - and I have a vague recollection of someone many many years ago having created a memory song or something to do this - familiar to anyone?  I keep having flashbacks to Melanie Griffith in Born Yesterday teaching the 12 amendments!  :)

  2. Oldest son is a sophomore this year, and very interested in pursuing livestock management and agriculture.  He has more than adequate hands on experience (4H, raises and shows sheep, pigs, chickens, works as a landscaper, helps maintain a large garden and occasionally works to put up hay for local farmers).  What I am looking for now is something more academic to go hand in hand with all of the real life experience.  I have purchased a college level Animal Science text, but would also consider an online course.  So far I have looked into North Dakota Center for Distance Learning. Anyone have any experience to share, or other resources/books/online courses?

  3. I am working on a history course for 7th-8th graders, and need some ideas for a few fairly inexpensive but fun projects to go with our time period. Anyone have any great ideas for the 1800's? I found a kit for making a small covered wagon, and something with leather working (moccasins etc) but would love any other ideas, especially some related to Industrial Revolution and scientific advance of that time period! Thanks for any input!

  4. hmm, will have to check on the color - it is a porter paints, and took me forever to settle on because it went in 3 rooms, and the lighting was different in each, so finding a yellow that worked took about 5 trial swatches on the walls. I'll check on the color and let you know!

  5. thanks Sarah - there is no question things evolve as life does - in fact, for about six months a few years back my sister in law and her husband moved in with us (they were in transition between selling a home and moving with the military) and they lived in the downstairs - so I cleared the whole thing out and homeschooled in my kitchen. It is fun to have a room though - and it is always fun to plan it out!

  6. We love St. Michael's products (the Sentence Family is my fav!). I have the math manipulatives - they are nice - definitely not enough for a full program though. They have developed a Waldorf style math plan for roughly the 1st - 2nd grades - unfortunately they do not have it for sale now. If you contact them, tell them you are interested. I have been trying to get them to publish it for a few years now! I have the first part they sent me to look over, but do not have the second section and would love for them to publish and sell it.

  7. We always take more time in the middle ages than most since I feel most programs skim over a lot during that time. at the ages of your kids - I wouldn't worry too much, if you want to take extra time, do it. You will probably go through modern times more quickly the first go around, since a lot of that is really to heavy for little ones, so it all usually works out in the end. We actually just skipped modern times on our first cycle. Disadvantage - if you are an "A" type, it is going to drive you crazy feeling like you are behind - but eventually you will get over it :) and realize that history cycles do not run the world, and your kids will do fine even if they don't get 3 perfect cycles as lined out (coming from someone who wanted it all marched out perfectly for everyone K-12, then reality set in :)

  8. we are doing NC Wyeth - there are great books out there of his works on American History topics - tie in very nicely. We are also planning to do John White - not well known, but he was the grandfather of Virginia Dare. Finally, we are going to probably do some of Winslow Homer and Hokusai pieces - because our emphasis is on the sea this year (explorers, marine sciences, navigation etc) and they both have beautiful works on ships and the sea.

  9. I first read WTM when my oldest was 3, and Charlotte Mason. I went into it using a lot of inspiration from Tanglewood Curriculum-I also have been greatly influenced by Latin Centered Curriculum. Where are we today? Well - I can see that different subjects often need different methods. I think we have taken all of the beautiful things from CM (poet study, picture study, composer study, nature study, narration etc) followed the WTM 4 year cycle concept for history, put Math and Latin in first place of academic importance, and tried to fully embrace the concept of multum non multa! I second the Granger talk for anyone who is feeling overwhelmed. what is our goal for our children? theosis,life in Christ. So I have become better at looking at things and realizing in the end that is all that really matters. If you want a reminder of what we should want for our children, read the Akathist to the Mother of God Nurterer of Children-there is a home education "manifesto" compared to none!

  10. Not totally sold on the upper level Apologia books, but if this is what I decide to use - can anyone tell me what you think about using the physical science book before general? My son is 12 - loves science, and after looking at them, physical science seems to cover more of what we need to be working on now (not to mention it will dovetail nicely with history studies next year :) He has a good background of science reading, and I feel like much of the general science he has covered. Any thoughts?

  11. One other point - some of these lessons are pretty much straight from CGS training, which is really intellectual property of the program and not intended to be shared with anyone other than those who attended that training session. I find it a bit sad that someone has decided to take album pages and publish them.

  12. Having gone through training for CGS - I fear that this sort of site lacks a great deal that is needed for these lessons to be effective. Unless you have a good understanding of the methods behind CGS, you cannot give these presentations as intended. Also, I notice that a number of presentations have been combined to a point that they will be overwhelming for the age child they are suggested.

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