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Everything posted by kwickimom

  1. I'm holding a 6 week old kitten that wouldn't stay out of my engine so he got promoted to house kitty so I don't squish him :)
  2. The Good Wife Scandal Revenge Parenthood Law and Order SVU
  3. Never thank God, and they live next door :D
  4. My kids LOVE it. They love all the experiments and the way it is set up. They are learning a ton. We started it last year so we are almost finished with it.
  5. I was wondering the same thing. Its super annoying!!
  6. Currently making a couple of these a week for the freezer. http://onceamonthmeals.com/101-freezable-slow-cooker-recipes/
  7. I just said this because she got some negative tests and then a positive and its so early on. Normally I wouldnt, but I would make sure my "positives" outweighed my "negatives" before making a big announcement.
  8. What I am wondering is- if she has had the pregnancy confirmed by a doctor yet. Jill said she got 2 negatives and her sisters made her take another and it was positive. I am hoping it wasn't a fluke or something. I see nothing wrong with them getting pregnant right away. Its what they want- its their life and their right. Whats wrong with wanting to be a mom of a lot of kids?
  9. I get chicken from Zayconfoods.com and my friends also get beef from there.
  10. thanks for posting this! Me and my husband were just asked to do the exact same thing at my church and this will be great feedback.
  11. My dh can fix almost anythig except teeth. I wish he had dental skills. I have spent thousands on my teeth and needd another $12,000 in work done. Meanwhile my dentist has a fancy house, pool, pool house, shed, tractor, cars, boats, trucks, 4 wheelers- basically everything and anything.
  12. Don't mess with it- call the pest guy. We had to have our house and furniture and yard treated twice to get rid of fleas one year.
  13. Check into Virtual Homeschool group for Apologia Gen Sci. It is helping my dd and she loves it. She does the readings herself and then can go listen to a lecture and see models. Then I use this site to add videos http://homeschoolersresources.blogspot.com/p/general-science.html. Its not so boring this way and it is helping a ton with comprehension!
  14. This is why I am really focusing on a price book and stocking up on sales. Knowing prices and looking for sales is about the only way to keep on top of it.
  15. Really great tips here that I have never thought about! Food that isn't used in the month is super important and I never thought about counting it when its actually eaten. Although I guess you could do like a 3 or 6 month average after tracking and use that number and you will pretty much cover all the food. And i agree on the restaurants. I know a lot of people with very low "grocery" budgets but they eat out all the time.
  16. I havent read all the responses but heres my 2 cents- I am a Christian and my brother is gay. I love him no less and he's still and will always be one of my best friends. Whatever he chooses to do with his life doesn't affect me in the least. I have friends and family from all walks of life. Nothing they do or say or are or become would ever change my feelings for them. I may not like what they do, in fact I downright might hate things they do and say, but I love them and they are friends and family. I'm not perfect and I assume many of them don't think I am and there are things about me they can't stand.
  17. Jumped right in full schedule today. It went well. I have a 7th grader, 3rd grader and a 1st grader. And off we go.......Happy 2014/2015 school year!
  18. I wish we brought home $3000 a month, We make less than that for a family of 5 and dont qualify for food stamps
  19. I just don't think that you can spring upon a parent that they all of a sudden have to stay. Yes, it is a voluntary thing, but they should state upfront that you have to stay. We wouldn't have near the amount of kids we have at our VBS if we required parents to come. VBS is for the children and so if we want them to come, we must be ready to take care of any and all kinds of children.
  20. She should have told you the night before. We would never turn down a child for VBS at our church unless they were violent and ours runs around 100-130 kids, BUT we only allow preschoolers if they are workers kids because we know that would be a lot to handle. I can see both sides, but they should have told you sooner than when you showed up
  21. I have woken up in the middle of 2 d&c's and when having my wisdom teeth surgically removed. Its very possibly he was awake and remembers.
  22. I wanted opinions and experiences. The classes don't start until the second week of Sept and I was wanting ti start before then so I don't want to wait and then not like it. I will be trying out the virtual tour tomorrow. Just wanted to see likes/dislikes and advantages of doing a live class over a self paced. Also wondering how it is set up- do you read a whole module and then just listen to class lecture and then go do experiments or what?
  23. I was looking at trying a live class but didn't find much feedback in my search here. Anyone use this recently, either live or self paced?
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