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Posts posted by 5KidzRUs

  1. I have never heard of the first two supplements before and couldn't find Re Ora. I see they are good for hormones and weightloss. Can you share what you heard about them? I think I'm going to try the 7 Keto.


    I rarely ever see Dr Oz but I really like him. I watched him on a news clip where he had a juice recipe for mornings which was energizing. it had celery and parsley but I forget what else. Did you see that one?


    Here are my notes:


    Weight Loss:

    7 Keto - Metabolism - 100 mg in AM & 100 mg in PM

    Forskolin - Burns fat - 125 mg in AM

    Caraway Seeds - Bloating

    Relora - Stress - 250 mg/day

    Saffron Extract - Kills hunger


    Cut bad cholesterol:

    Ocra, tofu, almonds, Benecol spread

    Oyster Mushrooms - 1/2 cup/day

    Red Yeast Rice Extract 1200 mg in AM and 1200 in PM

  2. Hmmm, well, that's no fun. 5kidsRUs, Are you hurting and having a lot of bad symptoms?

    Is the Dr. concerned it could turn into cancer or something? I would definitely get a biopsy of it if so. Better to be safe than sorry. I'm sure it is a little scary, but once it is done, you will know more what is up. Is it possible to get a 2nd opinion?


    The first ultrasound the dr. said thick lining - second ultrasound his partner said think lining AND she saw a polyp.

    I have read online that biopsy only tells them if that one particular area has cancer. I am guessing that with a D&C they check a lot more areas for cancer?

    About 18 years ago I dealt with cryosurgery and then a year or so later biopsies because they couldn't tell where some abnormal cells were coming from and they never did and then a few years of normal paps after that.

    This round of visits was because I had over 30 days straight bleeding.

    It seems inhumane to keep dealing with these torturous tests and procedures.

    As scared as I am of general anesthesia, I wonder if a hysterectomy would solve all this torture once and for all.

    BTW, the perky AF dr. Who did the uterine biopsy 18 years ago said it was more dangerous for (morbidly obese) me to go under for a hysterectomy than risk getting cancer.

  3. I just went to the doctor about his today!

    He said because of my 4 c-sections, my uterus was thicker and I am having some "issues" that lead me to make the appointment in the first place.

    He called it adinomyosis. Not sure if it is spelled right. I was a little surprised to be having these problems, seeing I am only 33.

    He wants to put me on birth control and see if that helps with the "issues" and then if that doesn't work, do the hysterectomy.

    Maybe you should get a second opinion. Good luck!

    PM me if you have any specific questions, and I'll try to help any way I can. :grouphug:


    My dr. Put me on some sort of pill for 3 cycles too. The lining is still thick :glare:

  4. Anyone deal with thickened uterine lining/D&C/Hysterectomy?

    I am in Germany and I don't know if they treat thick uterine lining differently than in the US?

    Dr. said mine was 3cm and wants to do D&C.

    I am also scared of getting put under, I worry about not waking up.

    If they are going to put me out, I am wondering if I should ask for a hysterectomy before something turns cancerous.

    I have been dealing with different female issues for nearly 20 years.

    also, this dr. has never seen my past medical records AND I really have no idea who he is or how good he is ... A little bit of a language barrier too.

    Any advice or experience you can share please?

  5. Used to work with USAA as an insurance agent. Each insurance company treats things a bit different but for the most part -


    Member of household such as child getting driver's license needs to be added to the policy so they will be covered. Yes the premium goes up because the risk for the child is higher. What we called premium commensurate with the risk. Generally you have 30 days to add the child once they get license.


    Non members of the household or people you let borrow your car occasionally are automatically covered. You don't let your child get a license then say they only drive your car occasionally. The insurance covers them no matter whose car they drive and friends will let them drive, so they need to be on the policy.


    Some state laws say that the person whom the car is registered to is responsible for the vehicle, so if your child gets in an accident, you will be held accountable, meaning you can be sued if child liable for the accident. So usually best to let insurance company know right away to add to policy.


    The rule of thumb - If they are a members of the household have to be added to the policy. Non members are automatically covered like Kidshappen situation of somebody borrowing car. You don't have to advise the insurance company when ever someone borrows.


    Hopefully this answers all your questions. Any more, let me know.


    Thanks Mytwoblessings! This helps a lot as we do use USAA.

  6. I guess it depends if the parents want the insurance company to cover any financial costs if their child is invovled in an accident. we report when they get a permit - and when they get their license.


    OK. I appreciate the responses. They are still two weeks away from finishing their driving school - it sounds like it is a no-brainer to get them on the policy before they drive our cars.

    Now that I think about it, I bet they have to prove insurance before they get handed their licences.

    Thanks for the posts. I am just wary of ins. co's as it seems like they getcha if you do not know your rights. In my next life I want to be an ins. agent just so I know all my rights :lol:

  7. How could you not report them? :confused:


    Why wouldn't you report them? Are they covered on your insurance if you don't?:confused:


    That is what I am wondering. I guess some families don't report them because the ins. goes way up.

    I asked my ins. co. once, a while back and her answer was to tell me she wanted me to sign a document stating that my licensed driver/child will not be driving my vehicle. He ended up getting his license after he was 18 and living on his own so I never dealt with ins. After all - until now.

  8. I found this searching "DODEA homeschool high school credit transfer" . I think you want to make sure DODEA is one of the search terms. Otherwise the main results seemed to be about joining the military as a homeschool graduate.


    It has several paragraphs about accepting credits from non-accredited programs. It seems like it is mostly at the discretion of the principal.


    Does the base you're thinking of have a School Liaison? I found they were a good resource, especially since they seemed to work for the base command structure rather than DODEA.


    Thank you Sebastian. I think we might have a new liaison. I will check and see if he or she can be of any help.

    What you posted looks hopeful ...

  9. I put my son in a DOD high school half way through the school year and he graduated that year on honor roll. But was given credit for only half the year.

    Obviously, he knew bio and algebra well enough to graduate on honor roll.

    Would I have grounds to pursue credit for the first half or is it a lost cause?

    I just assumed it would not be a problem because our public high schools in GA accepted a certain number of HS credits - some of the HSs made the students test for I and one I know didn't.

  10. I have a 62yo friend who collects dolls. Which I guess isn't weird, although they're the Marie Osmond-kind-of-dolls, which I think are kinda tacky, but to each his own. :tongue_smilie:But if she gets to build her dream house (you're never too old to dream about that), she wants a room dedicated to the dolls so she can play with them. In the house she owned a few years ago, she had a waterbed without the mattress, and she had Barbie doll set-ups in it--a pool, a slide, other stuff.


    That's odd.


    Your room is lovely, not the least bit odd. :)


    Thanks Jennifer, Fairytalemama and Ellie. I was worried it went a little far and was getting to look like Granny's bedroom in Little Red Riding Hood.

    I really don't want it to look creepy. But sometimes it is hard to look at things you love/enjoy objectively.

    My mom spent the night a few times in my sweet Aunts doll room and my mom said it was creepy. Though, I know to my Aunt, those dolls are her babies. She even changes their clothes and repost pics on Facebook. In fact, one of her babies is her Facebook pic right now :001_smile:

  11. I love solid wood antique furniture.

    I also collect original quality children's book illustrations and advertisements - many are oil paintings I framed in antique frames and hanging in my spare bedroom. This room is only used by me.

    Similarily, my favorite Aunt has a room dedicated to just her dolls and antique baby items - I think THAT is just (cute but) ODD.

    Am I turning into a crazy ol' lady too like my Aunt?? :001_huh: I am wondering if I should just put these paintings in a portfolio and hang more mature paintings on my walls. What do you all think?



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