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About mrspoch

  • Birthday May 8

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    NW Indiana
  1. One of my friends told me about this show a couple of months ago and lent me her series DVD. I loved it! Can't wait for the 2nd season. :)
  2. That is extremely tacky and rude. And the mom lied to you about the "donated" cookies. That's not cool. I'm not sure that I would care that I had to see her every day, I think I'd have to say something. I'm sorry that both you and your daughter had to deal with that. :(
  3. :iagree: I absolutely love being in my 30s!! Of course, I also look younger than I am so that could have something to do with it. Looking back at my wedding pics (when I was 21), it looks as if I was only 16! lol I think that I couldn't wait to reach 30 'cause then I would have to be perceived as a "real" adult. I loved the look on people's faces when they found out I was 30 and they thought I was much younger. lol
  4. That is really cool! I may have to borrow that next year ... this year is already done. I think we spent about $150 on our only child this year. But that is very atypical. We were blessed this year as DH got a new job and has been getting a lot of overtime. Both sets of grandparents buy gifts and I also have some extended family that will buy for DS. We usually don't have to get very much. Of course, the older he gets the more expensive it becomes...
  5. Thanks for recommending this! I just requested it from our library, and it will be our next read-aloud after Thanksgiving. :)
  6. Worcestershire sauce is of the devil ... well, the word not the sauce. lol My husband tells me that I always pronounce Don incorrectly -- he says I'm saying Dawn. I had no idea that /o/ and /aw/ didn't sound the same... :001_huh: I'm also one who can't say "cavalry" but instead say "Calvary." lol
  7. I've probably read it 2-3 times the whole way thru. But I've read sections of it too many times to count! lol
  8. I don't know why I never remember about that forum... lol Thanks for the reminder that it's there!! I'm gonna have to be heading that way. :)
  9. DS will be in 5th grade next year, and of course, I'm already starting to plan. I started HS'ing him in 2nd grade so we've never really don't the 4-year cycle. I used Sonlight's world history for 2nd and 3rd, and this year we're using MFW's ECC and adding in a very brief American history. So next year I want to start the Cycle and I'm really considering doing "on my own" using the DK History of the World as a spine. Part of me is freaked out about doing it that way, but as I sit here looking thru the book, I'm really starting to think I MAY just be able to do it. Anyone do history that way? If you do, wanna share how it works ... like what you do on a typical week. My biggest worry is how to fit in the extra books without taking a forever on a topic. Thanks!
  10. I'm happy for you!!! :hurray: I'm still stuck in history as well for next year. Everything else is figured out (oh wait, except for art...) but history is just driving me crazy. lol
  11. Well, darn. I had written myself a note way back when about this show as well. So, I thought I'd be able to help you out here... I just pulled out my note and I don't have a date/time on it either. :( I also threw away the magazine thing... grrrrrr
  12. We used Prima Latina last year for 3rd grade, and my son loved it. It made going on to Latina Christiana I this year much easier. In fact, my son told me a couple of days ago that Latin was one of his favorite subjects now! :)
  13. Mine went to my parents' house in PA. I live in Indiana. I never thought about it, but my dad bought some stuff for us for next year. They would have had his billing info but my shipping address. lol Oh well, I just went and requested another one...
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