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Everything posted by Negin

  1. If anyone wants tips on hot flashes, let me know, and I can post them here. You know me ... I tend to be a bit overwhelming to say the least. ;)
  2. Carlson's Fish Oil for teens Now D3 - 2000 IU Nature's Way Probiotics Sometimes, if it's cold/flu season/traveling - Sambucol as well We get our supplements from vitacost or amazon Not to be rude or step on any toes, but I avoid Flintstones, and most stuff found in places like Costco, etc. Brands I like/trust overall: Carlson’s Nature’s Way New Chapter Organics NOW Enzymatic Therapy Solgar Source Naturals Twin Labs Anything with a short ingredient list - no soybean oil, no sugar, starches, colorings, etc. – the less things in it, the better Last I checked, Flintstones had far too much junk in it. :confused:
  3. I had flat feet as a baby. My pediatrician had my mom tie my feet up with ropes/elastic/whatever and orthopedic shoes every night while I was sleeping throughout my baby and toddler years. I would not have cooperated otherwise. You mentioned autism. I'm so sorry. :grouphug: Not that you're asking for advice, and I hope that I don't offend :confused: ... but I have read time and time again that cow's milk should be avoided for autism. Sorry if none of this was much help. You have been in my thoughts. :grouphug:
  4. Thank you all, for understanding and being open. :grouphug: You're right. It would be difficult and impractical for others to post a label, such as cc. I don't find Christian books offensive at all. In fact, I have several and love them - The Shack, Christian Homeschooling Devotion Books, etc. and some others I do want to say that I do believe in Christ and love Him. I just prefer to know beforehand if a book is Christian, particularly fiction. That's all. But I guess others are right. It just takes a search on amazon. Thank you for encouraging me. I may start one from next week. ETA: Based on what others have said, probably not. ;) Me too. :D Okay. This is good to know. Now I feel more comfortable about posting some books that others may not necessarily care for. Thank you. I'm not sure which one :lol:, but thank you. :) Yes. Really enjoyed this book. This will be one that I'll likely read again. I like all his books. This has been on my wish list for a while. Wondering if it's worth getting. I love Follett and can't wait to read this one. :) Lisa, I saw this quote years ago and have been searching high and low for it ever since. Thank you for posting it here. I thought I'd never find this quote again. :D :grouphug: Really loved this one.
  5. You've been in my thoughts and prayers a lot lately. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Having gone through 2 hurricanes - one, very major - I know that natural disasters stink. :confused:
  6. Nothing to add. Just want to say that I'm saving all this very helpful info. Thank you all for posting such great tips. :)
  7. I want to thank everyone so very, very much. This is all so helpful. I'm copying, pasting, and saving all your posts to read and take notes later as I make my decision. I don't want to quit AAS. AAS has helped him a lot. I love the program. I just feel that ds needs all the help that he can get. Lots and lots of work. Once again, thank you. And if you think of anything else, or if anyone has more to add, please continue sharing. :grouphug:
  8. This one turned out wonderful. Everyone loved it. Thank you. Have copied and pasted, and even started a separate word document for just poked holes cakes. :D Here are the two that I have made the most often: LEMONADE CAKE Bake a lemon cake as per box directions in 9X13 pan. While it is baking, thaw a 6 oz can of frozen lemonade concentrate (If you can't find a 6 oz, use part of a large can) Mix thawed lemonade concentrate with 1 cup powdered sugar. Poke holes in top of cake while warm with a wooden spoon. Pour lemonade concentrate/powdered sugar mix over warm cake and let it cool completely (I chilled mine in the fridge) Frost with cool whip and garnish with slices of fresh lemon. This is best when kept chilled. Very refreshing! Pretty tart but very tasty! COCONUT POKE CAKE SERVES 24 1 (18.25 ounce) package white cake mix 1 (14 ounce) can cream of coconut (You can use Coconut Milk if you don’t want the cake to be too sweet) Half a 14-oz can of sweetened condensed milk (7 ounces total) [OR Omit Altogether if You Don’t Want Cake to be too sweet!] 1 (16 ounce) package frozen whipped topping, thawed OR you can make your own whipped cream 1 (8 ounce) package flaked coconut (toast it slightly) 1. Prepare and bake white cake mix according to package directions. Remove cake from oven. While still hot, using a wooden spoon OR large pronged fork/utility fork, poke holes all over the top of the cake. The more holes, the better! 2. Mix cream of coconut and sweetened condensed milk together. Pour over the top of the still hot cake. Let cake cool completely. BEST TO LET CAKE SIT OVERNIGHT BEFORE FROSTING!!! 3. Mix coconut into whipped topping and top the cake. Some more I saw: Better-Than-Almost-Anything Cake Chocolate Thunder Cake Key Lime Pie Poke Cake - I particularly love tart and fruity desserts :D Tres Leches Cake ... mmm :) Off to copy and paste all the other wonderful ideas and recipes you've given. Thank you, all. :grouphug:
  9. I know there was a lot that they missed. Oh well. I just love the song. :D
  10. Loved The Book Thief. Have added The Cellist to my wish list. Looks good. :) I want to get The Omnivore's Dilemma. I love Food Rules. Kite Runner and Pride & Prejudice are amongst my all-time favorites. This has been on and off on my wish list for years. I never know if I'll like it or not. I'm sure I'll read it eventually. People seem to either love it or hate it ... Not sure yet what I'll be reading this week. I'll know in the next few days. I do have 2 suggestions or thoughts for this thread and hope that it's not too rude to do so. I hope others are not offended by what I'm about to say, especially with the 1st suggestion. 1. Would it be possible to label or mark Christian books? Not all of us are Christians here. Just like with the threads (CC - Christian Content). That way, we can know before doing a search or possibly buying a book and realizing after the fact? I read Baha'i books, but I wouldn't necessarily post them here, or at least I would say that they're Baha'i books. 2. Should we start a separate thread for read-alouds that we do with our children? I personally would prefer that. I like this thread to be for us moms. And a separate thread to be chapter or picture book read-alouds for the week. Again, sorry to have offended or upset anyone. :confused:
  11. This is a definite must-see. Absolutely love this song. Great lyrics. Pure nostalgia. :D
  12. I am just so sorry. This has been on my mind for the past few days and has sickened and saddened me. Praying for everyone.
  13. This book, although expensive from this site, is fabulous. I have used it with my dc. You should be able to get it cheaper and used from amazon or ebay or half.com - search online. This specific edition covers all ages and levels. It's all 3 volumes in one. So, it's possible that the price is reasonable, since it's for all 3 volumes.
  14. Poor boy really struggles. He has never been tested, but was a late reader and shows some signs of mild dyslexia and dysgraphia. It’s been difficult for me especially – a natural speller. Is there anything that will really help learn to spell OR do I have to resign myself to the fact that he will always struggle? :confused: He’s now on Level 3 of All About Spelling and I have to say that it has been a more effective program than any other. Nonetheless, he needs drill and lots of it. AAS is just not enough. So we recently got Mega Words. I forgot to order the Teacher’s Guides and looking at the program since we just started using it, I think I need to order those also. I’m looking for ANYTHING at this point that will help him learn to spell and that is preferably user-friendly – just something effective. Is there anything else? I do know that AAS and Mega Words are Orton-Gillingham-based (teaching the structure of words - syllable types, syllable division, rules, exceptions, and so on). So obviously, I would prefer Orton-Gillingham-based. I think … unless I don’t know what I’m talking about! Programs/Options that I’m going into – and I am open to other suggestions: 1. Just order the Teacher Manuals for Mega Words and be content with that – since I have a few of the books already. Keep reviewing AAS and doing the Mega Words. 2. How to Teach Spelling – there are workbooks also 3. [/url] 4. Solving Language Difficulties 5. by Marica Henry - Someone said that this book combines spelling with root word study. Often used for remedial students for up to even 8th grade. 6. I do know that Sequential Spelling is not a good choice for a child without good visual memory. It relies on their ability to recognize and recall the patterns being presented. SS is great for natural spellers, but not so much for those who struggle. At this point, I’m willing to try almost anything and everything to have him learn to properly spell. If you have any experience with any of these programs, please share. Thank you.
  15. You're an absolute angel. I didn't think you'd see this so soon. Thank you for getting back to me. :grouphug:
  16. As I'm baking this while I type ... I'm sure it'll be too late by the time you see this. Nonetheless, if you can reply, thank you. I need measurements - how much dark chocolate and how much condensed milk? Thanks again. :)
  17. Although the Baha'i Faith is a God-based monotheistic religion, it does not view sin as a central concept. According to Bahá'u'lláh, pride or self-centeredness is one of the greatest hindrances to spiritual progress. Pride represents an exaggerated sense of one's own importance in the universe and leads to an attitude of superiority over others ... In the Bahá'í notion of spiritual progress, whatever is conducive to spiritual progress is good, and whatever tends to hinder spiritual progress is bad. This doctrine reminds one of the Buddhist perspective. From the Bahá'í viewpoint, learning "right" from "wrong" means attaining a degree of self-knowledge that permits us to know when something is helpful to our spiritual growth and when it is not. And this knowledge can only be obtained through the teachings of the Manifestations (the Prophets of the great religions). Bahá'u'lláh repeatedly stressed that only revealed religion can save us from our imperfections. It is because God has sent his Manifestations to show us the path to spiritual development and to touch our hearts with the spirit of God's love that we are able to realize our true potential and make the effort to be united with God. This is the "salvation" that religion brings. Bahai's do not think of salvation in terms of salvation from the stain of "original sin," nor does it protect us from some external evil force or devil. Rather, it delivers people from the captivity to their own lower nature, a captivity that breeds private despair and threatens social destruction. Salvation means drawing nearer to God and progressing on the path to a deep and satisfying happiness. http://www.religionfacts.com/bahai/beliefs/salvation.htm
  18. :iagree: :iagree: :iagree: I had horrible acne on and off throughout my teens and early 20s. I used to drink milk endlessly. Once I stopped, my skin cleared up like you wouldn't believe. Plain yogurt does not affect me at all. When my dc have milk, they break out. Milk for me, was the #1 culprit. I've read this time and time again. I just wish I'd known this when I was younger.
  19. So sorry to hear this. Praying for you. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  20. :lol: :iagree: :lol: Sorry, nothing to add. Just thanking you for being the first one to make me giggle this early in the morning. :grouphug:
  21. Much of this is from a good friend who really knows her stuff. I myself have not yet used Retinol, but may as I get older. I know that it helps to fade age spots and you can use it on your hands, lower forearms, and even your decolletage. I have read that every woman over 40 should consider Retinol. I may wait until I’m 45 or 50. I’ll see. Right now, I'm 43. Okay, here's what she wrote: "Retinol, retinol, retinol. That is the only medical proven cream that will stimulate collagen growth. Let me say it again, retinol. Everything else is smoke and mirrors. There isn't anything on the market that compares. Don't bother with Strivectin. It doesn't work and is ridiculously expensive. Retinol is the only real proven topical cream that reduces fine lines. Retinol is like taking a whip to an old horse; it goads your skin into making fresh new collagen. I have not read much good about the OTC retinols, and the studies that show real improvement all are based on prescription strength Retin As. Tretinoin is the generic of Retin A. Retin A can be drying because it comes in a base that is made for teenaged acne not old aging ladies. Renova is Retin A in a less drying base, but the active ingredient is exactly the same as Retin A. Despite Madison Avenue and heavy marketing, no cream has ever been proven to reverse skin aging except retinol. Retinol is the magic bullet. I know that you need a prescription. I know it isn't cheap. But it works. We women pour billions of dollars into buying creams and potions that don't work, but then we balk at actually paying the money for something that does. Retinol works if your skin can tolerate it. Some people cannot tolerate it because it is too drying. You have to give is several weeks and the first 2-4 weeks you will look like h-e-double hockey sticks from the redness, peeling, and extreme dryness. Don’t get Retinol in your eyes! Make sure that you only apply about a pea-sized amount to the entire face. Wash face and dry and allow full 20-30 minutes before applying. Use no other products on face at night but use full-strength serums and moisturizers during the day. For the first two weeks, apply every third night. If your skin isn't irritated, ramp up to every other night for two weeks. Not dry or flaky? Go for it every night. This will greatly reduce retinoid effect. If you ease in, you can avoid a rough transition. I use 0.1% and you also can get 0.025%. I started using tretinoin 1% a couple of years ago, but sporadically. I'd get through the redness, peeling, etc (the retinoid effect) and then I'd get lazy and stop. I've been very dedicated since several months now and I really see results. There are non-prescription strengths and the last time I researched it the information indicated that what you got in non-prescription products was inconsistent. I use tretinoin 0.1% and I have a prescription for it. I use maybe two tubes a year. I mix it up in Olay Regenerist and use it every night 20 minutes after cleaning make-up off my face. I don't have a recipe; I just squeeze some in there and mix it in. This seems to have solved all the peeling and redness. I didn't have many age spots on my face, but my chest was a mess (lots of baby oil on the beach in CA in my past). My chest is much better after 6 months of continuous use." Most people get irritation from improper use. Retinol should not be used if you are considering pregnancy or are pregnant. DO NOT FORGET TO USE SUNSCREEN if you use Retinol! First, your skin is rendered super-sensitive to the sun and second, those age spots will come roaring back. Don't use a retinoid if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Don’t use a retinol for several days before a waxing treatment. Here are two sites that talk about retinol: http://www.retinolskincare.org/ http://www.mothernature.com/Library/Bookshelf/Books/10/26.cfm A small percentage of people with ultrasensitive skin can never tolerate a retinoid; if you're one of them, use a gentle physical exfoliator twice a week to soften your skin, and be extra-conscientious about sunscreen to prevent collagen loss in the first place.
  22. Yep. But I won't be eating any. I have to cook for a crowd tomorrow. These recipes are all so good. Thank you everyone. Taking notes. I LOVE Tres Leches cakes ... I won't even think about it while I'm on hcg, never mind look up the recipe. :lol:
  23. Good for you, Kristine. Every step we take, every little thing counts. :) I can relate to your dh possibly laughing. Same exact problem here. :lol: I usually listen to music while I dry body brush and am done by the time one song finishes. A few minutes every morning - wakes me up and has so many other benefits. You are right and absolutely correct. I was a massage therapist and an esthetcian back in the mid-80s. I'm not sure as to all the details. I don't get too caught up all that, since I really don't know. I just brush towards the lymph nodes and sometimes towards the heart and hope for the best. ;)
  24. :iagree: :iagree: :iagree: I absolutely love these boards. :D :grouphug: :)
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