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Everything posted by ScoutTN

  1. Dinner was lasagna. Worked on testing stuff for a while. Some of it is jargon and some sample questions are very poorly worded. Tedious. I think I will register to take that one this week. Did not get all my list done. The day is short when we go to late church. Flat on my son’s car did not get fixed today, so I will have to take him to practice tomorrow. Next up: Make breakfast smoothies ✔️ PT ✔️ Jammies and my novel
  2. @TheReader Praying for no hurricane problems!
  3. Hmmm. No lettuce for burgers. Might switch dinner entrees?
  4. Well, the second graders I will be teaching this coming year will do plenty with a pencil.😉 Most adults don’t anymore, you are right. Except maybe those, like me, who are old and think better with a pencil than a computer because that’s how we grew up. The Spalding-recommended grip seems very odd to me and I was wondering why the author of our book would stick with it when the pinch and flip/index finger and thumb is the standard.
  5. Well, she was in Rome on a trip, so it was memorable! We were not on the trip and it was partly birthday/graduation gift. She got sunburned, but otherwise had a great day. We will not be able to do anything close to that good for Ds! He will be a rising senior, not graduated.
  6. We did reading/phonics, handwriting, and math M-F. In terms of time 30/20/30 minutes, but each thing in two smaller blocks. Loads and loads of read-alouds, mostly picture books. Yes, fine motor activities in there too! We did library story time, lots of outdoor time (our yard and parks) and mid-week church/Bible study (for me, childcare including Bible lesson, craft, music, and playtime, for my kids) every week. Many trips to the Zoo and the Nature Center, with occasional other field trips. Kindy is fun! Do the three R’s well and enjoy your little people!
  7. I am enjoying my coffee in a sunny spot, in a comfy chair. Will get a shower, then start getting dressed, soon. Church ✔️ PT exercises Test prep? More work-ish than I usually do on a Sunday. But not onerous either, bc this one is stuff I mostly already know. ✔️ Take medication ✔️ Find meat order form - complete it and prep to mail. Call a friend ❌ Bumped to next week bc friend’s plans for today changed. Make lists for this week. Dinner is grilled burgers. And some veggies. I think.
  8. Dinner was good and the kitchen is tidy. Got a smidge of ice cream. Time to read! My son just realized that his vehicle has a flat. Must have picked up a nail on the way to or from the grocery (He drove our elderly neighbor.), bc it was fine this morning and early afternoon. Dh will help him deal with it tomorrow afternoon, but Ds was really looking forward to driving it to church tomorrow.
  9. Some of it was over my head, but I learned some things and enjoyed reading this old thread. Thanks for posting it!
  10. Mansfield Park by Jane Austen
  11. Got a snack. Gonna read for a while before I make dinner. Guys are at the Y. A bunch of computer stuff did not happen today.
  12. Helpful reviews. Thanks. I may get it just for the lists and documents. Will do my own box.
  13. I had this same experience when working with international students at a Master’s level.
  14. Got groceries put away and chx into the fajita marinade. Made lunch for me and Ds. Headed out to check in on my mom. She needs some help around her apartment. And setting up some items on subscribe & save on Amazon.
  15. @Ginevra I hope you are rid of the wretched cough soon! I still have a lingering cough and chest congestion from a cold (covid? tested negative multiple times) in April.
  16. My mom needs me to come over today, so some other things may fall off my list. Not time enough for everything. I have done some housekeeping, had coffee and b’fast, and had a leisurely devotional time. Time to start tackling in earnest! Delegated the glass recycling to Dh, who has nothing particular to do today.
  17. Good morning! Still waking up, but here’s my initial list: (for after coffee) YNAB. ✔️ meal plan ✔️ grocery ✔️ take a practice test register for a real test PT exercises housekeeping ✔️ fix an auto draft bill that didn’t go through. ✔️ Dinner is chx fajitas.
  18. Looks good to me, Amy. Seems similar to the pace of my Dd’s 8th and 9th grade science classes at her tutorial. Just finished rereading To Kill A Mockingbird. Such a good story!
  19. I Saw the Angel in the Marble by Chris Davis Knowing and Teaching Elementary Mathematics by Liping Ma Know and Tell: the Art of Narration by Karen Glass
  20. My heart is happy for him AND for you and your DH! Raising boys is hard work and yours is paying off!
  21. Did some Praxis prep. Will take a full length practice test and sign up for the real one tomorrow. Picked up Ds. He seems to have had a great week.
  22. Milk pick up was in a different place today, farther away. Not bad traffic, but still a longish drive on a hot day. Felt my blood sugar tanking while out and stopped for a hearty snack. Still feeling a bit off. Lying down and resting a bit before resuming tackling. New bluetooth adapter works in my car. Hooray! I will get it set up tonight, when it’s cooler. Not going back out for a bit.
  23. Doing a few close to home errands while I wait for the dishwasher to finish. Forgot to run it last night. I need the milk jar. Library UPS store Starbucks Thrift
  24. Teaching from Rest by Sarah Mackenzie Charlotte Mason’s A Philosophy of Education. (Vol 6 in her series)
  25. Over this weekend, I’d also like to begin working on a basic two week meal plan rotation for the fall. Working FT will mean that I need dinner to be planned ahead and relatively simple. Will return to mostly ordering groceries and will expect Dh, who works at home, to help more than he does now.
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