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Everything posted by liber

  1. http://www.bookcrossing.com/news/124 Although this seems to be me at the moment. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsundoku
  2. I remember it as Cee Cee my playmate,... There was also Cee Cee my enemy, come out and fight with me. Slide down my razor blade... That's all I remember.
  3. I remember having a pair of clogs and those Jesus sandles. Does anyone remover those trading cards that you would get with gum called wacky packages? Also remember getting trading cards or stickers that had different bands like Boney M and Captain and Tenille. We also used to play marbles at recess. Also this game where you would throw a ball against the wall and you had to catch it before it hit the ground and it progressively added things like touch the ground or spin around and if the ball touched the ground before you completed whatever you had to do you were out and the ball passed to another person to see if they could get farther than you?
  4. We had something similar in canada called the wig wag.
  5. We're your candy cigarettes Popeye cigarettes with the red tip? We had those and other candy cigarettes that looked like real cigarettes, it was gum though with a fine powder sugar around that was wrapped in paper so that when you blew on the cigarette the powder sugar would come out like it was smoke.
  6. When I was a young adult I didn't want to get married or have children. I ended up getting pregnant at 23. Married the father, finished my degree, and here I am 23 years and 6 kids later. I wasn't planning on being a SAHM, but there was an incident where my child wanted to be with the babysitter over me and that really upset me. It was after that I decided to come home after I finished my degree. Wouldn't change a thing now. My youngest is 4 so I will be nigh on to 65 when I'm done homeschooling and i will enjoy my retirement and feel no guilt about never going to work outside the home. I'm going to spend my summers at the beach and sit on my butt and do absolutely nothing. The rest of the time I'm going to read all the books I couldn't being so busy with kids and enjoy the quiet and being alone as the introvert that I am. That's the plan. We will see how that turns out. Lol
  7. They identified the shooters as two university students at Laval and they come from Morrocco.
  8. My Dh brings me tea in bed every morning before he leaves for work.
  9. I heard that it focuses more on US history than British history. If you are say from Canada would they canadianize the history selections?
  10. This has got to be the most ridiculous thing I have ever read. lol I don't know whether to laugh or cry at the absurdness of it. Talk about being grossly misinformed about Christianity.
  11. Never quite understood how this is supposed to relate to humans. Animals eat their young too but we don't consider that desirable behavior in humans. I don't think it is very sound to apply animal behavior to human behavior.
  12. If you think homosexuality is a sin it is automatically labelled as hateful. There is no room for discussion in this matter It is stated as fact and must be believed as such. The expectation for us conservative Christians is that we need to evolve in our thinking and fall in line fast with that belief and then the world will be a better place. We are not allowed to be vocal in this opinion without facing backlash. This is an example of a deep ideological divide that is worsening. Where are the studies that prove conclusively that homosexuality is a biological fact?Or do researchers just feel strongly that it is and are still looking for proof.
  13. Family secrets here. One is not told to the kids until they are 18. Another I'm not sure my half siblings know about. I don't want to ask them in case it opens up a can of worms.
  14. I'm 46 and wear braided pigtails often. I love my pigtails. lol
  15. Ds just got a news alert from the BBC that he died. I didnt even know he was sick.
  16. I don't think you should feel bad. She's an adult making her own decisions independent of you guys. She doesn't need the perks of a minor child if she wants to act like an adult.
  17. Thank you for your replies. They are very helpful.
  18. I should say that the four year old is my grandson. I'm not sure what advice I should give my son when he tells me this. It is so hard to hear that my grandson feels that way. It breaks my heart.
  19. What do you say to a four year old whose parents split up and he says mommy and daddy don't love him anymore? Only one party wanted to spilt and she has FASD that is playing a big part in her decision to leave. How do you explain to a child that only one parent wanted to leave? When my son told me that it just gutted me. Trying hard not to cry in front of my younger kids.
  20. I see this hasnt been posted here yet. I just read that he died of a heart attack p!aying hockey with his son.
  21. Was wondering if anyone has any experience with this? Any resources in Canada they could point me to. Anything I have read is downright discouraging and depressing. What are appropriate expectations on my part? What if the FASD adult is a parent? Any resources for them?
  22. Trudeau has continued a lot of Harpers policies in regards to what scientists can publish. Sorry but I can't remember where I read it. It was a while ago.
  23. Leftist/Marxist semantics or indoctrination thinking.
  24. My brother did. He wouldn't tell our mom how high it was but his natural path told him he had to stay out of the sun for the whole summer.
  25. If the money stayed with the school board I have no problem with that.
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