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Everything posted by liber

  1. My 20 year old pays 200 mth for food and pays for all personal items. My 23 pays 300/mth because he has his kids here every other week. He also pays for all his personal items. Since we are not in the position to hand them a down payment for a house, they live with us and will bank for their money
  2. 6 5 boys and one girl. 23, 20, 17, 11, 7 and 5 2 miscarriages.
  3. We went to speech therapist for help. He was in therapy from age 13-18.
  4. i plan to use my top sheets for duvets.
  5. yes it can be done. I drive to NS every year and it is at least three 12+ hours a day in the car. We have done the the trip with kids of various ages. from infant up to teens. We don't have electric devices to entertain them, just audio books and a few toys. Some snacks. Pee breaks when we stop for gas or meals. I personally don't try and entertain my kids. They can look at the window if they are bored. Did one trip where the baby at the time, about a year old cried the entire time unless she was sleeping. We eventually discovered a music cd that she liked and listened to that on the way back for three days straight. It can be done. If you are expecting that the kids won't complain, they probably will and once you are sure all their needs are met, you will have to tune out the complaining. It eventually stops. I find the complaining worsens if I am trying to entertain and cater to them. YMMV
  6. http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2008/07/21/the-lion-and-the-mouse
  7. Ariel and Will Durant. She was 15 to his 28. I just finished reading a biography of David Thompson. He was 29 and his wife was 13. Are these examples still icky even though they took place in another time?
  8. My food bill is way more than my mortgage.
  9. I don't know about highlighting hair the same day as a perm but the tight curls won't stay tight for a long time. I used to get spiral perms done when I was younger. The curls will relax and the new growth will be straight so it will have to be redone every few months.
  10. My only girl was born on our anniversary .
  11. A question for the vegetarians/vegans. Do you make meat dishes for your family members and friends if you are hosting them for a meal?
  12. Its been my experience as well. Years ago I traveled to Mexico with some friends. They were newly vegetarian and really didn't eat all that well. Just left the meat out. They were also smokers. I'm not. Traveling with them we had to sit in the smoking part of the restaurants all the time. They wouldn't, not once, sit in non-smoking no matter how many times I asked. I tried not eating meat just to please them. But couldn't do it. They believed eating meat gave one bad karma. Of course, I don't believe in that. I can see being a vegetarian for health reasons though. Anyways, some of the times that I did eat meat we would have vehicle trouble. So on the way back home we were in this restaurant in the middle of Mexico, in the smoking section. The went from smoking menthols to unfiltered Mexican cigs and while they were smoking they had they nerve to tell I was not allowed to eat meat. Well I lost it. We had this big screaming fight. I told them I was sick and tired of eating grilled cheese sandwiches and the like. I was tired of sitting in the smoking section. How dare they tell me I couldn't eat meat when I had to breath in their second hand smoke. I told them they were hypocrites and could F right off. I stormed out the restaurant looking for any vehicle that had Canadian plates because I was going to ask for a ride home because I didn't want to travel with my friends any more. They did come out and apologize and said I could eat beef not pork. I agreed because i couldn't find another vehicle with Canadian plates. So from that day one, I vowed I would never go on a road trip with vegetarians again. lol So that's my story.
  13. I loved Anne of Green Gables. I heard some negative things about this new series but my mom thought it was ok. After reading this I'm not sure I will watch it. Starting reading the series with my daughter and we will head over to the Island this summer to see the play when we are down home.
  14. Yes, I probably would have felt guilty. Thankfully it didn't happen. He is such a joy. I couldn't imagine him not being here.
  15. I could have written this 4 years ago. Number 6 was a complete surprise. I cried for three months hoping and praying I would have a miscarriage. It didn't happen. The fatigue and morning sickness would get worse with each pregnancy and I just didn't want to be pregnant. So after that I just had to make up my mind to make the best of it. Now that he is here I don't regret having him.
  16. Couple of more questions. How long does your typical day last? What is your start time? Do you combine subjects with your kids and if so, which ones? Do you do the reading and activities that they suggest? I probably wouldn't be able to get everything in even if I went with CMI's program as I am not an early riser and I have commitments outside of the house two mornings a week and commitments in the evening. I have been following AO for many years now and I am familiar with all the books and tweak as I need to. Although the cost is doable, I am unsure of the books. I would have to buy most of them so cost would be a factor too. I do like the idea of having the kind of support seems to offer and the daily schedule is planned out. Not sure what I want to do. sigh.
  17. I guess the biggest difference seems to be that all the kids are on the same history schedule? and they provided you with daily schedules with time limits? Otherwise there are the same amount of subjects in both programs.
  18. When there is no such thing as moral absolutes and truth is relative, what does one think the natural outcome of this thinking will be? "alternative facts" is just a symptom of this kind of thinking, imo.
  19. Season 3 of Z Nation. Trying not to binge watch. I better head to bed. I will be dragging my butt tomorrow.
  20. I just posted about this too. It is a sad day.
  21. Not sure if anyone outside of Canada would now who he is. I really enjoyed listening to the Vinyl Cafe Sunday afternoons. No more Dave and Morley stories. So sad.
  22. The ones I am currently reading are Home Education by Charlotte Mason,Gulliver's Travels and Has American Christianity Failed by Bryan Wolfmeuller . The ones I just bought and will add to the ever growing list are Before The Mayflower and two by Margaret Laurence-Dance on the Earth and The Prophet's Camel Bell
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