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Sue G in PA

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Everything posted by Sue G in PA

  1. Dd has been talking about turning 13 since she turned 12! I'm actually not terrified of the teen years. She's a good girl. It just makes me a bit teary-eyed to think that my baby is already a teen. We attended a wedding last night of a young woman from our church. I sat there and looked at my dd and thought to myself...she could be the bride in just 9 short years. I married my dh at 22 (he was 21). THAT thought was way too scary.
  2. I suggest PMing Tina with questions...she's been using it and loving it for a LONG time. She has answered all of my questions. I think they also have a Yahoo group! HTH
  3. Still using it here. I lost the 1st DVD and am at a loss though as to what I am doing with Lessons 5-12 or so. Can anybody tell me what/how to teach lessons 5 through where 2nd DVD comes in? We put it aside for a while in favor of AAS but I'd like to pick it back up b/c I'd like ds8 to use Latin Road. Help? Thanks!
  4. I have a wedding to go to tomorrow evening. A young woman on my worship team is getting married and I didn't think I had much to wear. Well, since I've lost weight (yeah!) I finally fit into this "little black dress" that I've been holding on to "just in case" I ever did lose the weight. Dh LOVES this dress and I know he wants me to wear it. But, is it wrong to wear black to an evening wedding? Her colors are all Fall type colors (brides maids dresses are a medium brownish color). What says the Hive? Would I be committing a major social faux pas?
  5. Just got an email from Toys R Us about them being in stock and the stores open at 6am tomorrow for Rewards Members...or something like that. Good luck. I don't know what they are, but hear they are "the" toy to have. That tells me that they are insanely overpriced and will likely be half as much NEXT year when another toy becomes "the" thing to have. Ask me how I know...:glare:
  6. We are using the Evan Moore History Pockets for Native Americans. It's not a "true" unit study, but it is fun. You could check out CurrClick.com for some unit studies on Indians...they'll probably have some. Good luck.
  7. Nothing is wrong with her. I think this is normal. My dd4 has been doing this for months if not a year. It frustrate my dh to no end. She cannot fall asleep with "cuddling with me". She falls asleep on our bed, dh carries her to her own bed and she ends up with us sometime during the night. She said she just likes "cuddling with me". She's my baby girl...how can I say no?:tongue_smilie: You could try making a place for her on the floor next to your bed and telling her that this is her "special place" when she wants to sleep with you. It might work, might not. I'm hoping my dd4 outgrows this, but I am really enjoying every moment of it b/c I know it will be over before I know it. Sorry it is so frustrating...if I had a 10mos. old still in bed with us, I'd be frustrated too. :grouphug:
  8. My soon to be 13yo dd will be getting a FB account on her birthday. She knows the rules: I get complete access to her account, her password, I must approve all photos before they are posted, I can ask to read her Private Messages and she will give access, I must approve ALL friend request before she accepts them, etc. The internet is too dangerous for a 13yo to have unsupervised access. And, with FB being hacked into all the time...I want to be on top of things. My dd doesn't keep secrets from me (yet!) and so she is cool with my rules. But, I did tell her it's "my way or no FB". That's the bottom line. You are the parent. He is the child. Your rules trump everything else. Period.
  9. :grouphug: I am praying right now for you. I know all about "triggers" and flashbacks. It is NOT fun. Have you ever had flashbacks to the r*pe before? My therapist told me some strategies to help "ground" me when I was having flashbacks. If you'd like some ideas, PM me. I'm so sorry this happened...flashbacks on top of the painful burns.
  10. I am specifically lookin at the America 1600-1850. I've been using guesthollow.com free curriculum w/ some success but I think I want something more Christian and more spelled out for me. This seems the cheapest way to go of all packaged curriculums out there, kwim? Can anyone review it for me? Thanks!
  11. My ds11 has never loved reading. He, in fact, hated it. Lately, he has been devouring books and wanted to jump to a "thicker" chapter book. I am so thrilled he is reading. He chose the book called The Fire Within by Chris D'Lacey from the library the other day and hasn't put it down. At first glance, it seemed harmless...and we are fairly conservative about what we let our kids read. I read some reviews and this particular book seemed okay. But, the sequel, Ice Fire mentions witches and pagan rituals and occult-type imagery. That is what some reviews have said, anyway. If you were a Christian, would you let your 11yo read this? Please, no fights or debates...I'm not trying to judge anyone or whatever. I'm just concerned about this and want to make the best choice for us. FWIW, my kids never expressed interest in HP but we wouldn't have allowed it anyway. So, what can you tell me about this book series? AND, if there are offensive topics...what might I substitute for this series that would be more acceptable for us? Thanks.
  12. Just had to share a funny story related to sentence diagramming. Dd12 is in 8th grade in ps this year. She has had diagramming since 6th grade using Rod and Staff and then LLATL...she's good at it and enjoys it now. Well, schools around here don't do much with grammar much less diagramming. So, when here English teacher announced they would be learning to diagram sentences, my dd's face lit up! After an entire class on it, the whole class complained that it was too hard! They were only doing subjects and verbs and perhaps a direct object AND the teacher had the diagrams already drawn so all they had to do was fill in the blanks! Well, the teacher had made a mistake on one of the diagrams and dd caught it and corrected her, explaining why it was wrong. :lol: Good thing the teacher likes my dd! Anyway, my dh took a class on diagramming after college and LOVED it! Me? I just roll my eyes. I can take it or leave it.
  13. :grouphug: For various reasons, we had to send our 3 oldest back to ps this year. 8th gr. dd, 6th gr. ds, and 4th gr. ds. All 3 are loving it, but I HATE it. I feel like crying a lot, too. I hate the curriculum being used with all the kids, hate that my dd isn't being challenged, hate that my 6th gr. ds LOVES school and doesn't want to be home, etc. It's not what we wanted, but something we had to do. Now, I feel like I've lost these 3 to the school...they won't want to ever come back home to be homeschooled. Dd is the only one who could "take it or leave it"...ps that is. She loves being the smart one in the class (she's ahead of most of her classmates even though she is a young 8th grader), loves that she has to correct her English teacher's sentence diagrams b/c they are incorrect (LOL), loves that her teachers adore her, etc. But, she could do w/out the atmosphere and pettiness that goes on. I'm sorry you are dealing with this. I just wanted to give you a hug b/c you are not alone in this. As for supplementing after school...my kids fight me on it. They are tired and don't want "extra" work. I wish I had some advice, but I don't. I'll just pray you get peace about it soon.
  14. I had to pray a lot about it. It was a tough decision. My dh and I went rounds about sending the kids to ps. He almost enrolled them mid-year last year against my will. Wasn't pretty. In the end, we waited and discussed it and finally decided that my oldest 3 needed to go back and the younger 4 would stay home. It isn't ideal. I want ALL of them home. But it has given me a much needed break this year. Teaching 3 is so much easier and the group dynamics of my house have changed with my oldest gone most of the day. I feel more "competant" and long to bring my oldest home, but for now...it is what it is. Are you seeing a therapist? I talked to mine a lot about it. Are you on meds? They do help me a ton. It is a tough decision and you need to make the decision that is best for EVERYONE...including you. I pray you are able to get the help you need and begin feeling better soon. Again, please don't hesitate to PM me if you want to chat. I do know where you are b/c I've been there.
  15. I was depressed the last month or more of my last pregnancy. My due date was all messed up and so i was waiting for a month longer than i expected. not fun. My PPD was pretty much normal (which for me is bad). Compounded by a ton of life events as well. Sorry you are feeling this way. It is NOT fun. :grouphug:
  16. Do you use a program for that? I'd love to journal regularly but write so slowly. I'd love to type one if I knew for a fact it would be "safe" from curious eyes!
  17. Jane, sounds like we are kindred spirits. I am an extrovert and get energy from being around people. My dh...totally opposite. His idea of winding down is watching TV curled up on the couch and while that is nice sometimes...my idea of winding down is hanging out with a good friend, sipping a cup of decaf (if it is nighttime), sharing our hearts, laughing, crying, whatever. Jane...where do you live? You are certainly welcome here anytime...and I totally mean it! Nobody just "pops by" my house except my neighbor (and she's cool, but she usually comes to use my washer or dryer or "kidnap" my baby :)). We live 30 min. or more from most of my friends and they all hate driving 10 min. past their driveway. I have to go to them. And sometimes, I just don't want to. Come to me...hang out at MY house. Let ME fix the coffee and muffins or cookies or whatever. KWIM? I've been suffering from lack of connections lately...REAL connections and I've been praying God would send some women friends into my life with whom I can be 100% REAL, who will be 100% real with me and that we could connect on a heart level not just a "shared interest" or "head" level. Make sense? Jane...come on over! :D You know, perhaps we could do a "weekend retreat" if you are too far. My luck...you are in HI or CA or somewhere crazy like that ;)
  18. I have ds8, ds6 and dd4. I just can't seem to get it together to write down a schedule and follow it! We get the work done, but it is so disjointed and haphazard and I know I need more structure for my boys sake. KWIM? Here is what each child does. What I need to know is how often per week you would do each subject and how you would structure your day and it it is enough (hah, the magic question!): DS8 does the following: Singapore 1B AAS 2 along with Phonics Road (crazy, but it works for us) Exercises in English DITHOR Will be starting WWE American History (using guesthollow.com curriculum and my own additions) So far science has been inconsistent but we are starting CKE Earth and Space art and music are whenever we get to them DS6: Math The Reading Lesson and phonics readers AAS Science, Art with MFW K (which his sister does) Listens in on History...sometimes My main focus with him needs to be reading so I don't make him do much with the History or Science unless he is interested. DD4: MFW K (progressing quickly b/c she already knows how to read) ETC 1 Any other workbooks or computer programs she can get her hands on! Currently we do Math, reading and either AAS or Exercises in English every day for ds8. History 3x each week and Science will start with 2 days. Should I be doing AAS every day AND grammar as well? Would you alternate? WWE will be every day, as well, correct? Ds6 does all core subjects every day...heavy on reading but lessons are split up so he isn't overloaded. Dd4 is easy. MFW K is FUN and a joy to do. The fun projects we all do together and save mostly for afternoon. Anyway, if any of you have any insights on how to make this all more "formal" so my sons KNOW what to expect each day...I would be so appreciative. Scheduling is NOT my forte.
  19. :grouphug: You are certainly not alone. It seems like it sometimes, I know. I have btdt. I AM there right now. I fight depressions every.day. I am on medication and after months of trying out different types and combos...I finally, with the help of my psychiatrist, found a combo that works. I see a therapist weekly. My therapist of a year just moved to AZ...which put me back into the pit for a long time. I'm just climbing back out. Please feel free to PM me if you'd like to chat. I will give you my phone number. I truly believe God has me going through this storm so I can support and help other women who are going through similar situations and storms. I'm not 100% better, but I am getting there with God's help, the support of my awesome dh, friends, my new therapist, new psychiatrist, etc. Some days I don't want to get out of bed. Some days I make it out of bed but can hardly stand to "do school"...so we go to the library or we cuddle and read books or watch an educational DVD, or do art instead or put on worship music and dance and sing and call it music. Some days are better and I feel creative and alive and capable of "doing it all". No, I'm not bipolar...it's not THAT kind of an extreme. I had to stop blaming myself for everything bad that goes on in my family..kids fighting, hitting, dh feeling tired and down about his job, lack of finances, not doing "enough" for school, etc. It's not all my fault. We had to put my 3 oldest back in ps b/c this past year was really hard for me. I thought about suicide a lot, went to a 3 wk. outpatient clinic in July and my therpapist decided, along with dh that my load needed to be lightened. Neither of us are happy with them being in ps, but it's what we had to do at the time. I'm hoping to be better enough and stable enough to bring them all or some of them home next year. Some practical tips: Make time for YOU. EVERY night if you can, do something for YOU, away from the family. Take a walk, a hot bath, go to the library, have dessert with a friend, whatever. Even if it is only an hour. That helped me tremendously. As for homeschool...make sure you are not trying to be supermom/teacher and doing too much. If you have to focus on basics for a time and just let your kids read history books or have dh do a fun experiment with them on Saturday or do nature walks for science...DO IT! They will not be scarred for life. If you have to send some or all to school...don't beat yourself up. It's not forever...I keep telling myself that. Anyway, PM me and we can chat. You are not alone and you WILL get through this. :grouphug:
  20. A friend of mine used to always say to me that, "God gives us wisdom"...to make our own choices, that are right for our family. I LOVE having lots of kids, but my mental health is shaky right now. Having another child would not bode well for ME, for my dh or for my existing children. KWIM? The woman in the article and on the video seems to think that somehow following God makes us immune to the challenges and trials and suffering of LIFE! Perhaps she should read the Bible, particlularly the part where Jesus said that in this life we WOULD have trouble...but to take heart b/c HE has overcome the WORLD! We have hope...in spite of depressions and attempted suicide. Whether or not her daughter was mentally unstable b/c of neglect or her mother or father's failings or b/c of a chemcial inbalance or BOTH...we'll never know. I almost committed suicide as a teen...and I only had ONE brother! Anyway, I would love to place my fertility into God's hands and go on conceiving for as long as I am able. But, I do not believe that is His plan for MY life. I believe certain people are called to lead this lifestyle. Michelle Duggar and her dh certainly are called to do this. ME? I'm not so sure. It's all about choices. And if you are married, you should be making them WITH yor dh...not letting him control and use your body selfishly. The Bible tells us to submit to one another and it also calls the husband to LOVE his wife as Christ loved the church. I don't think that is what this woman's dh was doing. Okay...off my soapbox now. :)
  21. I bought a sign at Cracker Barrel that said, "My house was clean last week. Sorry you missed it". Everyone who comes in my kitchen points it out and laughs. I try to keep the house clutter and dirt free, but most of the time it's only the dirt that manages to be eradicated. I don't like my house, though. We don't have living room floors (just sub floors), a very outdated bathroom and kitchen, places on the walls where we started to rip off wallpaper but gave up, etc. It's really bad and we just don't have the $ to fix any of it...or the know how, really, for the more technical stuff. I just try to be grateful and do small things to make it work for me.
  22. Thanks everyone...I'll tell dh to add SC and NC to the top of his list. Sounds much easier than PA actually. I think I'd choose Option 3 in SC and be in a group like that...it is somewhat like what MD has, an "umbrella group". My friends in MD don't seem to mind that set-up at all and cringe when I tell them about the hoops I jump through in PA. The good thing is...I have a very, very laid back (unschooling) evaluator. We always "pass" with flying colors with her.
  23. I'd love to know how to extinguish this behavior too b/c it is running rampant in our home. And trust me...my kids do NOT get what they want when they whine, beg, yell, cry, etc...EVER. My question is this: What do you do when you have 7 children and most of them are behaving quite well, but the others are complaining? Do you make everyone miss out b/c of the behavior of one? Seems unfair. Or, do you make the one misbehaving suffer by watching everyone else eat, say, McD's while they have nothing b/c of their whining? We always have this problem. We'll be on our way somewhere and somebody acts up. I "want" to turn the van around and go home, but do not want to make all the kids who are behaving suffer the punishment. How do you all handle this?
  24. I can only tell you that at age 5, my ds was not interested in reading...at.all. He wasn't interested in learning letters, sounds, reading or even being read to! This year, he is 6 (almost 7) and just now learning to read CVC words (and sometimes it is painful here, too!). We use The Reading Lesson and he groans everything I bring it out. We also use some Phonics readers I had left over from our K12 days. That being said...he LOVES AAS! And, he can spell much better than he can read! I will dictate words like cat, hat, bat or pig, big and jig and he can spell them with the tiles or even handwritten w/out problem! Those same words written out on a page will still give him trouble, even if he has seen the work 100 times before. I say, use what works for your ds. If he likes AAS...use it! Bring out the readers or whatever you were using later. It might take time for it to "click" with him like it did with my son. Do you use the dictation in AAS? You could have him read you his sentences or phrases when he is finished writing them for some reading practice. HTH
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