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Sue G in PA

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Everything posted by Sue G in PA

  1. We just got a drawf hamster for my son to replace his that died. Those things are FAST! I did hear the Chinese drawfs were much more calm like that. Very cool for your dd! I hope that ds can tame his, but the pet store assoc. told us not to count on it being a very "hold me, cuddle me" kind of pet. Ds7 got a normal short hair (albino) and she is still a bit "nippy". Hopefully, he can tame it soon, too.
  2. MFW K has worked out well for my 4yo and I think she could have easily done it at 3. I love the program and so does she. The challenge is moving into MFW 1st if that is your plan. I think it might move too quickly for a 5yo and def. a 4yo. So, even though my dd4 can read like a 1st grader right now, her writing skills won't be good enough for MFW 1st next year (I don't think). So, we will ease into it. MFW 1st is even a bit much for my ds7 who is a bit "slower" to mature? Take your time with it and enjoy it. There is a lot you can do to stretch the weeks. I agree that FIAR would be another great choice for structure but with less academics for that age.
  3. Saw that at a church book store...it looked awesome. Going to look into buying it next year. Thanks!
  4. Well, for the budget we just used the form he has in the workbook. Guess you could redo it on a computer to make it easier, but we just did it by hand. It took us a few pay periods to really get it "right". Had a bunch of those emergency budget meetings as first, LOL! As far as keeping momentum going? Well, for us it was difficult only b/c we already had a bare bones budget before we started. So, there wasn't much "extra". We did sell quite a bit of curriculum, things we weren't using, etc. Then, we just purposed to use whatever extra money we got for gifts for debt reduction. It's taken us a while but we are almost done paying off the credit cards and other consumer debt. We don't have car payments right now. Biggest thing for us is that we have an emergency fund and money set aside for things like car repairs and such. Good luck to you and contratulations for taking this step!
  5. At first read, I didn't agree only b/c I always loved writing and did well with it...all types. Then I had a dd who was not a creative writer and HATED it. I forced her and she hated it even more. So, I came around to her point of view. Some people really just weren't born to write creatively. Expository is a different story...much more mechanical and can be taught. KWIM?
  6. Well, I've been in the position of the friend where I would awaken in the middle of the night with an urgency to pray for someone...not even knowing why. Then, God might reveal more to me or maybe not. This happened with my counselor of all people! Talk about a sticky situation! Anyway, I would just thank her for being obedient to the Lord and do some praying yourself, kwim? Ask God to reveal to YOU what she was talking about. God works in ways beyond our comprehension. I never discount any word recieved from trusted Christian friends...unless after time it doesn't come to fruition or I get a sense that it wasn't really of the Lord.
  7. Wow. I can only say I wish my Mom were like yours. Mine was more the "head in the sand" kind of mom. I love her dearly, but when I was a teen going through tough times with boys and friends, etc...my mom was mentally absent. My mom DID know before I did that my first few boyfriends were "no good"...and she was right.
  8. Yes, but Dawn, if you would have presented it to him as a "curriculum" that he HAD to read...he probably would not have read it as eagerly, right? Maybe? It is so cool that when our kids are really interested in something they will read anything they can find.
  9. Would really tick me off if the state said I couldn't hs anymore or had me supervised b/c he scored low. What do they do with all the kids who score low in ps? What do they do with all THOSE teachers? Fire them? HAHAHAHA! Never. Stupid double standard. Sorry...rant over. Thanks everyone!
  10. Ds8 (3rd gr.) is required to take a standardized test this year. I am terrified for him! Not only is this the same child who fights me all the time when we do formal academics, this child has never even SEEN a test like this! I plan to go over the procedure with him...how to fill in the answers, read questions, narrow down answers, etc., but I just know he will not do well. NOT b/c he isn't smart...but b/c he isn't good with tests. When we had him tested at the elem. school over the summer when we thought he'd go to ps this year...he basically refused to do the problems (math) and told me he purposely messed up the spelling b/c it was "baby work". Stubborn will on this one. So, those of you in PA...if he doesn't do well...what will happen? They can't tell me I can't hs him anymore, can they?
  11. Ask dr. to take a full thyroid panel, not just TSH. It only tells part of the story. Textbook normal TSH is btwn. .5 and 5.0...but I know that I feel terrible if mine is any higher than 3.0. I feel best when it is near 1.0. My dr. hesitated in increasing my dose, but I made her do it b/c I felt so terrible. I think I need a dosage increase now...I am exhausted. Soy is bad for thyroid, so make sure you are not getting increased amounts of soy in your diet. Most dr.'s don't look at anything but the numbers so try to find one that really listens and asks how you are feeling...not just rely on numbers. Good luck.
  12. Auralog's Tell Me More Spanish. It is pricey, but sometimes the buyer's co-op has a group buy...that's when we got ours. It's a complete program...no need to buy more levels. Complete Beg. through Adv. Cheaper than Rosetta.
  13. As we are moving toward a more relaxed style of schooling...call it unschooling, ecclectic, relaxed, etc...I was wondering what you would consider the "must do" subjects. You know, the ones that the child doesn't have any room to negotiate? I'm thinking math, for one, and a set time for reading (if the child can read independently) each day. I'm also contemplating making WWE a non-negotiable subject for each day so he gets in some writing...otherwise he wouldn't do any. Then, I have our read aloud, which they all enjoy. I'm cutting out TV and video games for a certain period of time each day to force ds8 to engage in other types of activities...he can be addicted to TV and video games. What else would you consider non-negotiable? I'm still in the planning stages of this new, more relaxed method of schooling (the interest-driven approach) and quite scared b/c ds8 doesn't seem to be interested in ANYTHING that isn't Star Wars, TV, video games or playing outside in the snow. So, just trying to find that happy medium where he isn't falling "behind" but not being brought to tears everyday (him or me!!). Thanks.
  14. Yes...Webster Technique turned my ds11 when he was breech. I always seem to have babies in breech position toward the end. Check out http://www.spinningbabies.com. Should give her some good ideas. Praying the little one turns into vertex soon!
  15. Nothing wrong with ice cream for breakfast once in a while. :lol:
  16. Oh yeah! LF DVDs! I do remember that now! My dd4 LOVES watching them...ds7 not so much. Probably why dd4 doesn't have the problem but ds7 does. :glare:
  17. That is sort of like what I am doing. "Kissy lips" for the short i sound...you cannot pronounce any other sound when you have "kissy lips" and a big open mouth for short e. He is getting better...just very slowly. None of my others had this difficulty. This child is, by far, my most challenging when it comes to teaching reading. Just.not.interested. BUT, he does LOVE to be read TO...so we do a ton of that. I figure he won't be going off to college not knowing how to read so why worry? Right? :001_huh:
  18. We love, love, love them. My son used them while reading the book...helped improved his fluuency AND got him to like books. I'm trying to get my ds8 to listen to some now.
  19. Hey Steph, just wanted to let you know that you are not alone...as everyone before me has said. I, too, have suffered with depression for some time. There came a point that I had to tell my older kids what was going on b/c they began to think I was ignoring them or didn't love them or whatever. They still hate that I get depressed but at least they know it isn't something I am choosing, per say. Will be praying for you. :grouphug:
  20. My 7yo still confuses the sounds of 'e' and 'i'. I correct him, gently, every time but sometimes he will be adament that I am wrong and HE is right! I had him watch me say each sound...mouth open wide for 'e' and lips pursed for 'i' and had him mimic...just trying to exagerrate each sound. Still...he confuses. Is this normal? He is a late reader...still only halfway through The Reading Lesson. Thanks.
  21. White Diamonds used to be my favorite permfume after my aunt let me try hers. Not sure if that is it, but nice scent anyway! Also liked some perfume by Victoria Secret but can't recall the name.
  22. Turning out to be a great thread! Thanks everyone. The way I see it...my ds8 cannot be forced to do school. I can punish him, give rewards, take away privileges...and we can all be miserable. You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink. So, we have had to change our ways a bit around here. Unschooling or relaxed schooling or ecclectic or whatever you want to call it is working here. This child is like a sponge...he picks things up quickly...DVDs, books, TV, games, conversation, etc. The academics that he doesn't mind doing, we do. Those that he fights me on...we find other ways to accomplish the task. Math is the big fight these days. So, I'm pulling together a bunch of math games to accomplish what he should be doing in Singapore. So far, so good.
  23. Susan wrote K12s Grade 1 and part of grade 2 History curriculum. I asked her at a conference I attended b/c I, too, had noticed a striking similarity in the writing. She explained that she would have continued but they had a sort of difference of opinion or something...not quoting her. Just what I can remember. HTH...Hope you are well, Chris!
  24. I am looking for an Olympics unit study to use for the next few weeks. My boys have really gotten into the Olympics and keeping track of medals. I would try to piece one together myself, and still might, but wondered if anyone had come across any that they really likes? I saw the ones on currclick and some looked 'okay', but others not so. AND, some were pricey. Any suggestions or recommendations? Thanks.
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