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Sue G in PA

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Everything posted by Sue G in PA

  1. What would I do without you on this board and on the MFW board, Crystal? :) Thanks for the encouragement (sorry to hijack here!). I'm so glad so many people liked ECC. MFW is such a wonderful program (we love K and 1st...did I mention that?) and we plan to go back to it in CtG in 2 years. Good luck whatever you decide, OP.
  2. Thank you. I did just look on their website and saw that Phys. can be used for 9th. I think that is what we will do. Phys. in 9th, Bio. in 10th, Chem or Phys. in 11th and not sure for 12th!
  3. My dd will be a "young" 9th grader...starting at age 13 and will not be 14 until the end of Nov. She is not a very "sciency" type kid. I know the typical high school science progressions starts with Bio in 9th and we could use Apologia Bio w/ no problem...she is very smart and could handle it. She just did a full year of Chem. in ps this year for 8th gr. If I followed the Bio, Chem, Physics schedule...she would be doing Chem again in 10th and she does.not.like.Chem. Could I start her with Apol. Gen. or Phys. for 9th and then move into Bio in 10th, Chem in 11th (or even skip Chem. and move directly to Phys.)? Our state only requires 2 years of a science for homeschoolers and doesn't specify what kind. If she were to continue on to our local public high school, she would be doing Earth Systems Science...they don't start with Bio there. Any thoughts here? Thanks. FWIW...I don't think she is going on to pursue a science-type field in college or beyond. As of right now, she wants to be a teacher.
  4. That's the funny thing...people seem to either love it or hate it! We attempted to do ECC last year and got through about 1/3 of the year before giving most of it up. I wanted to love it. I wanted to like it. First here is what I DID like about it! I liked the "concept" of ECC...learning about not just the location of each country, but the culture as well. I liked that there was a missions focus. I liked the activities that MFW came up with...esp. the cooking part to end each unit. My kids enjoyed that part as well as coloring in the maps and flags and completing the passport into each country. I also liked how the science was linked to each country...via a habitat study. What I didn't like was all the worksheets and neither did my kids. My older child (7th gr.) had a ton of the worksheets to do and she grew to hate them. We didn't enjoy the missionary biographies as much as I had hoped. While I liked how science was linked I didn't think it was "hands on" enough for my kids. I think, for us, a full year of Geography was a bit too much. We continued with ECC and just did the map work, some culture study and activities and some of the science. Perhaps we just didn't give it a chance or I didn't engage the kids enough, but ECC just didn't appeal to us. I had just really wanted to b/c all I heard on the MFW board was how ECC was everyone's favorite year. It made me feel like such a failure or a non-spiritual homeschool parent b/c the missions focus, which had originally appealed to me, didn't really captivate my kids attention. Oh well...I still love MFW!
  5. I am a Gettysburg grad! I can't say anything negative about the school at all. I loved all four years of my time there. It is a gorgeous campus! PM me if you would like specifics on classes, courses, majors, profs, etc. Ah...dh and I have such fond memories of the 'Burg. We met and married there in Christ Chapel!
  6. Dd13 starts 9th gr. this fall. I had assumed she would continue in ps for high school since her 8th gr. "trial" went so well. But, she wants to come home! Yippee! However, I am so unprepared! I understand credits and know what she needs for the most part. I just need to be able to "translate" a homeschool course into a credit, kwim? So, how many hours or what type of class would equal a full credit and how about 1/2 credit? Dd would have taken about 6 full credits for 9th in ps (or there abouts)...we already filled out her schedule before she decided to homeschool again. Is that number of credits about right? I don't want to overload her but I certainly don't want her to fall 'behind'. Thanks!
  7. Wow...a school district that uses DR's curriculum! That is impressive! I'll check our requirements, but I doubt it says anything about the "when" of taking it if it even specifically mentions a pers. finance course at all. I think I'll call the district b/c I need to see what kind of credit to give her for it as well. Thanks! Anyone else? Any reviews?:)
  8. Spinning Babies is a great site. Lots of techniques for turning a baby into a correct birthing position. Some babies are stubborn and won't turn until labor starts and progresses. Just keep doing the exercises outlined on the site and avoid certain postures...like sitting for extended periods of time in a bucket seat, leaning back in a recliner or cushy sofa.
  9. Has anyone used this? What grade would you suggest this for? My dd13 will be a 9th grader next year and I was thinking about purchasing this for her to use. Would she get more out of it if I waited until 10th or 11th grade. MFW recommends a finance course in 11th or 12th. My kids all LOVE Dame Ramsey ever since we did his Financial Peace Univ. 2 years ago and so I though she would really enjoy this. What says the hive?
  10. The red book is pretty easy, IMO, even for an average 2nd grader. If your son is advanced the Yellow Book 'should' be okay for him. Just take the reading slower if 1/2 the book is too much at once. He could easily keep doing the Lit study while doing the next lessons, kwim? Or, you could take turns reading with him. My son always like to do that.
  11. First, welcome! I'm thinking back to when I first read the WTM and all the lists I had and the schedules and the plans and... :tongue_smilie: I'm a planner, too. IF you continue to follow the WTM way of doing history and don't fall prey to the plethora of "other" really great programs you will no doubt read all about on this board at some point and trash the plans that you have so carefully made...:tongue_smilie: (Okay, all joking aside...I'm in an odd mood tonight). Okay, if you do stick with SOTW and do the cycle 2x...the first cycle will likely just be giving your dc some great "pegs" on which to hang later information. By the time the second cycle comes around, they will have memory of "some" of the key people, dates, places, events, etc. Now they can begin reading more advance literature to accompany each time period, do more challenging activities, read more outside books to go with each time period, write more detailed narrations, etc. Does that make sense? I think that SWB gives some more detailed ideas on what to do the second time around. But anyway...welcome!
  12. If memory serves me correctly (ds used Yellow last year), the go-along books can be read by the child instead of the stories that are included in the book already. I can't remember the names, but there was one about a horse and one about a French girl named Marie that was included in the student book? I think that there are questions in that section that would pertain to the go-along books as well. As for the number of days, ds always finished in 5 days. I think I might have had him double up one day if the lesson was short? And some of the lessons are very short so it wouldn't be a problem to double up. Sorry my memory is a bit fuzzy. HTH a little!
  13. MFW K is a gentle program. The math in K is very hands on and very age-appropriate. IMO, you don't need to add anything to MFW K for a 4/5 yo. MFW 1st suggest using the Complete Book of Math (something like that) but we use something different and it works out fine. As for LA...the focus in K and 1st is getting the child to read. There is plenty of writing in 1st as this program moves much more quickly than K. I don't think any more LA is necessary in 1st. You "could" use FLL 1/2 and WWE if you wanted and if your child wasn't too overwhelmed. However, IMO, K and 1st are more than full enough and challenging for those ages/grades...as is. I would use both as is and get a feel for them before adding anything, though. I think you might find that the work is more than enough for each child. Good luck! I love MFW K and 1st!
  14. I am planning to use this for dd13 next year. Has anyone else used this high school? Likes/dislikes? I love Phonics Road for my youngers and am looking forward to using Latin Road with them. As far as credits are concerned...how many credits do you give? The website said 2 credits of FL for all 3 years of Latin Road. Is that about right? If so, how would I split up the credits each year? Thanks.
  15. Just wanted to agree with the rec. of Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas. We just went through a 6 wk. Sunday School series called "What if Marriage was designed to make you Holy and not Happy?". Sounds depressing, but it was really more about marriage being a committment and not just a "give it a try" institution! Marriage takes work and there will be times when those warm and fuzzy feelings of newleywed love won't be there. Don't get me wrong...the love is still there but sometimes the "feelings" are not, kwim? Anyway, in preparing my dc for marriage, dh and I hope to emphasize the committment part or marriage. Also, know what you are getting into BEFORE you get into it! A dear friend's dd married young and married a guy she was "head over heels in love with" but he wasn't exactly the most, um, responsible or mature guy. She thought she could "change" him. That never works. They divorced after 2 years. He never did change enough for her. Sad. Good luck to your dd and her boyfriend, though! Very exciting time, but one I am hoping does NOT come too quickly for us, LOL!
  16. I do remember my therapist once saying that she took quite a few years off after the birth of each of her children and didn't have a problem returning. I don't know the requirement for continuing education, etc. in that field, but there certainly is a need for good counselors/therapists out there and always will be! Also wanted to add that any skill that could be conducive to work-at-home is a wise choice. I have been considering the same things for my dd13. While I do hope she will marry early (not too early, mind you!) and have a family and want to be a stay-at-home mom...I realize that our best laid plans do not always work out! AND it may not be God's plan for her! Good thread!
  17. So glad you and baby are okay! That is pretty scary. I've had several VBACs w/out complications but am very aware that the risk is there and very real. I also believe that God gives us mothers a sort of "6th sense" of intuition or something like that when it comes to our babies...like you just "know" that something isn't quite right? Glad you went ahead with the c/s and you are both alive and healthy! Congrats!
  18. You might want to try the Key To....series for supplementing math. They are quick, short lessons and not overwhelming. I do believe they have Key To Geometry as well as Alg. II. My dd13 is using Key to Alg. this year to supplement her Pre-Alg. study in ps b/c she was placed incorrectly and is sailing through Pre-Alg. (b/c she already did Pre-Alg. LAST year at home!). Anyway, I digress...As for writing...hmmm..have you looked at IEWs courses? They have an inexpensive essay writing book called The Elegant Essay: Building Blocks for Analytical Writing http://www.excellenceinwriting.com/TEE There is even a sample to download! I haven't used it...but have heard good things about it. We used the Anc. Hist. based writing lessons from IEW and dd did enjoy them. Now, if you are really concerned that your dd isn't getting a good enough education at the ps...have you shared this with your dh? Does he know what she is doing/not doing academically at ps? My dh wasn't really "on board" with dd13 coming back home for high school although he is on board with the general idea of homeschooling. He was concerned she would be "missing out" on the "experience". HAH! But, in the end, he did agree that we could give her a better, more tailor-made education at home...focusing on her strengths, future plans/goals and fine-tuning any areas of challenge for her....like writing! Good luck with whatever you decide...it is tough isn't it?
  19. Hmmm...how advanced is your 5yo? Does he know his alphabet and sounds? Is he reading at all yet? MFW K is a super program but it is basic in the beginning. Each week the child will learn a new letter and about 3 months (about) in will start learning blends and short cvc words. It is a gentle program and is working well for my dd4 who is a bit advanced. She is already reading but she does enjoy the worksheets in MFW, the cutting/pasting, the science, art and book day. Your 5yo might enjoy those portions of MFW K even if he is reading. MFW 1st moves very quickly as opposed to K. Quick review in beginning and then onto silent e words, etc. and there is a lot more writing...too much for "most" 5yos. My dd will be 5 in August and will start MFW 1st next September. I'm not even sure that she will be able to keep up and she is advance! That being said, I don't have anything negative to say about MFW K. I love it.
  20. Just throwing in my 2 cents here! I have used MFW K and 1st and tried to use ECC. I love MFW K for my dd4...it wasn't my ds7's cup of tea when he was 5. Ah well...they are all different. Me? I LOVE MFW K. Great, thorough program but the only con 'might' be that each week uses the SAME worksheets and could easily bore a child who yearns for more of a variety. Personally, I think it was beneficial b/c my dd quickly got into the swing of things and could do the worksheets mostly indenpendently. We are slowly going through 1st and so far, I am impressed. Ds7 is finally mature enough to work through it. ECC, I do hate to say, did NOT work for our family. It was slow moving. The geography worksheets bored my dc to tears. I thought I would enjoy the mission focus, but it just didn't "click" with us. But that is just our story...many really, really enjoy this year with MFW. That being said, I am not one to throw the baby out with the bath water so....next year I have a high schooler coming home from a one year "trial period" in ps. She wants to come home. And, I am excited for her to do MFW AHL! That leaves my ds9, ds7 and dd5 (ages next year). I thought I might do MFW CtG along with MFW 1st with dd5. Well, then I looked at HOD Preparing and really like what I see. For us, this is going to work out perfectly. One year overview of World History for the boys and then we will move to CtG the next year when the boys are 10 and 8 and younger dd will be more able to join in a bit. More than you wanted to know, but just wanted to say that we are going to be another MFW/HOD household next year! I love both...it really is just personal preference and how it fits your particular ds/family, kwim?
  21. MOH would be fine for your 9yo and 11yo. The lessons in MOH1 are short and very doable for those ages with the 6yos listening in. I wouldn't require much more out of the 6yos than to sit in on the reading. I used MOH with a 11, 9, 8 and 7yo with a 5yo listening in when he felt like it. The 11, 9 and 8 yos did very well with it. The 7yo didn't do ALL the activities and I also didn't make him to the pretests or other tests. Your 6yos could easily do some of the elementary activites. I think I remember we built a pyramid or zigurrat out of legos. That was fun for the boys. MOH is definitely Christian and so covers things that SOTW 1 does not and vice versa. The 2 go together very nicely, IMO.
  22. My ds7 is a slow reader as well. He is slowly, slowly going through mfw 1st and The Reading lesson (which he does like) and reading some Phonics Readers I have left over from our days in K12. He reads, but not fluently. He must sound out every.last.word...even if it is one he has seen a million times, kwim? I do believe that some kids (esp. boys) are just slower to read. Don't push him too much. My ds10 was slower to read as well until he WANTED to learn...and then he took off. I do recommend The Reading Lesson...easy lessons, LARGE print words at first and then they get smaller to fit more on a page, pages are not cluttered, etc. Another one I love is Phonics Road although it is pricey if you are just looking for a phonics program. Good luck and don't fret...he'll be reading in no time!
  23. Thanks everyone. Do you use the science in Preparing as written or do you use something different? I am thinking of using CKE Earth and Space. I will check at homeschoolreviews.com, thanks!
  24. I had the same thought! Depending on how much we like Preparing, we'll either stick with HOD or switch back to MFW and use CtG. Or...there is always MOH and...Ugh. Decisions, decisions.
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