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Sue G in PA

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Everything posted by Sue G in PA

  1. Ds12 loves science. In fact, he said he wanted to do a LOT of science this next year if he comes home and he is coming home. :001_smile: Dd13 will already be doing Physical Science next year for 9th gr. (not a sciency kid). I looked at the sample module and it seems that the math might be a stretch for him (the conversions). His math has improved, but it never was his strong subject. I'm trying to save money and so having him do Physical with dd13 would accomplish that. I also have CKE Earth and Space (designed for 3rd - 6th gr) that he might enjoy. My younger boys are doing HOD's Preparing and so he could also do the science in that with them. Lots of options here. Any suggestions? I'd really rather not have to buy General Science for him if I can help it.
  2. I just had to share. You all probably remember that we sent our oldest 3 dc back to ps this past year...for a variety of reasons. And it was a good year for all of them. They made some new friends, learned "some" :) and got a taste for what ps was REALLY all about. Dd13 asked to come home for high school several months ago. Ds10, who doesn't like any school anywhere said he would rather come home if he absolutely has to do school somewhere. Hah! Ds12 met another boy his age in our neighborhood who is homeschooled, they hit it off very well (my dd is friend's with the sister) and now wants to come home, too!:D I am so excited I can barely stand it! Okay, truth be told I am scared to death, but I am excited. In my "gut" I know this is right for us but it's just figuring out how to make it work smoothly and how to keep my dc from killing each other. :001_huh: I felt like I was losing my kids this past year...little by little I was losing more and more of their hearts. I couldn't stand that. After much praying, I finally realized they need to be home. We all need to work on being a family again. Just wanted to share!
  3. Just took about 7 bags and 2 large boxes or clothes/toys to Good Will last week! And, there are 2 more bags started. People from my church are coming on Saturday to help us lay down a new living room floor :D and the women and I are going to tackle our basement toy room. My goal is to purge at least 1/2 of the stuff/junk that isn't played with anymore. Great job with your progress, btw!
  4. I sent my older 3 back to ps this past year, as you probably remember. All 3 have asked to come back home. :D It certainly isn't what it is cracked up to be. Even though my ds12 really enjoyed the social aspect and enjoyed his classes...he realizes now the benefits to homeschooling. I do think he felt "left out" this year. I'm so thrilled to be bringing them back home.
  5. Now that is what I call a good review! I think my ds12 would enjoy it, too. I'm off to check out sample pages and other reviews, but thank you so much for that one! And, thanks for the links!
  6. Looking at this for ds12 if I bring him home next year. Has anyone used this? I've enjoyed all BIP materials and see no reason why I wouldn't like this one as well, but I wanted to see if anyone had used it here. Thanks.
  7. Chris, have you tried Dave Ramsey's plan of paying off credit cards/debt? If you don't want to go that route, we had success with CCCS (Consumer Credit Counseling Service). They should have an office local to you in VA. A warning though...it does effect your credit rating negatively if that bothers you at all. If you want some DR strategies for paying it off, let me know and I can help you!
  8. Drive Through History is for older students, imo. We have all the DVDs and my ds will sit and watch them, but as far as going in depth...nah. Not yet. Have you looked at Heart of Dakota or My Father's World? Your dd could do Adventures in MFW or one of the programs for HOD. It's more than just History but both are great programs. I doubt a 2nd grader could really grasp the "whys" yet, but that's just my opinion. I know mine couldn't!
  9. I was concerned about the compliment instruction as well. Seemed like a lot to throw at a young one. But, otoh, just learning one part of speech is easier than learning a ton. Learning "compliment" is easier at this point than learning, Pred. Adj., Pred. Nom, IO or DO, kwim? So, we'll see how it goes for him. My ds is a 3rd grader now with little grammar instruction under his belt. We'll go slow and see how it goes.
  10. I printed a portion of the 2nd gr. workbook. There are 237 pages total in that workbook! OMGoodness that will cost a bunch to print. But, I figure if we just print a little at a time, we should be fine. So, what do you think isn't "right" about it? I agree the site was a PITA to navigate, but once I found the 2nd gr. book, I just printed like 25 pgs. and was good to go. I figure I can teach the basics w/out much help.
  11. My ds9 moved very quickly through Level 1 (a month or so?) but we did a LOT each day. I finally gave up in Level 2 and switched him to Phonics Road completely b/c it moved more quickly and kept his attention a bit more. I would buy both levels.
  12. I thought AG was recommended for older children? Like 7th grade or something? At least that is when MFW recommends starting AG. Can't imagine doing it with a 2nd grader.
  13. I am going quickly through PR with ds8 and coming to the Readers soon. Do you have them do all the readers even if they can read very well? He will NOT like to draw pictures in all of the books. AND, I know he can read them. Should I skip them and just do the spelling and move to PR2? He is becoming bored with PR1 and how "easy" it seems to be for him. Plus, I really need for him to get to the grammar and more writing in PR2. Tina? Anyone have suggestions? I am also thinking about doing PR quickly with ds10 this summer. How do I do that? He will be very, very bored b/c he is already a pretty decent speller. I just want to cement the rules with him, kwim? And then, hopefully move to Latin Bridge for 6th grade. Can I do 4 levels of PR in a year?
  14. Marinating is def. helpful. My dh also sears the steak top and bottom on a pan inside to "lock in" the juices when he grills. Steaks usually turn out very juicy and tender. I don't know how long to cook them, though. I guess it depends on the thickness of the steak. We have grilled all kinds of cuts.
  15. This child (ds8), has, come to think of it had a problem stealing from his siblings as well. He has been caught stealing legos from ds11 while he is away at school. It did come to me last night, the scripture about working to pay when stealing is involved. I hadn't thought about it before. So, dh and I have talked and come up with a few things: 1. Take candy back and apologize to store mgr. 2. No candy for a good long time...NONE. 3. Copy scripture pertaining to stealing and memorize 4. Extra chores to make up for the stealing, as per scripture. 5. Prayer asking for forgiveness. I do think that it is the candy and not necessarily the stealing. They covet candy...and money. We can't afford extravagant allowances so they only get to buy candy (one pack) once every 2 weeks. We DO NOT buy it for them. When I said they get plenty...I didn't mean gobs everyday. I meant perhaps once per week they might get some (a little). Not everyday. Anyway, thank you all so much for your thoughtful replies.
  16. I have a HUGE collection of Stampin Up! rubber stamps just taking up space in my closet. I kept telling myself I would use them one day. Well, one day hasn't come and isn't going to come! At least 3/4 of these are BRAND NEW/NEVER USED and some have not been mounted. How/where would you sell them to get the best price? Should I Ebay them? That would take so much time w/ pictures and everything, not to mention cost. Craigslist? Here? Should I sell as a collection or list individual sets? Ugh...I need to get a good chunk of change for these to buy curriculum for next year!
  17. Ds8 has stolen while with both of us before. However, when ds8 is with me I DO make him turn out his pockets before we leave. The last 2 times that I know he stole recently, he was with dh. Not blaming dh...he figured ds8 was "done with stealing" (in the words of my ds8).
  18. Funny, but I'm not angry about it. I'm sad. Just plain sad and disappointed. Oh, and the mortified part is only a tiny part of it...I'll be over that by tomorrow! Thanks, Aubrey. I agree on the candy needing to be removed b/c it has become an "idol" of sorts. And, and we will certainly make them pay for it by doing extra chores. Ugh.
  19. I have written asking for help with this subject before re: one of my children. He was stealing candy from the grocery store. We made him take it back (or pay for it...can't remember if he ate it or not), apologize to the store mgr. and ask how he could make it up to him/make retribution. For a while, that scared him enough that he didn't steal. We also didn't take him to any stores for like a month or so. Well, he is at it again. And now his brother, ds7, has become his partner in crime and stole candy from the store tonight when dh took him out. Ds7 then told dh that ds8 stole candy just the other night and showed dh the "stash". Please help me. And please be gentle. Our children KNOW it is wrong to steal. They KNOW it is not only a sin but it is against the law. We are, of course, making ds7 take the candy back (he didn't eat it) and apologize...as mortifying as this will be (small town grocery store...we are known there. :glare:). What a witness, huh? Anyway, I am so beside myself right now that I can't figure out a punishment to fit the crime. We will have to inconvenience ourselves yet again and NOT take ds8 and ds7 to ANY store with us for a while...again. I am also thinking about not letting them have ANY candy for a certain period of time...ANY candy. We do not purchase it for them...they are required to use their meager allowance for it as it is. Plus, they get plenty at my folks house and at church and other places as well. They are NOT deprived. What else would you do as punishment to make the seriousness of this "real" to them? FWIW...this is not an attention ploy issue. I am certain of that. Thanks for your suggestions and gentle remarks.
  20. :iagree: It totally varies. My ds7 can just now read cvc words, some sight words, etc. but he is still slow at it. Dd4, OTOH, can read well beyond that. She has always loved books, being read to, etc. and she just picked it up. Ds9 started reading ON HIS OWN w/out any instruction at age 5 or so and never needed any phonics instruction whatsoever. We are going through PHonics Road right now at a quick pace so he can start spelling better. It does vary and I hate to call a 6yo non-reader behind...it really, really bothers me. JMHO.
  21. My boys were all late readers. But I guess that depends on how you define late! Dsd10 was almost 7 before it finally clicked for him. Ds12 was also about that age. Now, ds7 is starting to read cvc words and some sight words, but you can tell he struggles. Sounds out every last word...even if it is one he has seen a million time. I'm not worrying. He'll get it!
  22. I would like to find something for LA that my ds9 can do on the computer. He just isn't a workbook type of kid. I need to get him up to speed on the basics before state testing and also need something for next year. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  23. Oh my goodness...I am drooling with envy! That baby is absolutely adorable! Oh, and great job on the sandbox, too. It's really cute. :tongue_smilie:
  24. Heart of Dakota definitely, if she like history/literature from the Christian perspective. In fact, when I read your Post Title, I immediately thought HOD! It is hands-on, fun, engaging, lots of great stories to read, projects to do, etc. EASY to use. Very easy. Open and go. http://www.heartofdakota.com
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