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Sue G in PA

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Everything posted by Sue G in PA

  1. Hmmm...something to think about. Thank you! We are using it in the LR and Hallway...not our kitchen. However, with 7 young children (one of whom is a toddler)...spills happen...often. I'll check out the Bamboo.
  2. Has anyone used IKEA flooring? We are looking to use the TUNDRA flooring in our living room and hallway. Any reviews? Thanks.
  3. I, too, feel your pain! My ds2 is into EVERYTHING. He loves to make a mess...fingerpaint with peanut butter, toothpaste, yogurt...anything with that squishy texture and feel to it. Nice, huh? :glare: He also loves playdoh...but has discovered that is doesn't taste quite as good as it looks. I wish I had suggestions. We get a TON done during naptime. It IS quiet-time b/c we are doing schoolwork. When he is awake, I usually have an older child play with him or dd4 play with him while I do school with ds7 and ds9. And, don't forget that a little TV time won't kill him. Leapfrog DVDs, Sesame Street, Curious George are all favorites here. Crayon on the wall? I thought that was just abstract decor!
  4. If she is interested in Missions, MFW ECC seems like it would be the perfect program for her. She will get American History in high school (most states require this) or she could read through some American History books on her own. My ds12 hasn't had much American Hist. either and I think I'm just going to have him read through A Child's Story of America and All American History 1 and 2 on his own next year. He'll get it all again in a few years in high school anyway.
  5. I actually looked at MCT to see what the "buzz" was all about. It didn't appeal to me and I don't think it will appeal to my son. Not sure why...couldn't put my finger on why. I think AG would be too hard for ds12 after looking at the samples. Perfect for my dd13 who had diagramming in 7th and did well with it. I looked also at JAG and am now torn between that and GWG6. What do you all think? GWG6 and then AG in 8th? OR...stick with GWG until high school and then use AG? Or do JAG, then AG...Can you tell I am lost? :001_huh: Oh blech. Chris, I'll let you know about GWG6. One plus to JAG is that it is only 11 units and we can do that this summer or just earlier in the school year and just review from there on out. Oh blech. Decisions, decisions. :tongue_smilie:
  6. I thought about AG. I also thought about the program MFW suggests. But, ds did really well with GWG and I think I will continue with that. After looking at the scope and sequence of the levels, I think I will start him in Level 6. Not b/c of difficulty, but b/c of content. Thanks everyone. Any other suggestions?
  7. Okay...LOVE the notebook idea. Thank your dh for me...I think I am going to use this for ds8 and ds7. My ds7 is not interested in "school" either. He'd rather be outside, play with Legos, help my neighbor build (he taught ds how to use a saw, drill and measure!), cook, play games on computer, ride his bike, dig in the dirt, be read to, draw, etc. He's 7. And he is a boy! I just don't think some boys are ready for 'formal' anything until they are older. Even FIAR! I say that b/c we have used it and liked it but only b/c he LOVES to be read to. He could care less about the other activities! But, go with the notebook idea! That is really a good idea!
  8. Some background. Ds12 used K12 LA for 2nd and 3rd, GWG4 for 4th and LLATL/ILL for 5th. Ps for 6th so no grammar there. :glare: Where do I go from here? What should we use for next year? He like GWG and so I though about going back to that. But which level? 5? I thought about R&S but ugh...I just don't want to go back to that. What else is out there? Thanks.
  9. Phonics Road GWG Have fallen in love with HOD though we will just start using it for real in the fall. CKE series for Science Diana Waring History Alive! (LOVE her CDs) MOH MFW K FIAR Goodness, we have used a lot haven't we? ;) Oh...and FIAR is a unit study type program for elem. kids where you read the same book each day for 5 days. Each day there are activities to choose from in diff. subject areas...math, science, geography, history, la, art, etc. that go along with that story. GREAT books, easy to use program, fun...wish we had done more of it. In fact...might be a great summertime thing!
  10. Hi Jane! We can only do what we can do, right? ;) You have a lot on your plate right now. Please cut yourself some slack. R&S Math "might" be the best program out there for your dc but there are others that are similar and just as/almost as good, imo. However, if R&S is working for dd, then perhaps look at ways to streamline the OTHER subjects? I know you have crazy requirements up there in Canada :glare: but could you either a. cut something else out to give you more time for math or b. find another math program that is similar but less intensive for you? We use Singapore for ds8 and although it is not very teacher-intensive, I still have to teach it and sit w/ ds while he does every. blessed. exercise! Blech. Email me if you'd like to "chat" about this some more! :grouphug:
  11. We did try DITHOR but I really didn't give it half a chance. I voted that we tried it and didn't like it, but we are trying it again next year with HOD's curriculum. My kids didn't mind it...in face we did have some nice discussions about the books they read b/c of DITHOR.
  12. Have you tried a more literature-based History program? Since you enjoy reading, your dc might enjoy history more by reading historical fiction. My dc do not like History. I never did until I started teaching it. What really sparked my interest was learning how the Bible stories and people we teach our children all fit into specific periods of History. Does that makes sense? It was all amazing to me...Diana Waring's What In the World is Going On Here CD's really brought it home for me. Great CDs. Don't know if you teach from a Christian viewpoint, but I just thought I'd plug DW anyway :D
  13. I have TMM Spanish...purchased during the last co-op buy. I plan to use it for my dd13 for 9th gr. She had 1 year of Spanish at ps this past year plus I am already very familiar with the Spanish language having spent time abroad AND minoring in Spanish in college. While I have not had a chance to navigate through the entire program, what I did look at seems very good. It certainly is NOT for young elementary aged students. I believe the program itself suggests 4th grade and up? Don't quote me on that! I purchased this b/c it was cheaper than RS by far and included Absolute Beginner level - Advanced in one box. I couldn't afford RS.
  14. MFW AHL uses Notgrass as part of its History component. AHL is also Literature, writing, and Bible besides the history. A high school student would get a credit for English, History and Bible for using this program. Check out http://www.mfwbooks.com for more info. on the entire program and its contents. We are using it next year for 9th.
  15. I did intend to learn along with my dc. But, this is disappointing to say the least. I don't want confusing and frustrating. I want simple and straightforward. KWIM? And for the expense...I think I'll go with something a bit less expensive and tried and true. Thanks everyone!
  16. Phonics Road? You would start at the beginning and move quickly through the levels until you get to where he has trouble. It is an expensive program but very thorough.
  17. Melissa, what didn't you like about LRTEG? I've thoroughly enjoyed Phonics Road and thought I would enjoy LRTEG as well. If there isn't enough grammar, what could I use in addition for a 7th grader?
  18. Looking to use this for my ds12 next year and was wondering if it has enough grammar in it for a 7th grader who has had an average amount up until now? He used GWG for 4th, LLATL and ILL for 5th, ps for 6th so no grammar instruction there. :glare: Thanks.
  19. Chris, how old is your child? HOD's Preparing is geared toward the 9-11yo child with extensions for 5th and 6th graders and could be done with a 7th grader as well by adding age-appropriate extra reading, etc. I just love the curriculum and want to include ds with us as much as possible...more to bond as a family and not for academics although that is sufficient in Preparing as well. My plans are still tentative right now. I'm still praying about it.
  20. Thanks Chris. This is my plan so far. I am planning to have him do MOST of the activities from HOD's Preparing with my boys as well. That will give him a good overview of World History as well. My only dilemna is should he do AAH1 and 2 in one year? Would that be too much?
  21. I soo wish I could just order the complete package right now! But, like Brindee, we have to shop around. I don't mind, but it would be so much easier to just buy it new.
  22. I ask what they would like to study in each subject area (i.e. History, science, art, music, etc.) but I make the ultimate decision. They are still too young to know what is best for them, imo. Mine always complained and I always switched just to make them "happy" but they continued to find things to complain about. I gave up. I stuck with what we had. I like them to have "some" choice, but not total control.
  23. You know, I never thought about the challenge killing his love of science! Wow. Something to think about. I'm wondering if even General would do that. Academically, he is very bright, but not very motivated to do challenging stuff, kwim? Hmmm...perhaps he could just get along with the science in Preparing or do CKE Earth and Space. I wonder...
  24. Many people actually supplement with Singapore. You will probably have good luck with that. Thanks for your post, btw, b/c it got me thinking about my ds12's schedule for next year!
  25. It does seem like a lot for a 7th grader, but you do know your child the best. All American History AND MOH2 might be a bit much. MOH2 is a lot tougher and meatier than MOH1 from what I have heard. Are you doing both BJU and Singapore for Math? Could you just add in some of the Cwp from Singapore so as not to overdo the math? LA seems a bit heavy as well. General Science DOES include a unit on the Human Body, btw, so if you dropped the Human Anatomy you would be fine. Your schedule is definitely thorough. For my ds12, it would totally overwhelm him and cause him to shut down. That is just my kid, though!
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